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1、奥鹏远程教育中心 http:/ 心系天下求学人 Page 1 of 16 专业 专注 周到 细 致 福师听力口译课程练习题解析 福师听力口译课程练习题解析 (一)Listen to This 2, L. 2, Section 2 American Indians 全文听译 解析:本题考点是全文的听写以及翻译,考题较难 本题的参考答案如下: The native Americans, the people we call the Indians, had been in America for many thousands of years before Christopher Columbus

2、 arrived in 1492. Columbus thought he had arrived in India, so he called the native people Indians. The Indians were kind to the early settlers. They were not afraid of them and they wanted to help them. They showed the settlers the new world around them; they taught them about the local crops like

3、sweet potatoes, corn and peanuts; they introduced the Europeans to chocolate and to the turkey; and the Europeans did business with the Indians. But soon the settlers wanted bigger farms and more land for themselves and their families. More and more immigrants were coming from Europe and all these p

4、eople needed land. So the Europeans started to take the land from the Indians. The Indians had to move back into the centre of the continent because the settlers were taking all their land. The Indians couldnt understand this. They had a very different idea of land from the Europeans. For the Indian

5、s, the land, the earth, was their mother. Everything came from their mother, the land, and everything went back to it. The land was for everyone and it was impossible for one man to own it. How could the White Man divide the earth into parts? How could he put fences round it, buy it and sell it? Nat

6、urally, when the White Man started taking all the Indians land, the Indians started fighting back. They wanted to keep their land, they wanted to stop the White Man taking it all for himself. But the White Man was stronger and cleverer. Slowly he pushed the Indians into those parts of the continent

7、that he didnt wantthe parts where it was too cold or too dry or too mountainous to live comfortably. By 1875 the Indians had lost the fight: they were living in special places called “reservations”. But even here the White Man took land from themperhaps he wanted the wood, or perhaps the land had im

8、portant minerals in it, or he even wanted to make national parks there. So even on their reservations the Indians were not 奥鹏远程教育中心 http:/ 心系天下求学人 Page 2 of 16 专业 专注 周到 细 致 safe from the White Man. There are many Hollywood films about the fight between the Indians and the White Man. Usually in these

9、 films the Indians are bad and the White Man is good and brave. But was it really like that? What do you think? Do you think the Indians were right or wrong to fight the White Man? 美国土著人,我们称之为“印第安人,”在 1492 年哥伦比亚未来到新大陆前,他们已经在美国生活了数万年了。哥伦比亚认为他来到了印度,所以他称当地的人为“印第安人。” 印第安人对早期的定居者非常的友好,他们不害怕早期的定居者,而且非常希望可

10、以帮助到他们。他们带领早期定居者认识这片新大陆,他们教早期定居者们认识当地的农作物,比如红薯,玉米以及花生;他们把巧克力和火鸡介绍给了欧洲人;欧洲人也和印第安人做起了生意。 但是,不久定居者们想要给自己和家人囤积更大的农场和土地。越来越多的移民从欧洲来到这片土地,所有的这些人都需要土地。所以,欧洲人开始从印第安人那里夺取土地。印第安人不得不移居到大陆的中心地带,因为定居者们夺取了他们所有的土地。 印第安人不能理解这一切。他们和欧洲人对土地的认识不一样。对印第安人来说,土地,土壤,是他们的母亲。所有的一切都来自他们的母亲,土地,然后所有的一切都又回归到母亲的怀抱里去。土地是每个人的,只让一个人拥

11、有它是不可能的。白人怎么可以把土地分割成几部分呢?他们怎么可以在土地周围围起栅栏,买卖呢? 当白人开始夺取印第安人所有的土地的时候,自然而然的,印第安人也开始反抗了。他们想要保有自己的土地,他们想要阻止白人夺取所有的土地。但是白人更加的强壮,聪明,慢慢地,他们就把印第安人逼迫到他们不想要的土地上去了,在那里,天很冷,很干燥,或者太多山了以致于生活地非常不舒服。 到了 1875 年,印第安人失败了:他们居住在特殊的地带,被称为“自留区。” 但是即使这样,白人还是夺取他们的土地或者白人想要树木,或者是这里的土地还有重要的矿产,或者他们想要在那里建立国家公园。所以,即使在自留区,印第安人也是不安全的

12、。 有很多好莱坞电影描述了印第安人和白人之间的战争。在这些电影里,印第安人通常是邪恶的,白人通常是好的而且勇敢的。但是真的是那样吗?你认为呢?你是认为印第安人和白人做斗争是正确的还是错误的? Listen to This 2, L. 3, Section 1, Task 2 Marriage Customs 全文听译 奥鹏远程教育中心 http:/ 心系天下求学人 Page 3 of 16 专业 专注 周到 细 致 解析:本题考点是全文的听写以及翻译,考题较难 本题的参考答案如下: Here is an extract from a radio talk on marriage customs

13、 in different parts of the world by Professor Robin Stuart: Despite the recent growth in the number of divorces, we in the West still tend to regard courtship and marriage through the eyes of a Hollywood producer. For us its a romantic business. Boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy asks

14、girl to marry him, girl accepts. Wedding, flowers, big celebration. But in other parts of the world things work differently. In India, for instance, arranged marriage is still very common. An intermediary, usually a married lady, learns that a young man wishes to get married and she undertakes to find him a suitable bride. The young couple meet for the first time on the day of the wedding. In


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