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1、1关于赞美 adorable 可爱的; gorgeous 养眼的; excellent 优秀的;fantastic 出色的;intelligent 聪明的;charming 迷人的;marvelous 了不起的;brilliant 杰出的;outstanding 出众的;impressive 令人难忘的;incomparable 无与伦比的|2关于心情 This is lame. 真没意思。| Why is the air here sonegative? 为什么这儿一片愁云惨淡。 | No tears. 不要哭。 | I just putmyself out of my mind. 我只是不

2、再想这件事。|That totally sucks.这糟透了。| I dont feel like doing anything. 我什么都不想干。3美剧短语 1. I wont be taken in. 我不会上当的。 2. Its a longshot. 希望渺茫。3. Ive got the check. 我来买单。4. Well, someoneis being a drama queen. 有人真是小题大做啊。5. Why the cautiousvoice and long face?你怎么说话小心翼翼, 表情闷闷不乐的?【 全力以赴】 Ready to serve. 准备就绪,

3、随时候命。 | Lets pull out all thestops.我们要全力以赴。|When you start something, you see itthrough. 开始做一件事,就应该坚持到底。| I can handle it. 我自己可以应付。| I want to follow it through. 我想坚持做完。4美剧短语 1. Dont brew a plot behind me. 别在我背后耍阴谋。2. Not much gets past you,does it?没什么能瞒得过你的,不是吗?3. Im gonna go change and run and err

4、and. 我要换身衣服, 出去办个事。4. How are you holding up? 你还好吧?5Youre unbelievable! 你真是不可理喻! ! 2.Thats not it at all.根本就不是那样的。3.Youve crossed a line here.你这事儿做的有点过了。4.Get your ass out of here.滚!5.Drop dead! 去死吧。6.Howthe hell am I supposed to know? MD 你问我我问谁?6【各种 boy 各种 girl】 blue-eyed boy 受到特别欢迎的人; toyboy 小白脸;w

5、onder boy 青年才俊;whipping boy 替罪羊;backroom boy 幕后的智囊人物;girl Friday 得力女助手;cover girl封面女郎;career girl 职业女性;party girl 热衷交际的女生;flowergirl 婚礼中持花少女7【放松一下】Give yourself a break once in a while.偶尔让自己放松一下吧。| Dont overthink this. 别想太多。| You seriouslyneed to lighten up. 你真的需要好好放松下。| No hard feelings, allright?

6、别放心里去了。|And you have got to get a life. 而且你也得去放松下自己了。8美剧短语 1. I need to stay in charge. 我必须负责。 2. Ill giveher a heads up.我会提醒她小心点的。3. Im getting goose bumps.我起鸡皮疙瘩了。 4. I know it for a fact. 我对此深信不疑。 5. Feel freeto chime in. 不用拘束,发表一下你的意见。9【那些有点叫不上名的水果】papaya 木瓜;starfruit 杨桃;pineapple 菠萝;durian 榴莲;f

7、ig 无花果;honeydew melon 哈密瓜;tangerine 柑桔;kiwi fruit 猕猴桃;raspberry 树莓;lychee 荔枝;pomegranate 石榴;grapefruit 西柚;loquat 枇杷10【你是我的好姐妹】Are we cool? 我们俩和好了吧?| Yourconcern for me is touching. 你对我的关心让我感动。 | We could usesome privacy. 我们需要单独聊聊。 | Were here for you. 我们都会陪着你的。|Its partially my fault. 这件事我也有错。11美剧短语

8、 1. Im astonished. 我被吓到了。 2. Not ringing thebell. 还是没想起来。3. This is not about me. 别把我扯进来。4. Iveheld nothing back. 我该说的都说了。5. Im not falling for it. 我才不会上当。6. I cant thank you enough. 我感激不尽。12【别开玩笑了! 】Oh, give me a break! 哦,别开玩笑了!|Simmer down. 冷静点。 | Thats not even a thing. 这就是在胡扯。| Knock it off! 别闹了

9、!|Get real. 现实一些吧。|Dont tease me. 不要捉弄我。| Stop! Im going to wet myself. 别说了!我快笑尿了。13美剧短语 1. Everyone has his secret. 每个人都有自己的秘密。2. Ill pass it on. 我会转达的。3. Talk no more.别再说了。4. Idont want to drag you into this. 我不想把你扯进来。5. End of story.啥都别说了,就这么定了。6. Wheres the fire? 出什么大事了?14牛津在线词典最新收录词汇】lolz/lols

10、消遣、 娱乐、 大笑(演化自 laugh out laud); mwahahaha 反派角色夸张的大笑; tweeps 推特用户的关注者(twitter+sheeps);OH 另一半(other half 的缩写);photobomb 照片炸弹(在拍照时乱入镜头的行为)15【爱情来敲门】Hes really nutsy about you. 他对你很着迷。|I really love my girlfriend and Im going to pop the question.我很爱女友,打算向她求婚。|I was drunk on you. 你让我神魂颠倒。| He is into you.

11、 他喜欢你啊。| I have a big crush on you. 我非常喜欢你。16美剧短语 1. Dont antagonize me.别惹我。2. Lets not losetrack here. 别转移话题。3. Were never gonna shove all this inbefore the deadline. 截止期限前我们肯定干不完。 4. Give yourself abreak once in a while. 偶尔让自己放松下吧!17【英语语气词这样用】Ah 高兴、松一口气;Aha 惊喜、 嘲笑;Aw 失望;Blah 无聊、废话;Boo 吓人;Ew 讨厌;Ha

12、高兴、惊喜;Ha-ha 笑;Hee-hee 调皮的笑,heh-heh 嘲笑;Hey 惊讶、引起别人注意;Hm 好奇、怀疑;Huh 不相信;Mmm 满意;Oops糟糕;Ouch 痛;Phew 松一口气;Shh 嘘18【应对道歉】Thats all right. 没事儿。| Its no big deal. 不是什么大不了的事。|Never mind. 不必在意!|Do be careful nexttime. 没事,下次注意点。| Dont worry about it. 别放在心上。| Itsnothing. 没关系。19美剧短语 1. I can tackle it. 我能搞定。2. Are

13、 you out ofyour mind? 你疯了吗?3.Theres not much more to tell. 没有什么好说的了。4. Im gonna have to pick up the pieces. 我得去收拾残局。5. Well see. 我们走着瞧。6. She freaks him out. 她吓坏他了.【感到为难】I dont know what to do. 我不知道该怎么办。| We arein trouble. 这下可麻烦了。|Its really a difficult problem. 这真是个难题。| You got me. 这下可难住我了。| Thats

14、the hard part. 这正是难点。|Im unable to decide for myself. 我一个人决定不了。20美剧短语 1. I have the conn. 我说了算。2. Im still dying totry it. 我还是很想试试。 3. Youre leading this dance. 这由你说了算。4. You made a fool of yourself. 你让自己丢人了。5. Im picky. 我很挑剔。6. Way to go. 干得好。7. Move it along. 继续。21关于表情控 a hearty laugh 爽朗笑声;toothy

15、grin 露齿而笑; simper 假笑; pout 噘嘴; frown 皱眉; teary-eyed 眼泪汪汪的;poker-faced 面无表情的;mean look in the eyes 眼神充满愤怒;grimace 做鬼脸; gloom 愁容满面; scowl 沉下脸来; yawn 打哈欠;leer 抛媚眼22食物有关短语:butter someone up 奉承巴结; the bigcheese 重要人物; go bananas/go nuts 发疯;sharp cookie 精明的人;as cool as a cucumber 镇定自若;couch potato 成天躺在沙发上看

16、电视的人;Butter wouldnt melt in ones mouth. 看起来很老实其实不是23【发誓约定】I promise. 我保证。| You can trust me. 请相信我。| A promise is a promise! 说到就得做到。|You promised! 你不是答应我了吗!| You cant go back on your promise now! 你现在不能食言。|I swear Ill never fail you again. 我发誓绝不会再让你失望。24【关心别人】What are you worried about? 你担心什么?| Why the long face? 你怎么拉着脸啊?| Youre not yourself today.你今天有点儿不大对劲。| Is something bothering you? 遇到什么麻烦了吗?|You need a break. 你需要喘口气。25


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