托福听力tpo8原文 conversation 2-智课教育旗下智课教育

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《托福听力tpo8原文 conversation 2-智课教育旗下智课教育》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《托福听力tpo8原文 conversation 2-智课教育旗下智课教育(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福听力TPO8原文 Conversation2-智课教育旗下智课教育以下是小编为大家整理的托福听力TPO8原文中Conversation 2的 文本内容,希望大家能够认真阅读,不懂的地方可以参考翻译,相信会 有所收获。 下面就让小编来为大家介绍一下托福听力TPO8原文中Conversatio n 2的文本内容吧,大家要好好把握,这些都是非常有价值的材料,同 时,大家也可以登录智课教育论坛进行TPO练习辅导,希望能够给准备 托福听力的同学带来帮助。 TPO 8 Conversation 2 Pro: So, Richard. whats up? Stu:Wel

2、l, I know we have a test coming up on chapters. Pro: Chapters 3 and 4 from your textbook. Stu: Right, 3 and 4, well, I didnt get something you said in class Monday. Pro: Alright. Do you remember what it was about? Stu: Yeah, you were talking about a gym. a health club where people can go to exercise

3、, that kind of thing.Pro: Ok, but the health-club model is actually from chapter 5.so Stu: Oh, chapter 5? Oh so it not. OK but I guess I still want to try to understand Pro: Of course, well, I was talking about an issue in strategic marketing, the healthy club model; I mean with a health club you mi

4、ght think they would have trouble attracting customers right? Stu: Well, I know when I pass by a healthy club and I see all those people working out, theyre exercising, I just as soon walk on by. Pro: Yes, there is that. Plus, lots of people have exercise equipment at home, or they can play sports w

5、ith their friends. Right?Stu: Sure. Pro: But nowadays in spite of all that, and expensive membership fees, health clubs are hugely popular, so how come? Stu: I guess that is what I didnt understand. Pro: Ok, basically they have to offer things that most people cant find anywhere else, you know quali

6、ty, that means better exercise equipment, high-end stuff, and classes. exercise classes, maybe aerobics. Stu: I am not sure if Iok I get it. And you know another thing is I think people probably feel good about themselves when they are at the gym. And they can meet new people, socialize. Pro: Right,

7、 so health clubs offer high quality facilities. And also they sell an image about people having more fun, relating better to others and improving their own lives if they become members. Stu: Sure that makes sense.Pro: Well, then, can you think of another business or organization that could benefit f

8、rom doing this? Think about an important building on campus here, something everyone uses, a major source of information? Stu: You mean like an administrative building? Pro: Well, that is not what I had in my mind. Stu: You mean the library. Pro: Exactly. Libraries, imagine publish libraries; Theyre

9、 an information resource for the whole community right? Stu: Well they can be, but now with the internet and big book stores, you can probably get what you need without going to a library. Pro: Thats true. So if you were the director of a public library, what would you do about that?Stu: To get more

10、 people to stop in, well, like you said, better equipment, maybe a super fast internet connection, and not just a good variety of books but also like nice and comfortable areas where people can read and do research. Things that make them want to come to the library and stay. Pro: Great! Stu: Oh, and

11、 maybe have authors come and do some readings or . I dont know, special presentations. Something people couldnt get at home. Pro: Now, you are getting it. Stu: Thanks, Professor Wilkins, I think too. 对话 独白:听一段学生和教授的对话。 教授:理查德,怎么了? 学生:我知道咱们将有次考试,是关于第几章来着? 教授:教科书上的第三章和第四章。 学生:想起来了。周一课堂上讲的知识我有些地方不是很明白。

12、 教授:是吗?你记得是关于什么的吗? 学生:记得。你当时讲的是人们去健身俱乐部相关的事情。 教授:哦,但是这是第五章的内容,所以学生:好的。第五章的话就不需要不过我还是想知道一下。 教授:当然。我当时讲的是战略营销,健身房模式,我的意思是健 身房比较难以吸引客户是吧? 学生:呃,反正我每次路过健身房的时候,尽管能看见一些人在健 身,但是我不会驻足。 教授:就是这样。另外,很多人在家也有健身器材,他们也可以选 择和朋友一起运动。是吧? 学生:当然。 教授:但是现在尽管有这些因素的存在,健身房的会员费也很高, 但是却仍然时下很是流行,那是为什么呢? 学生:这个我就不明白了。教授:基本上他们需要提供

13、其他多数人不能提供的服务和设施,比 如质量,这就涉及了更好的健身器材、更高素质的员工以及一些健身课 程,如有氧健身操。 学生:我不太确定好了,我明白了。我想还有一个方面就是人们在 健身房的时候可能自身感觉更好吧,他们也可以认识些人来进行社交。 教授:是的。所以说健身房提供了更高质量的设施。同样,也立出 了一个形象,就是人们在这里可以与他人更有趣的交流,而如果他们成 为会员的话就会提升自身的生活水平。 学生:有道理。 教授:呃,你还能想到其他因此受益的企业或组织吗?想想大学校 园里的建筑,一些大家都使用的,信息的主要来源地? 学生:你是指行政大楼? 教授:我想的倒不是这个。 学生:图书馆? 教授

14、:是的。想想公共图书馆,能为整个社区提供信息来源对吗? 学生:是的,但是现在网络普及,加上有很多大型书店,可能也无 需去图书馆了。 教授:是的。那么假如你是公共图书馆的主任的话,你会怎么做呢 ?学生:让更多人的来图书馆。正如你说的,布置更好的设备,比如 超快的网络,不仅提供多种多样的好书,还要提供良好舒适的环境来供 人们读书和研究。一切能让人们多来图书馆并在此停留的方法。 教授:好极了。 学生:噢,还可以邀请作者来做一些读书会或者特别演讲之类的, 人们在家里是无法得到这些的。 教授:现在你是彻底明白了。 学生:谢谢威廉姆斯教授。我想是的。 以上就是托福听力TPO8原文中Conversation 2的文本内容,希望 大家能够用心体会,更多TPO文本内容小编稍后为您呈现。最后,小编 祝大家在托福考试中取得好成绩!



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