精品课件 新版pep四年级上册第一单元课件

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《精品课件 新版pep四年级上册第一单元课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《精品课件 新版pep四年级上册第一单元课件(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 windowblackboard deskdoorlightcomputerfanteachers deskwallfloorLook! This is the new classroom. The door is orange.Teachers desk, teachers desk.The teachers desk is brown.Fan, fan. The fan is blue.Wall, wall. The wall is white.Floor, floor. The floor is green. Blackboard, blackboard. The blackboard

2、 is black.Read and tick () or cross ()1. Where is the green book? It is under the teachers desk. ( ) 2.Where is the kite? It is near the window. ( ) 3. Where is the picture? It is near the kite. ( ) 4. Where is the blue pencil box? It is on the floor. ( ) 找出下列单词中不属于同类的一项 。( ) 1. A. desk B. door C. s

3、ee ( ) 2. A. one B. near C. three ( ) 3. A. I B. you C. TV ( ) 4. A. window B. blackboard C. and ( ) 5. A. turn on B. computer C. put upCBC C B根据图片,重新排列字母组成单词写一写。 ( epn ) _ ( akec ) _ ( pam ) _ ( cra ) _pencakemapcar ( afce ) _ ( ghlit ) _ ( pca ) _ ( okob ) _facelightcapboo k选择题:( ) 1. I have a new

4、 _ A. class B. classroom( ) 2. There are many _ desks B. desk( ) 3. The window is _ A. black B. blueBAA找朋友( ) 1. Where are you from? ( ) 2. Lets go and see. ( ) 3. Whats in the classroom? ( ) 4. Where is the picture? OK. One blackboard, one TV. Its near the window. Im from China.DAB C为下列图片选择相应的单词,将其序号填入括号里 。 fan wall floor computer window desk light picture12345678Homework: 1. 熟读B lets learn 的句子。 2. 熟记B lets learn 的单词,下节 课检查。


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