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1、英语语法结构体系图英语语法结构体系图表表 1 1 名词名词名 词 表 1可数名词 (C countable)单数表示 “一个” 含义时需要在前面加上表示数量关系/所有关系/指示关系的限定词 (冠词/数词/名词所有格/物主代词/指示代词/不定代词等。 表示泛指某一类事物加上不定冠词:a book, an orange复数表示泛指时不必加任何限定词 We must tell friends from enemies.不可数名词 (U uncountable)单独出现表示泛指。 不可以直接跟数词、不定冠词连用,但可以在不可数名词前加表示数量的名词词组等 来表示其具体数量: a piece of ne

2、ws, a sheet of paper表表 2 2 冠词冠词冠 词 表 2不 定 冠 词泛指某一具体的人/事物He is an old doctor. She is now a different China from what she was.固定词组once upon a time(从前), an hour or two a long time, a few, a little定 冠 词说话人和听话人心中都了解的 人/事物,表示特指I bought a skirt yesterday. The skirt is very beautiful.最高级/固定词组/习惯用法in the mor

3、ning/afternoon/evening, in the end., by the way零 冠 词表示泛指的不可数名词/复数名 词前Failure is the mother of success. Children like cartoons.泛指时, 表示三餐、 球/棋类运动、 学科、季节、年份、月份、星期、 节假日的名词前Do you have a rest after lunch? They are fond of playing basketball/chess. Spring/April/Sunday/Childrens day is the best time.固定词组/习

4、惯搭配on foot, at home, at night, in danger, for example face to face, hand in hand, side/step by side/step表表 3 3 人称代词人称代词表表 4 4 指示代词指示代词人 称 代 词 表 3基 本 用 法单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hehimtheytheysheheritit多个人陈代词并 列的排序单数的语境下:you 放在最前,I 放在最后You, she and I all enjoy music.复数的语境下:we 放在最前,th

5、ey 放在最后 We, you and they should preserve the environmentit的 特 殊 用 法指代事物/人代替前文提到过的事物This is a new dictionary. I bought it yesterday.代替指示代词, 起 this/that 作用Is this you car? No, it isnt.指代动植物、不明身份/性 别的人/婴儿Look at that bird. It always comes to my window. The Greens have a new baby. It is lovely.指自然现象(天气、

6、气象、 天色等)/量度(时间、距 离、温度、价值等)It is getting dark. How far is it to the Great Wall?充当形式主语代替不定式It is our duty to take care of the old.代替动名词It is worthwhile working the whole night.代替主语从句It doesnt matter what you do.充当形式宾语代替不定式I consider it better to be early.代替动名词We thought it no use doing that.代替宾语从句The

7、teacher made it clear that everyone should hand in his homework on time.用于强调句型 It is/was+被强调 的部分 +that/who/whom+原剧中其他部 分强调主语It is my word that counts. (我说了算)强调宾语It is me that/whom you should ask.强调状语强调时间It is at eleven that the train leaves.强调地点It was in the classroom that I left him.强调方式It was just

8、 as he ordered that I acted.强调原因It was because he was poor that I helped him强调宾补It was red that we painted the gate.指 示 代 词 表 4分 类 及 用 法单数复数空间/时间上离说话人较近/ 下文将要讲的事物thisthese空间/时间上离说话人较远/ 上文提及的事物thatthose作 替指示代词 (后面必that替代单数可数名词Your pen is expensive than that I have.不可数名词The population of China is larg

9、er than that of any other代 词 的 用 法须有后置 定语)country.those 替代复数可数名词His stories are more interesting than those I told.区别指示 代词 that 与 数 词 one/onesthat 只能代替事物,相当 于 the+被代替的单数可数 名词/不可数名词 (特指特指同 一种/类的事物)可以代替事物,也可以代替人。 a/an+被代替的单数可数名词 (泛指泛指同一种/类的事物/人) the+被代替的单数可数名词(特指特指同一种/类的事物/人)必 须 有 后 置 定 语The populatio

10、nofChinais larger than that of any other country.修饰语可以前置/后置/单独使用 My child doesnt like this book. Show her a more interesting one. Our new book is more expensive than the one we had before.表表 5 5 不定代词不定代词不 定 代 词 表 5all, each, everyall 表示 “三者 / 三 者 以上 都”主 语All are equal before the law.all of后 接名词(必须带冠

11、词物主代词等 限定词),of 可省略,all 变 为定语All (of) the milk has been drunk. All (of) my friends like reading.人称代词,of 不能省略All of them enjoyed the party.宾 语Say all you know and say it without reserve.(知无不言,言无不尽) The brave defenders gave their all.勇敢的防伪者奋战到底。表 语That is all for my speech.我的发言到此结束定 语We should argue th

12、e case in all seriousness.(极其严肃地) Deal all the cards. 把牌都发了。同 位 语主语的 同位语实义动词之前The people all voted against it.助动词、 情态 动词、 系动词 be之后We are all for him.之前 (简短回答)Who can speak Japanese? We all can.宾语的 同位语There is justice for us all. (这对我们每个人而言都是公平的)each 表 示 “两 个 / 两 个以上 当中的 每一 个”侧 重指每 个 人 / 事物的 个别情 况主 语

13、Each has a cup of tea.宾 语Give an apple to each.定 语There is a line of trees on each side of the road.同 位 语主语的同位语They each signed the paper.宾语的同位语Give them each an apple.every 表示“三者/三者以上当中的每只作定语 You have every right to say so.(你完全有权不 定 代 词 表 5不 定 代 词 表 5一个”侧重强调全体的情况利这么说)no one, nothing , noneno one=no

14、body 只指人,谓语动词用 单数,不能不能与介词 of 连用。No one likes a person with bad manners.nothing 只指物,谓语动词用单数,能能 与介词 of 连用。Nothing except your fears stands in your way.Think nothing of it. (不用介意这件事)none 即指人也指物,能能与 介词 of 连用,根据含义谓 语动词用单数None of us has got a camera.None of the money belongs to me. (none 在代表不可 数的事物时,谓语动词用

15、单数)复数None are so deaf as those that will not hear. None of the books are easy enough for us.both, neither, eitherboth“两者都” (用法类似于 all)Both seat are taken.neither“ (两者中的每一个)都不”Neither of the twins is here.either“ (两者中的)任何一个”There are houses on either side of the road.many much等只修饰可数名词many, many a, a

16、few, few, (not/quite)several, a (great/large) number of, numbers of.只修饰不可数名词much, a little, little, a bit of, a good/great deal of , a large/great amount of, amounts of.既修饰可数名词有修饰不可数名词some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great/large quantity of, quantities of.some anysome肯定句I have some questions. “一些”Some Mr. chen is calling you.“某一”any否定句/疑问句/条件句Do you have any questions? “一些”肯定句Come any day you like. “任何一个”复合不 定代词some/any/no/every+ body/one/thing用法相近于 some/any/no


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