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1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games PRACTICE(ONE BY ONE) ancient_ compete_ medal_ magical _ volunteer_ homeland_古代的比赛奖牌有魔力的志愿者家乡,祖国regular_ admit_ motto_ host_ athlete_ fine_ olive _ stadium_ stand for_ physical _规则的,定期的 承认,容许,容纳格言,警句主办 运动员 罚款橄榄树/枝 体育场代表,象征身体的,物理的Is it the ancient Olympic Games or the present-

2、day Olympic Games?ancient: 古代的 present-day :当今的 the present day:当今In 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Liu Xiang competed in 110-meter hurdle race (跨栏) with many top competitors (athletes) for gold medals, and he won it as well as honor. compete with/ against sb.in for pete (v.) 竞争 competition (n.) 比赛 comp

3、etitor (n.) 比赛者,竞争者 competitive (adj.) 有竞争性的 competence (n.) 能力,胜任 complete (v.) 完成 (adj.)全部的,完成的和竞争 在中竞争 为 而竞争inI hope all of us can compete _race / running.I know my English cannot compete _ _ his.with / againstOur class competed _class9_tug of war(拔河)_the honor of the winning.with/againstin forco

4、mpetitorcompetecompetitionHow many Chinese competitors competed in the competition?有多少中国运动员参加了这次比赛?1.take part (in) (正式)参加,参与(大型活动)2.take an active part in积极参与 (不可用于被动语态动语态 )join (非正式)加入(某党派、某组织或某社会团体)并成为一员join in 参加,参与(正在进行的活动)join sb. 和某人一起join sb in sth./doing sth. 和某人一起做e.g. May I _the game? e.g

5、. Why not _playing basketball?(和我们一起打篮球)e.g. _the Party/ League/ army/ a club take part in/join injoinjoin us inattend (= be present at 出席)参加(会议议、 听课课、报报告、婚丧丧礼等)Last weekend I _a wedding. Today women are now_social activities.Would you like to _ us _our game:His brother _the army last year.attendedt

6、aking an active part injoinedjoin in比较: take part in ; join in ; join ; attend用作名词时,medal的意思是“奖章”、“奖杯”做动词时,意思是“获得奖章”;prize作名词,则表示“奖品”、“奖赏”之意。例:比较: medal ; prize ; He won a gold medal in the Olympics他在奥运会上赢得了一枚金牌。The best students in our class will receive a prize at the end of the term我们班最优秀的学生在期末将会

7、得到奖励。用作动词时,award的意思是“授与”、“颁发”、“判给”;reward则表示“报答”、“酬谢”之意。例:比较: award ; reward ; He was awarded the first prize for Outstanding Industrial Design他获杰出工业设计一等奖。We judge awarded him twenty thousand dollars as damages法官判给他二万元作为赔偿费。You should reward them according to their deserts你应该对他们论功行赏。Is that how you

8、reward me for my help?你就是这样来报答我给你的帮助吗?代表,象征,表示。例:stand for PRC stands for the peoples republic of China PRC代表中国。The girl stands out among the competitors这个女孩在众多选手中脱颖而出。stand by stand out I will stand by you as long as you are right只要你是正确的我都会支持你。You cant stand by an allow such a thing. 你不能袖手旁观,听任这样的事

9、发生。支持;袖手旁观。例:突出,显眼。例:4.admit-admitted-admitted-admittingvi/vt 承认(事实,过错),招认admit sth/that 承认.eg. He has admitted his mistakes.He admitted that he was careless.admit (to) doing sth 承认做过某事eg. The thief admitted stealing my wallet.vt admit sb to/into.准许某人进入,接纳eg. His mother admits him to /into the Engli

10、sh club.be admitted (to/ into) . 被准许进入 ,加入 He has been admitted to/into Peking University.be admitted as. 被接受为 eg.He was admitted as a member of the basketball team. It is/was admitted that普遍认为It is admitted that learning is very important5. as well He plays the piano as well. He also plays the pian

11、o. He plays the piano, too. He doesnt play the piano ,either.它们都表示“也”。但只有either用于否定句,疑问 句中,其余都用于肯定句。但as well 只用于句末 ,不加逗号。also用于句中,too一般也用于句末 且要用逗号隔开。E-mail, as well as telephones, an important part in daily communication.A. is playing B. have playedC. are playing D. play 也连接并列成分,但连接两个并列的主语时,谓 语动词采用就

12、前一致的原则。此外的词还有 with/ along with/ together with/ besides/ but/ except/ including/rather than等。 eg He as well as you a studentisas well as Avt. 做东,主办,招待。 Eg. He hosted the dinner yesterday.n. 主人,主持人。hostess女主人,女主持人the host city 东道主。6. hostn. 反应; 回答,答复。responsible adj. 负有责任的; 尽责的; 承担责任; 懂道理的; responsibi

13、lity n. 责任,职责。6. responsevt. 取代,代替。7. replacereplace by/with Replace the letter with the e-mail用电子邮件替代书信。用替换。例:同义词组: take the place of ;be in place of=in ones place ;take sbs / sths place ; replacement n. 替代,替换。replaceable adj. 可替换的。instead of 代替。 in place out of place在正确的位置。位置不当。V. 收费,控诉。n.费用,主管。8.

14、 charge Who will be charge of this shop?Who will take charge of this shop? 谁将负责这家商店?charge sb some money for sthbe in charge of = take charge of因为某事收某人的钱。负责,主管。charge 做控诉时,常与with连用in the charge of 由负责/主管。The children were left in the charge of a nurse.孩子们将被留下来由保姆照顾。 free of charge 免费。The workers get

15、 medical service free of charge.工人们得到免费的医疗。v. 做广告。9. advertiseadvertise sth做广告宣传某物。例:advertise for sb sth在报刊等上面刊登征求某人某物的广告。advertisementHe is advertising his house. 他在登广告卖房子。He is advertising for a house. 他在登广告要买所房子。n. 广告。advertisern. 登广告者。 advertisingn. 广告,广告业。vi.讨价还价,讲条件n.便宜货10. bargain make / strike a bargain with sb与某人达成协议(砍价)bargain with sb about sth 与某人协商某事Its a bargain .这可是便宜货。I made a bargain w



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