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1、LOGOInternational Trade Practice 国际贸易实务1.Discipline Requirement1 1) Attendance is mandatory. Attendance is mandatory.DonDon t be late .t be late . Excessive absenteeism will lower your Excessive absenteeism will lower your grade or even fail the course.grade or even fail the course.2 2)Adjust your m

2、obile phone soundless Adjust your mobile phone soundless before you come into the classroom.before you come into the classroom.(Course Structure)ContractPreparationImplementNegotiation2.Procedures of Foreign Trade2.对外贸易流程 (课程内容框架)合同的签订交易前的准备合同的履行合同的磋商PreparationExport Operation RightGoodsClientsAdve

3、rtisementTrademarkExport交易前的准备(Preparation)出 口 交 易取得出口权货源客户广告宣传商标注册NegotiationuWay of Negotiation vOral, faxes and emails uArticles vName of the commodities, quality,quantity,packing vprice,delivery,insurance, payment,inspection,claim, arbitration,force majeure uProcedure venquiry,offer,counter-offe

4、r, acceptance,agreement交易的磋商(Negotiation)u方式 v口头、函电 u内容 v品名、品质、数量、包装 v价格、运输、保险、支付、商检、索赔、仲 裁、不可抗力 u程序 v询盘、发盘、还盘、接受、签约Implement(交易的履行)uThe Sellers obligations(卖方的基本义务 ) vProvide the goods(提交货物) vTransfer shipping documents(移交货 运单据) uThe Buyers obligations(买方的义务) vPay the amount of the goods(支付货款 ) vTa

5、ke delivery(收取货物)3. Emphases (课程重点内容)1.贸易术语(Trade Terms) Incoterms 2010 2.信用证(L/C) UCP600 3.交易磋商(Negotiation) CISG(联合国国际货物销售公约)LOGOMain points1.Definition of Trade Terms & Relative customs 2.Trade Terms in wide use(Key Point) 3.Rest of the Trade terms 4. Application of the Trade TermsExample:国内报价:每吨

6、1000元国际报价:PER METRIC TON USD1000 FOB GUANGZHOU1.1 INCOTERMS 2010 1、THE DEFINITION OF TRADE TERMSThe trade terms refer to using a brief English concept or abbreviation (缩写)of English letters to indicate the formation of the unit price and determine the responsibilities, expenses and risks borne(承担) b

7、y two parties as well as the time of the passing of the property in the goods.含义:在长期的国际贸易实践中产生的,以 三个英文字母组合来表示买卖双方在交接货物 过程中各自承担的责任、费用和风险的专门用 语。例如: FOB FAS CFR CIF DAT DAP 1、indicate/explain the composition/formation of the unit price2、determine the (1)responsibilities/rights and obligations, (2)expen

8、ses (3)risks borne by two parties as well as the time of the passing of the property in the goods(货权转移).The nature of trade terms 贸易术语的性质1、表示成交价格的构成因素2、表示交货条件ConventionconstitutorTimeTrade TermsRevised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1990American commercial groups1919Ex Point of Origin FOB, FAS,

9、C&F, CIF, DEQWarsaw-Oxford Rules 1932International Law Association1928CIFIncoterms 2010International Chamber of Commerce1936E,F,C,D groupsTHE MOST INFLUENTIAL TRADE CONVENTIONS 有关贸易术语解释的国际惯例有关贸易术语贸易惯例的种类11种1936-2010国际商会2010年国际贸易 术语解释通则 6种1919-1990美国商业团体 1990年美国对外 贸易定义修订本 CIF1928-1932国际法协会1932年华沙一牛 津

10、规则 包含的贸易术语制定时间制定的组织惯例名称Ex(Point Of Origin)FOB(Free on Board) FAS(Free Along Side) C&F(Cost and Freight) CIF(Cost,Insurance and Freight) DEQ (Delivered ex quay) 注:目前最新的通则为:2010年国际贸易术语解释通则,包括11 种贸易术语Questions:1.How many customs and practices which are related to Price Terms? What are they?2.Which orga

11、nizations constitute the customs and practices ? In which year? What are they concerned about respectively?E组 发货(启运) DepartureEXW Ex Works工厂交货F组 主要运费未付装运合同Main Carriage Unpaid FCA Free Carrier FAS Free Alongside Ship FOB Free On Board货交承运人 装运港船边交货 装运港船上交货C组 主要运费已付 装运合同 Main Carriage PaidCFR Cost and

12、 Freight CIF Cost Insurance and Freight CPT Carriage Paid To CIP Carriage Insurance Paid To成本加运费 成本保险费加运费 运费付至 运费保险费付至D组 到货(到达) ArrivalDAT Delivered At Terminal DAP Delivered At Place DDP Delivered Duty Paid终点站交货 地点交货 完税后交货3.Structure of INCOTERMS 2010第二节 常用贸易术语(一)FOB(named port of shipment)1、卖方的义务1

13、)卖方的责任A、提供符合合同规定的货物 B、办理出口手续 C、按照合同规定的时间和地点,将 货物装到买方派来的船上D、迅速发出装船通知 E、移交有关的货运单据或电子数据1.2 Trade Terms In Incoterms 2010()FOB(named port of shipment) 1.The Sellers obligations 1)The sellers responsibilitiesA)Provide goods in conformity with the contractB)Carry out all customs formalities for the export

14、 of goodsC)deliver the goods by placing them on board the vessel nominated by the buyer at the loading point within the agreed period D)Give the buyer sufficient notice that the goods have been loaded onto the vessel within the time agreed E)Provide the shipment documents or equivalent electronic me

15、ssage2)The sellers costs 卖方的费用All costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered on board the vessel at the named port of shipment货物在指定装运港装船前的一 切费用 3)The sellers risks 卖方的风险 All risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered onto the vessel at the nominated port o

16、f shipment在装运港将货物装运上船(实际业务中以取 得清洁提单为界)2. the buyers obligations 买方的义务 1)the buyers responsibilities 买方的责任 A. Contract at his own expense for the carriage of the goods from the named port of shipment租船订舱,并及时通知卖方B. Effect insurance 办理保险C. Pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale 接受货运单据,支付



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