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1、 在人际交往中,难免会碰到一些敏感的话题,这时候应该慎重对待,并且机智避开敏感的 话题,让交流变得轻松和愉悦。下面介绍一些在人际交往中应该避开的一些敏感话题。方法/步骤工资薪水莫好奇。有些人对于他人的工资充满着好奇,总想知道别人的薪水是多少。但工资薪水是个人 的隐私,也是非常敏感的话题,故应在谈话中收起好奇心,不要动不动打听他人的工资, 否则会严重的损害自己的形象。闲言碎语少得说。人多嘴杂是非多,祸从口出后悔迟。人多的地方,闲言碎语,鸡毛蒜皮的事情就多 了,很是影响人的情绪。这个时候,如果自己无力避开这个话题,明智之举就是管好自己 的嘴巴,否则很有可能会因自己的一时口舌之快而给自己带来麻烦,引

2、火烧身。说话要看清对象。放人之心不可无,知人知面不知心。谁都看不见他人的心思,所以说话的时候一定要 慎重,分清对象,不要把任何人都当成心腹,切记在同事之间非议领导,这样只会给自己 带来无尽的麻烦。不要当中非议他人的隐私和不足之处。每个人都有自尊心,都有最脆弱和敏感的地方。都不愿把自己的隐私和错误暴露于众 人面前,因此在人际交往中,我们不要触碰这些敏感的地带,避免不必要的麻烦。问别人的问题要经过大脑的过滤和处理。当向别人问问题时应该先用大脑思考一下,自己的问题是否涉及到他人的隐私,反之 不经过大脑的思考,所问的问题如果涉及到他人的隐私,就会给双方带来不必要的尴尬和 不快。6说话应注意场合,避免进

3、入“雷区” 。 人际交往中,说话应分得清场合,察言观色,站在对方的立场进行自己的言谈。不要因自 己的不经意而让自己的谈话大煞风景而扫了他人的兴致。这会给他人留下非常不堪的影响In interpersonal communication, will inevitably encounter some sensitive topic, it should be treated with caution, and tact to avoid sensitive topic, make the communication easy and pleasant. Here are some in inte

4、rpersonal communication should avoid some sensitive topics. Methods / procedures Wages and salaries Mo curiosity. Some people pay for others are curious, http:/ always want to know how much peoples salary. But the wages and salaries is a personal privacy, but also very sensitive topic, it should be

5、stowed in conversation curiosity, dont ask others to pay, otherwise it will seriously damage their image. Groundless talk much said. Tomorrow is not much, Out of the mouth comes evil. regret later. People in many places, groundless talk, trifles things much, it is affecting peoples emotions. This ti

6、me, if you cannot avoid the topic, it is advisable for you to manage their mouth, or is likely to be because of his temporary tongue fast to his trouble, draw fire against oneself. To see the object. Put the heart can not be without, http:/ but not so good. Who can not see other peoples thoughts, so

7、 to speak must discreet, distinguish object, http:/ not to anyone as a confidant, remember about leadership in between colleagues, and that will only bring you endless trouble. Dont reproach among privacy and shortcomings of others. Everyone has the self-esteem, are the most vulnerable and sensitive

8、. Dont put your privacy and error is exposed to the public, therefore in interpersonal communication, we dont touch those sensitive areas, to avoid unnecessary trouble. Ask someone elses problem to be filtered and processing in the brain. When asked to others when it should be the first to use the b

9、rain to think about, if your question relates to the privacy of others, and not through the brain thinking, question if related to the privacy of others, will bring both unnecessary embarrassment and unhappiness. 6 Talk should pay attention to occasions,http:/ avoid entering the “minefield“. In interpersonal communication, http:/ speaking should share occasions, running, standing on the other side of the position of his speech. Dont because of his careless and let her talk to spoil sb.s enthusiasm and swept the others. This will leave a very nasty to others


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