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1、国王的演讲国王的演讲InIn thisthis gravegrave hour,hour, perhapsperhaps thethe mostmost fatefulfateful inin ourour history,history, 在在这样严这样严峻的峻的时时刻刻, ,可能是国家存亡的可能是国家存亡的紧紧要关要关头头I I sendsend toto everyevery householdhousehold ofof mymy peoples,peoples, 我向我向领领土上的所有子民土上的所有子民bothboth atat homehome andand overseasove

2、rseas thisthis messagemessage 不不论论是国内或是海外是国内或是海外 传传达达这这份消息份消息spokenspoken withwith thethe samesame depthdepth ofof feelingfeeling forfor eacheach oneone ofof youyou 我和你我和你们们一一样样, ,百感交集百感交集asas ifif I I werewere ableable toto crosscross youryour thresholdthreshold andand speakspeak toto youyou myself

3、.myself. 只希望我能挨家挨只希望我能挨家挨户亲户亲自向你自向你们诉说们诉说ForFor thethe secondsecond timetime inin thethe liveslives ofof mostmost ofof usus wewe areare atat war.war. 我我们们大部分人,都是第二次大部分人,都是第二次经历战经历战争的洗礼争的洗礼OverOver andand overover againagain wewe havehave triedtried toto findfind a a peacefulpeaceful wayway outout 不止

4、一次,我不止一次,我们尝试过寻们尝试过寻求和平之道求和平之道ofof thethe differencesdifferences betweenbetween ourselvesourselves andand thosethose whowho areare nownow ourour enemies.enemies.求同存异求同存异, ,化化敌为敌为友友ButBut itit hashas beenbeen inin vain.vain. WeWe havehave beenbeen forcedforced intointo a a conflict.conflict. 然而徒然而徒劳劳

5、无功。我无功。我们们被迫卷入了一被迫卷入了一场战场战争争ForFor wewe areare called,called, toto meetmeet thethe challengechallenge ofof a a principleprinciple which,which, 我我们们所面所面临临的,是一个邪的,是一个邪恶恶信念的挑信念的挑战战ifif itit werewere toto prevail,prevail, wouldwould bebe fatalfatal toto anyany civilizedcivilized orderorder inin thethe w

6、orld.world. 如果如果敌敌方取方取胜胜,世界的文明秩序将,世界的文明秩序将毁毁于一旦(于一旦(prevailprevail盛行,流盛行,流传传) )SuchSuch a a principle,principle, strippedstripped ofof allall disguise,disguise, 这样这样的信念,剥去的信念,剥去伪伪装的外衣装的外衣isis surelysurely thethe meremere primitiveprimitive doctrinedoctrine thatthat mightmight isis right.right. 只是赤裸裸

7、的只是赤裸裸的权权力追求力追求( (primitiveprimitive原始的,原始的,单纯单纯的,的,doctrinedoctrine教条)教条)ForFor thethe sakesake ofof allall thatthat wewe ourselvesourselves holdhold dear,dear, 为为了捍了捍卫卫凝聚起我凝聚起我们们的所有的所有( (holdhold deardear珍重)珍重)itit isis unthinkableunthinkable thatthat wewe shouldshould refuserefuse toto meetmeet t

8、hethe challenge.challenge. 我我们们无法想象去逃避无法想象去逃避这样这样的挑的挑战战ItIt isis toto thisthis highhigh purposepurpose thatthat I I nownow callcall mymy peoplepeople atat homehome 为为了如此崇高目了如此崇高目标标,我呼吁国内的民众,我呼吁国内的民众andand mymy peoplespeoples acrossacross thethe seas,seas, whowho willwill makemake ourour causecause t

9、heirtheir own.own. 海外的子民海外的子民们们,万众一心,万众一心I I askask themthem toto standstand calmcalm andand firm,firm, andand unitedunited inin thisthis timetime ofof trial.trial. 我希望你我希望你们们能冷静能冷静坚坚定,在定,在时间时间的的历练历练中中团结团结向前向前TheThe tasktask willwill bebe hard.hard. ThereThere maymay bebe darkdark daysdays ahead,ahe

10、ad, 任任务务将会困将会困难难重重,前路可能重重,前路可能乌乌云密布云密布andand warwar cancan nono longerlonger bebe confinedconfined toto thethe battlefield.battlefield. 战场战场将不再局限于前将不再局限于前线阵线阵地。地。ButBut wewe cancan onlyonly dodo thethe rightright asas wewe seesee thethe rightright 只有掌握真知才能正确行事只有掌握真知才能正确行事andand reverentlyreverently

11、commitcommit ourour causecause toto God.God. 在此我在此我们们虔虔诚诚的向上帝承的向上帝承诺诺IfIf oneone andand allall wewe keepkeep resolutelyresolutely faithfulfaithful toto it,it, 如果我如果我们们大家大家坚坚定信念定信念then,then, withwith GodsGods help,help, wewe shallshall prevail.prevail. 上帝会保佑上帝会保佑, ,我我们们必将必将获胜获胜ThatThat waswas veryver

12、y good,good, Bertie.Bertie. 说说的非常棒,伯蒂的非常棒,伯蒂英文稿英文稿In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas, this message, spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak t

13、o you myself. For the second time in the lives of most of us, we are at war. Over and over again, we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies; but it has bee in vain. We have been forced into a conflict, for which we are called, wit

14、h our allies to meet the challenge of a principle which, if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civilized order in the world. It is a principle which permits a state in the selfish pursuit of power to disregard its treaties and its solemn pledges, which sanctions the use of force or threat of

15、force against the sovereignty and independence of other states. Such a principle, stripped of all disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right, and if this principle were established through the world, the freedom of our own country and of the whole British Commonwealth of nations would be in danger. But far more than this, the peoples of the world would be kept in bondage of fear, and all hopes of settled peace and of security, of justice and liberty, among nations, would be end


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