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1、科技信息2009 年第 27 期SCIENCE 1940)、张道真(1995)和薄冰(2004)等为代表语法学家认为,非限定动词有三种形式,它们是不定式、分词 (含-ing分词和-ed/en分词)和动名词;而以夸克(Randolph Quirk,1974;1980;1985)、王嘉龄(1980)和章振邦(2003)等为代表的语法学家认为,非限 定动词只有两种形式:不定式和分词。 他们用“-ing分句”这一术语来笼统地称呼-ing分词和动名词,但同时也指出“-ing分句”含有名词特征。 在语法教学过程中,有关英语非限定动词一ing形式的术语和特征经常被混淆和误解。 本文将引用叶斯帕森等语法学家的

2、观点,把V-ing形式 分为现在分词(present participle)和动名词(gerund),从句法角度分析它们在句中的用法区别及其逻辑主语的表现形式,旨在提高学习者的翻译、 阅读和语篇分析能力。【关键词】现在分词;动名词;句法功能;逻辑主语 Probe on the Usage of English V-ing Form HE Lirong (English Department, Tongren College,Tongren Guizhou,554300, China) 【Abstract】V-ing form belongs to English Non-finite verb

3、s. Grammar specialists at home and abroad think differently of its classification and usage. Some represented by Otto Jesperson (1933;1940), Zhang-dao-zhen(1995)and Bao-bin(2004) think that non-finite verbs have three forms, which are infinitive, participle (-ing participle anded/en participle) and

4、gerund. While others represented by Randolph Quirk(1974;1980;1985), Wang jia-ling(1980) and Zhang zhen- bang(2003) think that non-finite verbs have only two forms, which are infinitive and participle. They use the term of “-ing clause”to nameing participle and gerund together, but they also point ou

5、t that the“ ing clause”bears some characteristics of nouns. In the process of grammar teaching, the terms and characteristics relating to V-ing forms are often confused and misunderstood. This articl will quote some opinions represented by Otto Jespersen , explain the V-ing form according to present

6、 participle and gerund and focus on the differences of their usage and logical subjects , aiming to improve the learnersabilities of translation, reading and discourse analysis. 【Key words】Syntactic function;Present participle;Gerund;Logic subject外语论坛161科技信息2009 年第 27 期SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATI

7、ON科技信息SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATIONa.The news is very exciting How is the news!?b.his job is teaching English in a college. What is his job!? 2.1.3加入法 在V-ing之 后 加 上 程 度 副 词very, so, rather, most, more,quite, greatly等之后,句意通顺,意思明确,此时的V-ing为现在分词(a),反之为动名词(b)。a.The story he just told is interesting a

8、nd encouraging The story he just told is very/ so/ rather/ quiteinteresting and encouraging! .b.His hobby is playing computer games His hobby is very/ so/ rather/ quiteplaying computer games.(错! ) 2.1.4系动词替代法 现在分词作连系动词be的表语时, 可以和其它连系动词如get, become, seem, go, turn, grow, look, sound, feel等互换(a),而动名词却

9、 不能互换(b).a.His job is boring His job gets boring!.b.His job is cleaning the classroom every day His job gets cleaning the classroom every day. (错!) 2.2作定语 2.2.1替换法 现在分词作定语表示它所修饰对象正在进行的动作,与所修饰的 对象构成逻辑上的主谓关系,也就是说,被修饰的对象是V-ing动作 的行为主体。 相当与一个定语从句,可以用一个定语从句来替换(a)。 动名词作定语时,表示它所修饰对象的用途、性能或状态,和它所修饰 的对象在逻辑上没

10、有构成主谓关系, 它可以和介词for加上这个动名 词来替换,该介词短语要放在所修饰词之后(b)。a.There is a sleeping dog in the courtyard. There is a dog which is sleeping in the courtyard!.b.I think some sleeping pills can help you. I think some pills for sleeping can help you!. 2.2.2重读法 朗读时,如果V-ing和其所修饰的名词均有重音时,此时的V-ing 为现在分词(a)。 如果V-ing有句子重音,

11、所修饰的名词没有句子重音 时,此时的V-ing为动名词(b)。a.arunning dog (正在跑着的狗,running为现在分词) adancinggirl(正在跳舞的女孩,dancing为现在分词!)b.adancinggirl(舞女,dancing为动名词) arunningdog(走狗,running为动名词!) 2.2.3定位法 V-ing作前置定语时,既可以是现在分词也可以是动名词,可以 根据以上方法来判断, 但当V-ing作名词后置修饰语时, 此时的V- ing形式 为现在分词(a)。 动名词一般不能作后置修饰语,只有和介词 一起连用构成介词词组时才能充当后置修饰语(动名词作同

12、位语修饰 语除外)(b)。 a. The students playing on the playground are from Class Two Grade Three. b. The key to solving the problem is to persuade him to give up drugs. 3现在分词和动名词的逻辑主语区别 现在分词和动名词都是非限定动词形式, 不能在句中作谓语,固 然没有结构上的主语,但又具有动词的特征,固有逻辑意义上的主语。 它们的逻辑主语通常都会在句中或语境中体现出来。 如: You should have avoided making the

13、same mistake(动名词逻辑主 语为句中主语you) That young man talking to an old man is a teacher.(分词逻辑主语 为分词的修饰对象man) 本文主要探讨带有自己逻辑主语的现在分词和动名词的主语表 现形式,也叫V-ing的复合结构。 当V-ing的逻辑主语未在句中或语 境中体现时,便要加上其自己的逻辑主语,这叫带主语的V-ing. 3.1带主语的动名词3.1.1名词属格物主限定词动名词 一般情况下,在正式语体中,动名词的逻辑主语是由名词属格物 主限定词V-ing构成。此复合结构可以在句中作主语(a),宾语(b),表 语(c),介词不

14、足成分(d)。 a. Johns coming home tomorrow will make all the difference. b. Ill forget Georges imitating the headmaster. c. What made me sad was his refusing to lend me money. d. She insisted on our accepting the gifts. 3.1.2名词通格代词宾格+动名词 在非正式语体中,当带主语的动名词短语在句中作宾语、 和介词 补足成分时,其逻辑主语可以用名词通格或代词宾格,但是,在下列情 况下,无论

15、动名词的复合结构在句中充当任何成分,其逻辑主语要用 通格,而不用属格。当动名词的主语为指示代词(a)、不定代词(b)或基数词时 (c)。 a. This smoking your pipe on every possible occasion will ruin your health. b. There is no likelihood of that happening. c. I insist on both of them coming in time.当动名词的主语为没有属格的名词时。 There is no expectation of the Fr

16、ench withdrawing their demands.动名词的主语为复数名词, 特别是以S结尾的复数名词时。Thats no excuse for my sons beating you.动名词的主语为名词短语时 这种名词短语被同位语、介词短语、关系分句修饰的名词(a), 作 同位语的名词, 带非限制性关系分句的名词以及名词性关系分句(b), 或为并列结构(c)。 a. Have you heard of Smith the carpenter being injured? b. Have you heard of Smith, who used to be picher, being injured? c. I remember him and his sister coming to London.动名词的主语为强调对比的名词或代词时。 We seem to think of nothing of a boy smoking, but resent a girl smoking


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