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1、英国女王伊丽莎白二世于 25 日发表一年一度的圣诞节致辞。在今年的致辞中,伊丽莎白二世将呼吁国际和解,并对那些在非洲抗击埃博拉疫情的医疗工作者表示赞扬。伊丽莎白二世每年的圣诞致辞都由她本人亲自执笔。讲话提前录制,并在 25 日圣诞节当天下午通过电视播放。伊丽莎白二世于 1952 年首次发表圣诞致辞,该致辞通过广播播出。大家赶紧学习下里面精彩的英语表达吧。1.In the ruins of the old Coventry Cathedral is a sculpture of a man and a woman reaching out to embrace each other(张开双臂拥抱

2、彼此). The sculptor was inspired by the story of a woman who crossed Europe on foot after the war to find her husband. 2. Casts(铸件)of the same sculpture can be found in Belfast and Berlin, and it is simply called Reconciliation(调和、和谐). Reconciliation is the peaceful end to conflict, and we were remind

3、ed of this in August when countries on both sides of the first world war came together to remember in peace.3. The ceramic(陶瓷做的) poppies(罂粟花 )at the Tower of London(伦敦塔) drew millions, and the only possible reaction to seeing them and walking among them was silence. For every poppy a life; and a rem

4、inder of the grief of loved ones left behind.4. No one who fought in that war is still alive, but we remember their sacrifice and indeed the sacrifice of all those in the armed forces, who serve and protect us today.5. In 1914, many people thought the war would be over by Christmas, but sadly by the

5、n the trenches were dug(战壕还在挖掘) and the future shape of the war in Europe was set.6.But, as we know, something remarkable(不同寻常的事情) did happen that Christmas, exactly a hundred years ago today.7. Without any instruction or command, the shooting stopped and German and British soldiers met in no mans l

6、and(无人区). Photographs were taken and gifts exchanged. It was a Christmas truce(圣诞休战).8. Truces are not a new idea. In the ancient world a truce was declared for the duration of the Olympic Games and wars and battles were put on hold(中止).9. Sport has a wonderful way of bringing together people and na

7、tions, as we saw this year in Glasgow when over 70 countries took part in the Commonwealth Games(英联邦运动会).10.It is no accident that they are known as the Friendly Games. As well as promoting dialogue between nations, the Commonwealth Games pioneered the inclusion of(的融合) para-sports within each days

8、events.11. As with the Invictus Games that followed, the courage, determination and talent of the athletes captured our imagination as well as breaking down divisions.12. The benefits of reconciliation were clear to see when I visited Belfast in June. While my tour of the set of Game Of Thrones(电影:权

9、力的游戏) may have gained most attention, my visit to the Crumlin Road Gaol(克拉姆林道监狱)will remain vividly in my mind.13. What was once a prison during the Troubles is now a place of hope and fresh purpose; a reminder of what is possible when people reach out to one another, rather like the couple in the s

10、culpture.14. Of course, reconciliation takes different forms. In Scotland after the referendum(公投)many felt great disappointment, while others felt great relief; and bridging these differences will take time.16. Bringing reconciliation to war or emergency zones(应急区)is an even harder task, and I have

11、 been deeply touched this year by the selflessness of aid workers and medical volunteers who have gone abroad to help victims of conflict or of diseases like Ebola(埃博拉), often at great personal risk.17. For me, the life of Jesus Christ, the prince of peace, whose birth we celebrate today, is an insp

12、iration and an anchor in my life.18. A role model of reconciliation and forgiveness, he stretched out his hands in love, acceptance and healing. Christs example has taught me to seek to respect and value all people, of whatever faith or none.19. Sometimes it seems that reconciliation stands little c

13、hance in the face of war and discord. But, as the Christmas truce a century ago reminds us, peace and goodwill have lasting power in the hearts of men and women.20.On that chilly Christmas Eve in 1914 many of the German forces sang Silent Night(平安夜), its haunting melody(久久回荡的音符) inching across the l

14、ine.21. That carol(颂歌) is still much-loved today, a legacy(遗产) of the Christmas truce, and a reminder to us all that even in the unlikeliest of places hope can still be found.22. A very happy Christmas to you all.Tasks:1. What does the queen mainly want to convey to the audience through the speech?2. To make her opinions convincing and persuasive, what examples are listed in the speech?3. Write down the meanings of the underlined words and phrases without referring to the dictionary.



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