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1、 英语二串讲英语二串讲主讲:李佳其李佳其更多优质自考资料尽在百度贴吧自考乐园俱乐部 (http:/ 欢迎加入.欢迎交流.止不住的惊喜等着你.目录 第一讲 课程说明第一讲 课程说明 第二讲 重点知识讲解回顾第二讲 重点知识讲解回顾 第三讲 题型精析,答题策略第三讲 题型精析,答题策略 与千万自考生同行,你准备好了吗? 自考乐园h t t p : / / t i e b a . b a i d u . c o m / c l u b / 5 3 4 6 3 8 9 自考学习、交流、资料共享的好去处! 我们自考人自己的家园!一起成. .第一讲第一讲 课程说明课程说明英语(二)是高等教育自学考试全国统

2、考课程之一,即将进行的英语 二的考试,根据考试大纲的说明,将继续沿用以往的题型,考查学生 词汇、语法的掌握情况和阅读、翻译等语言运用能力。命题题型、分 值、难度和效度都将与以往试题保持整体上的一致,基本上不做变化。 考试采用闭卷笔答形式,限时150分钟。试卷由试题册、答题卡和答 题纸组成,所有答案均须按要求填写在答题卡和答题纸上。试题由客 观题和主观题构成,各占50%,试题题量以中等水平的考生能在规定 的时间内答完全部试题并有适量时间检查答案为度。评分采用百分 制,60分为及格。试卷结构如下表: 151Translation from E into CVII15566-70Translatio

3、n from C into EVI101056-65Word formV102036-55Word spellingIV301521-35Reading comprehensionIII101011-20ClozeII10101-10Vocabulary and StructureI分值题量题号名称部分分值题量题号名称部分串讲目的串讲目的: 通过对课程重点内容的整理概括、知识点的梳理总结,着重讲解考点, 分析难点。同时分析考试命题趋势,指导学生答题方法,提示学生考前 复习计划,目的是帮助应试者通过本课程考试,达到考试要求。本次串 讲重点讲述: 重点词汇、短语:大纲要求考生能够认知3943个单词

4、,熟练掌握2000个 常用词即重点词汇,考试高频词; 重点、难点句子详解:教材课文中一些句子含有较多、较集中的知识点 或者句子结构很复杂包含了多重语法现象,需要给同学们单独列出讲 解;一些句子不易理解,包含了英语中的不常见用法,需要给同学们提 示;通过分析这些句子强化考点,同时提高同学们的语言应用能力; 考题举例:讲解知识点的同时,通过分析历年考题,强化了知识点,并 使学生了解命题的方向、范围、难度; 题型分析、答题策略:分析试卷的7大考题题型,逐一提出考查的知识 点、出题来源、复习重点、答题方法和答题时间; 复习计划和考情交流:分析考试命题趋势,提示学生考前复习计划;参考教材参考教材:大学英

5、语自学教程下册,高远主编,高等教育出版社 参考资料参考资料:英语(二)自学考试大纲,全国高等教育自学考试指 导委员会制订,高等教育出版社出版第二讲 重点知识讲解回顾第二讲 重点知识讲解回顾Unit 1重点单词和短语重点单词和短语 objective accomplish predict accompany attain scheme skilled argue define interview prospect course of action in the way(by the way, in no way, in a way) make a guess at contribute to a

6、nd the like (and so on) seek to do sth. in part point of view vary fromto apply for (to) have no idea bring about take the trouble to do put oneself in ones place to ones advantage at a disadvantage ask for in hand turn down (up, on, off, out, over, back)重点、难点句子详解重点、难点句子详解 1.A decision is a choice m

7、ade from among alternative courses of action that are available.解析:courses of action意思是行动方案、做事步骤;made是过去分 词;from among为二重介词 例:Well inform you as soon as tickets become _. (06-4)A. valuable B. capable C. acceptable D. available (D) 2. some suggest that the management process is decision making.解析:sug

8、gest表示认为、提出、暗示意思,后面不用虚拟语气,表示 建议意思,后面用虚拟语气。 例:It is suggested that the meeting (should) be held (hold)at some other time.3. decision making includes limiting alternatives as well as identifying them.解析:as well as意思是既又 4. In fact, I did have several questions, but you have already answered them all.解析

9、:助动词do在肯定句中用在动词之前表示强调,意思是确实。 5. but do not let it worry you too much.解析:动词let, make, have, hear, see, observe等词之后的宾语补足语为省 略to 的不定式结构。 6. There is little likelihood that 对比:There is a/ every/no likelihood that/of 例:The two sisters are _ in many ways, not only in appearance but also in temperament.(06

10、-4)A. like B. likely C. alike D. lively (C)Unit 2重点单词和短语重点单词和短语 exert collapse shrink basis launch convince operate revolve glitter unlikely (be likely to) whereas concerned (be concerned about) plateau in theory apply to depend on research into swallow up make use of together with in every respect

11、in other words consist of a great many under the circumstances make a difference above all as a rule seek to do sth. in part point of view vary fromto 例:I hope my boy friend will be handsome, strong and _ kind. (06-4)A. above all B. in all C. at all D. after all (A) 重点、难点句子详解重点、难点句子详解 1. Einstein cl

12、aimed that matter and energy are interchangeable 例:爱因斯坦声称物质和能量是可以相互转化的,因此没有绝对的时 间和空间。(05-4-68) 2. It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes.例1:It is on Friday _ we will hold the meeting.A. that B. when C. in that time D. what (A) 例2: As a painter, Ted was ver

13、y _ about the colors he used. (03-10)A. specific B. special C. peculiar D. particular (D) 3. The earth is one of mine planets which move in orbit round the sun. 对比:The earth is the only one of the nine planets which has life on it. 4. The total water area is about three times as large as the land ar

14、ea.解析:数词+times + as +形容词+as是表示倍数的表达法。 例:It is important to note that a reading of 4 indicates an earthquake ten times as strong as one with a reading of 3. (unit 6 text B) 5. The more we learn about other people, the better we understand their ideas, and, as a rule, the better we like those people themselves.解析:the+比较级,the+比较级结构,意思是越越,第一个从句中 谓语动词不用倒装,第二个从句谓语动词可以用倒装,也可以用正装 语气。 例:_ we are, _ we become.A. the oldest; the wiser B. older; wiser C. the older, the more wise D. the older; the wiser (D)Unit 3重点单词和短语重点单词和短语 deterior


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