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1、从粉丝到主演新一任“神秘博士”登场 The Doctor Is In (Hes Aged) 来源:纽约时报 2014-08-28 07:41:58THE passage of time is perhaps not so acute to the centuries-old alien at the heart of the BBCs “Doctor Who,” the shape-shifting hero known simply as the Doctor, who has had more than 50 years of adventures across dimensions kn

2、own and otherwise. 对于一个几百岁 的外星人来说,时光的流逝或许不算什么他是 BBC神秘博士(Doctor Who)中的核 心人物,会改变外型的主角,人们只知道他叫“博士” ,在已知或未知的时空里已经做了 50 多年的冒险。 But time and its measurement have become especially crucial to Peter Capaldi, who will make his proper, full-length debut as the latest actor to play the Doctor when the new seas

3、on of “Doctor Who” has its premiere Saturday on BBC America. 但是对于彼得卡帕尔 蒂(Peter Capaldi)来说,时间与时间的度量却显得分外残酷。周六(8 月 23 日译注) BBC 美国即将播出神秘博士新一季第一集,作为最新一任博士的饰演者,他将在这一 集中真正完整地首次亮相。 It has been just over a year since the BBC announced that Mr. Capaldi would succeed Matt Smith, who was a 26-year-old relative

4、 novice when he was chosen to play the Doctor, and, after three seasons of putting his frantic, whirling-dervish stamp on the character, disclosed his departure in June 2013. 一年前,BBC 宣布由卡帕尔蒂接任马特史密斯(Matt Smith)饰演博士,后者最初被选为博士的饰演者时只有 26 岁,算是新手,三季之后,他给 这个角色打上了自己的印记:一个旋转起舞的疯狂托钵僧。2013 年 6 月,他正式宣布离开 剧组。 Si

5、nce then, Mr. Capaldi, 56, has spent several months filming “Doctor Who” in Cardiff, Wales, trying to bring to the role his own personal take, which he says is more sardonic and elusive. 之后,56 岁的卡帕尔蒂在威尔士的卡迪夫拍了几个月的神秘博士 , 试图为这个角色赋予自己的个人特点冷嘲热讽,难以捉摸。 Still, as a lifelong “Doctor Who” fan, he could not q

6、uite contain his giddiness, all this time later, that he had actually landed the part. 不过,作为神秘博士的长期粉丝, 过了这么久,竟然还有机会饰演这个角色,他也不免难掩兴奋之情。 “I just didnt think that they would be going in this direction,” Mr. Capaldi said in a gentle, stately voice with only traces of a Scottish accent, on a visit to New

7、York last week. Asked what he meant, he answered with a laugh: “Well, I guess, older. And more like me.” “我本来没觉得他们会往这个方向走, ”卡帕尔蒂上周来纽约时接受了采访,他的声音温和 镇静,只带着一点点苏格兰口音。这话是什么意思?他笑着回答:“啊,我想,是选择更 老,更像我这样的人。 ” Mr. Capaldis penetrating eyes and expressively lined face will be familiar to viewers of Armando Ian

8、nuccis 2009 film satire “In the Loop,” and the BBC comedy that spawned it, “The Thick of It,” in which he played Malcolm Tucker, a short-tempered political aide who fired off obscene insults as fluidly and creatively as Shakespeare composed sonnets. 卡帕尔蒂有着敏锐的双眼,面部轮廓鲜明,富于表情。人们是在阿尔曼多伊安努奇(Armando Iannu

9、cci)2009 年的讽刺电影灵通人士(In the Loop)中熟悉他的,后来 BBC 又为它拍了 衍生喜剧幕后危机(The Thick of It),他在其中饰演脾气暴躁的政客助手马尔科姆塔 克(Malcolm Tucker),总是接二连三地说黄段子,就像莎士比亚写十四行诗那样既流畅又有 创意。 But he is still untested as the Doctor, particularly with American audiences who responded strongly to Mr. Smith: BBC America said the series grew fr

10、om an average total viewership of 910,000 in his first season to nearly 1.9 million in his last, a trend the channel would surely like to see continue under his successor. 但是作为博士,他还没有接受检验, 特别是美国观众非常喜欢史密斯:BBC 美国说,史密斯最初参演的那一季,平均收视人数 是 91 万人,到他参演的最后一季已经增长到 190 万人,电视台当然希望继任者能够保持这 个势头。 Though Mr. Capaldi

11、 is among the more accomplished actors to take on this storied science-fiction franchise, he is hardly a relic. But his age nonetheless represents a departure from the recent history of the series. 在这部传奇科幻系列剧中,卡帕尔蒂属于更加成熟 的那批演员,但他并不是一个老古董。不过他的年龄表明这部剧开始偏离近年来的走向。 It is one more unknown factor for produ

12、cers and audiences alike to consider as “Doctor Who” begins a crucial transition that elicited passionate criticisms and defenses before Mr. Capaldi set foot in front of the cameras. 此时正值制作人和观众们都认为神秘博士 处于关键转折之际,卡帕尔蒂出镜之前就已经有了很多激烈的批评和争论,他的出现更是 增添了一个未知的的因素。 “When launching a new Doctor, I dont want to

13、make it sound as though hes just one of a set of options,” said Steven Moffat, the executive producer and lead writer of “Doctor Who.” “Hes the one and only right now.” “更换新博士的时候,我不希望让 人们觉得他是众多选择中的一个, ” 神秘博士的执行制片人和主要编剧史蒂文莫法特 (Steven Moffat)说。 “现在他就是唯一的。 ” Mr. Capaldi is playing the 12th canonical ve

14、rsion of the Doctor, though the show cheekily acknowledges its counting system has run off track a bit. 卡帕尔蒂是第 12 个 官方版本的博士,尽管这部剧顽皮地承认,它的计数系统出过点问题。 Born and raised in Glasgow, Mr. Capaldi grew up admiring character actors like Peter Cushing and John Hurt, and was a follower of “Doctor Who” more or l

15、ess from the start. 卡帕尔蒂出生于格拉斯哥,并在那里长大,从小就喜欢彼得库辛(Peter Cushing)和约 翰赫特(John Hurt)等演员,差不多从神秘博士刚开播就喜欢上了它。 Between the 1960s and 1980s, he watched the series transfer its lead role from elder statesmen like William Hartnell to expressive wits like Tom Baker, and, in its 21st-century revival, heartthrobs

16、 like Mr. Smith and David Tennant. (Mr. Capaldi also appeared in a 2008 “Doctor Who” episode playing a Roman in ancient Pompeii.) 从 20 世纪 60 年代到 80 年代, 他一直都看着这部剧不断更换主演,从威廉哈特奈尔(William Hartnell)那种年长政治家形 象,到汤姆贝克(Tom Baker)那种表情丰富的聪明人形象。这部剧在 21 世纪复活后,又 有了史密斯和大卫田纳特(David Tennant)这种万人迷(卡帕尔蒂也曾在 2008 年神秘博 士的某集中亮相,饰演一个庞


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