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1、大学英语二大学英语二考试题型:考试题型:一、从一、从 II 栏中找出栏中找出 I 中词汇的解释中词汇的解释, 将答案前面的字母写在答题纸上。将答案前面的字母写在答题纸上。(每个(每个 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 示例: I.II. 6. influence H. 影响二、从下面四个答案中选出正确答案(每题二、从下面四个答案中选出正确答案(每题 1 分,共分,共 20 分)分) 。示例: If you dont read, then _ you will forget how to read. A. mysteriously B. unfortunately C. positively D

2、. eventually部分考题摘自课本中的两个部分考题摘自课本中的两个 Test Paper。三、从三、从 ABCD 中找出错误的表达方式,不需要改正(每题中找出错误的表达方式,不需要改正(每题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 。示例: In the modern age which human beings depend so much on machines, he had given A B C men throughout the world new pride.D十个句子均摘自课文。十个句子均摘自课文。四、阅读理解(每题四、阅读理解(每题 1 分,共分,共 30 分)分) 四篇课

3、外短文,四篇课外短文,30 道题。道题。复习范围复习范围 (红字部分为重点):(红字部分为重点):Unit 1Track down, be seated, bare, a spirited discussion, spring up, outgrow, at the sight of, era, crisis, scream, feel like, count, see a strange expression come over the face of the hostess, come to, likely, impulse, emerge, make for, exclaim, fain

4、tUnit 2especially, obtain, source, besides (vs. except), investigation, appoint, on the spot, humble, origin, go out of ones way, threaten, hesitate, conflict, criticism, critic, philosophy, resent, custom, constitution, remark, evil, leave behind, be based on, superior to, in existence, influence,

5、perform, talent, above all, thrill, hold, self-evident, anniversary, owe a great debt toWere it left to me to decide(虚拟语气虚拟语气) It is conflictthat keeps freedom alive. (强调句型强调句型)He did not fear new ideas, nor did he fear the future. (倒装句倒装句)Unit 3Apply for, interview, advertise, local, be short of, m

6、y chances of getting the job were slim, awkward, as a result, depress, nervous, survive, wrinkled, air, disapproval, smell of, judging by, vital, attach importance to, have little in common, consist of, range fromto, in turn, dismay, incompetent, protest, run, prospect, ultimate, indignityUnit 4I wa

7、s made to feel at ease, impress, adult, come to terms with, beyond, reach, frustrate, content, jealousy, vanity , bitterness, resentment, personal ambition, correspond with, announce, didnt have the slightest interest in, practical application, a series of, curiosity, principle, flaw, pursue, approa

8、ch, work out the solution, puzzle, profound, be capable of, relatively, a household word, civilized, bewilder, single outWhen I suggested that he try shaving cream, he said.I have had good ideas, and so have other men.Unit 6Draw to a close, on occasion, self-confidence, encounter, dread, critical, h

9、ave trouble doing sth., review, case, relax, resolve, live with, dwell on, be bound to, confident, handle, anticipate, in advance, inevitably, err, error, operate on sb., sit on, take responsibility for, Nor was I afraid of making mistakes. If I wasnt able to avoid a mistake, chances are that no oth

10、er surgeon could have, either.Unit 8Out of style, poll, admit to, response, be faced with, temptation, be hard on sb., indication, diploma, lead to, corresponding, a case in point, charge, possess, file out of, have a mug shot taken, in the case of, come to a bad end, clue, lie in, at ones best, rev

11、eal, evidence, ebb and flow, tend toHowever, there are other indications that high school cheating may be on the rise. (同位语从句同位语从句)There is some evidence that dishonesty may ebb and flow. (同位语从句同位语从句)Distrust can be contagious. But, so can trust.Unit 9Intelligence, normal, make a fuss over, register

12、, complacent, academic, worthy of, similar to, by sbs estimate, take for granted, explore, divine, devise, intricate, for sureIn a world where I could not use my academic training and my verbal talents but., I would do poorly. (定语从句定语从句)Unit 10exhausting, weary, make out a check, quit, vanish, applyto, reluctant, embarrassed, shrug off, compliment, pat on the back, convey, rewarding, appreciate, routine, criticize, comment on, brief, performance, ignore, be alert to



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