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1、高三英语高三英语状语从句复习状语从句复习 九种常用的状语从句及其常用的连接词九种常用的状语从句及其常用的连接词 时间状语从句: when, while, as, before, after, as soon as, till, until, notuntil, the first/second/last time, the moment, the minute, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly, hardlywhen, scarcelywhen, no soonerthan 地点状语从句:where, wherever 原因状语从句:

2、because, since, as, now that, seeing that, considering that 条件状语从句: if, unless, now (that), as(so) long as, in case, on condition that, suppose/supposing, provided/providing 让 步 状 语 从 句 :although, though, even though/if, as, while, no matter which/what/when/where/who/how, whichever, wherever, whatev

3、er, whoever, whenever, however, whetheror; 结果状语从句: so that, sothat, suchthat 目的状语从句:so that, in case, for fear that, lest 方式状语从句:how, as, as if/as though 比较状语从句:than, asas, not so/asas, the +比较级, the +比较级 状语从句有九种,状语从句有九种, 时地原因条状补,目比结果方让步,连词时地原因条状补,目比结果方让步,连词 s 引导各不同;主句通引导各不同;主句通 常前面走,常前面走, 连词引导紧随后,从

4、句若在主前头,连词引导紧随后,从句若在主前头, 主从之间有个逗。主从之间有个逗。 状语从句的分类状语从句的分类 1. While I was wondering at this, our schoolmaster took his place. ( ) 2. Where there is a will, there is a way. ( ) 3. Now that/Since everybody is here, lets begin our meeting. ( ) 4. Ill speak slowly so that you can understand me. ( ) 5. So c

5、lever was he a student that he was able to work out all the difficult problems. ( ) 6. As long as you dont lose heart, youll succeed. ( ) 7. Try as he might, he could not find a job. ( ) 8. The old lady treats the boy as if he were his own son 考点难点考点难点 1、各种从属连词的含义及用法、各种从属连词的含义及用法 比较;比较; 2、no matter

6、wh- 与与 wh- ever 引引 导的从句的区别;导的从句的区别; 3、状语从句的时态问题;、状语从句的时态问题; 4、状语从句倒装及紧缩问题;、状语从句倒装及紧缩问题; 5、状语从句与其它从句的区别。、状语从句与其它从句的区别。 1. 时间状语从句时间状语从句 问题问题 1: PDF 文件使用 “pdfFactory Pro“ 试用版本创建 1. (04 北京春) We were swimming in the lake _ suddenly the storm started. A. when B. while C. until D. before 2. (02 上海) He was

7、about to tell me the secret _ someone patted him on the shoulder. A. as B. until C. while D. when 3. (05 上海) He transplanted the little tree to the garden _ it was the best time for it. A. where B. when C. that D. until 4. (05 福建) Did Jack come back early last night? Yes. It was not yet eight oclock

8、 _ he arrived home. A. Before B. when C. that D. until 5. (06 辽宁) He was about halfway through his meal _ a familiar voice came to his ears. A. why B. where C. when D. while 连接词连接词 when 的用法小结的用法小结 1. when 引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词可以是可延续的, 也可以是表短暂性动作的引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词可以是可延续的, 也可以是表短暂性动作的 动词,可用于主句和从句动作同时发生或从句动作先于主句

9、动作。如:动词,可用于主句和从句动作同时发生或从句动作先于主句动作。如: When the film ended, the people went back. When I lived there, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays. 2. 可用作并列连词,其意义为可用作并列连词,其意义为“那时,这时那时,这时”,相当于,相当于 and at this/that time。常用于。常用于 下列句式:下列句式: Somebody was doing something/was about to do sth./was on the point of

10、doing sth. when (刚要刚要这时突然这时突然) 3. 还可以表示原因还可以表示原因“既然既然”,相当于,相当于 since; considering that。如:。如: It was foolish of you to take a taxi when you could easily walk there in five minutes . 问题问题 2: 6. (06 天津) The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, _ the quality of life is probably one

11、of the highest. A. since B. when C. as D. while 7. (04 年江苏) _ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person. A. While B. Since C. Before D. Unless 连接词 while 的用法小结 1. while 引导的动作必须是持续性的,侧重主句动作和从句动作相对比。如: Please dont talk so loud while others are working. 2. while 作为并列连词,意为“而,却”,表示对比。

12、 3. while 可表示尽管,相当于 although。 连接词连接词 when, while, as 的用法区别:的用法区别: 1 while 引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词必须是可延续的, 而 when 引导的时间状语PDF 文件使用 “pdfFactory Pro“ 试用版本创建 从句的谓语动词是可延续的, 也 可以是表短暂性动作的动词。 如: When/While he was eating his breakfast, he heard the doorbell ring. When I stopped my car, a man came up to me. (不可用 while)

13、 2 从句动作发生在主句动作之前时, 只能用 when 引导这个从句, 不可用 as 或 while。 如: When you have finished your work, you may have a rest. 3表示“随着”,连词用 as,不用 when 或 while。如: As the election approached, the violence got worse. 4如果主句表示的是短暂动作,而从句用延续性动作的进行 时态表示在一段时间 内正在进行的动作时,when, while 与 as 可互换使用。如: When/While/As I was walking dow

14、n the street, I came across an old friend of mine. 问题 3: 1. (01 北京春)Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? Yes. I gave it to her _ I saw her. A. while B. the moment C. suddenly D. once 2. (1998 上海) I thought her nice and honest _ I met her. A. first time B. for the first time C. the f

15、irst time D. by the first time 3. _ entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his report. A. He hardly had B. Had he hardly C. Hardly had he D. Hardly he had 小结: 1一些词,如 the moment, the minute, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly, hardlywhen, scarcelywhen, no soonerthan 等也可引导一个时 间状语从句, 相当 于 as soon as 的意思。 I didnt wait a moment, but came immediately you called.



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