人教(新版)英语五年级上册《UNIT 5 Is this your schoolbag》教案

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1、 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 人教新版五年级英语上册教案人教新版五年级英语上册教案Unit5 Is this your schoolbag?一、一、 教学目标:教学目标:1. 知识目标、 ;词汇:coat, jacket, jeans, shoes, umbrella, mirror, belt, mop句型:Is this his coat? Yes, it is. Is that his coat?No, it isnt. (四会)Whose mask is that? Its his. (三会)语音:Rr/r/2. 能力目

2、标:能够用英语询问他人物品;能够运用所学根据他人的信息进行简单交流;能够掌握音素 Rrr的读音规则。3. 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣和自主学习能力,养成勤于模仿,敢于创新的习惯,树立协作意识。二、教学重点二、教学重点: Words: coat, jacket, jeans, shoes, umbrella, mirror, belt, mopDrills: Is this his coat? Yes, it is. Is that his coat?No, it isnt.三、教学难点:三、教学难点:Whose mask is that? Its his.四、教学课型:四、教学课型:Ne

3、w Lesson五、教具:五、教具:tape, pictures ,slide, computer car六、六、 教法,学法:教法,学法:教法: 愉快教学法,情境教学法,任务型教学,评价法。学法:小组成员合作,主动运用英语进行交流。七、教学过程七、教学过程;Step 1. Revision1. Greeting:T: Morning, boys and girls. Welcome to my class.Ss: Morning, Miss Zhang. 2. Free talk in groupsStep 2. Presentation 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,

4、无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 1. Read the title Unit5 Lesson 30 and then count from one to thirty2. T: Whats this?S: Its a coat.T: Is this your coat?S: No.T:Is this his coat?S: Yes, it is.T: Whats that?S: Its a jacket.T: Is that your jacket?S: No, it isnt. T:Is that his jacket?S: No, it isnt. T: Can you gues

5、s whose jacket is that?S: Peter.T: Its his.Lets spell the sentences together: Is this his coat? Yes, it is. Is that his jacket? No, it isnt. Learn whose mask is that? Its his.3.Watch TV, look at the slide and learn the new words: umbrella, mirror, belt, mop, jeans, shoes(强调 jeans, shoes 是复数形式)4. Ope

6、n your books, listen, read after the tapeStep 3. Practice1. Play a words game about new words “ umbrella, mirror, belt, mop, jeans, shoes,coat, jacket “ Divide the whole class into 8 groups. When the teacher says“ umbrella“, the umbrella group stand up and say “umbrella“. (以此类推,最后评出反映最快,读音最准的一组给予奖励)

7、2. The sound of letter Rr中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 说出所学过的含有/r/的单词3. Group work:Make a dialogue with the new words: umbrella, mirror, belt, mop, jeans, shoes,coat, jacket and the sentences: Is this., Is that. Step 4. ConsolidationChange the sentences.1. That is her mirror. (就画线部分

8、提问)_ _ _ that?2. That is his umbrella. (一般疑问句)_ _ _umbrella?3. This blouse is Lisas. (就画线部分提问)_ _ _ _?Complete the sentences.1. _ _ his _? 这是他的大衣吗?Yes, _ _. 是的,他是。2. _ _his _? 那是他的夹克吗?No, _ _. 不,它不是。3. _ _ is _? 那是谁的面具?Its _. 是他的。Step 5. Homework必做:1. Make a dialogue in groups with the sentences“ Is this. , Is that. Whose . is this/that? Its.2. Finish some exercises after class练习册 Lesson 30 I,IV 选作:Make a chant with the words which the capital letter is Rr/r/.


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