七年级英语下人教版 Unit3单元综合测试

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1、单元综合测试单元综合测试一、根据汉语提示完成句子一、根据汉语提示完成句子 1Why do you like _(树袋熊)? 2Welcome to the _(动物园)! 3I think _(动物)are our friends. 4 _(熊猫)are very shy. 5We all know _(狮子)eat meat. 6They are _(可怕的)tigers. 7I can see a lovely _(企鹅). 8I like _(长颈鹿)very much. 9Where are lions from? They are from _(非洲). 10The animal i

2、s _(有点;稍微)smart. 二、选择所给词组完成句子,每词只能用一次二、选择所给词组完成句子,每词只能用一次1Dolphins live _. 2One of my good friends is sick _. 3Dont read _. Its bad for your eyes. 4Today is Sunday. Mr Green is _. He isnt _. 5How many days a week are the children _? 6Do you like to travel _? 7I think elephants are the biggest animal

3、s _. 8You are _today. Is your bike broken? 三、补全对话,每空一词三、补全对话,每空一词 1A:Lets_the pandas fist. Pandas are my favorite_. B: _is that? A:Because they are very cute. 2A:Lets see the penguins now. I like _. B: _? A:Because they are beautiful. 3A:Do you know where giraffes and elephants are _? B:They are fro

4、m Africa. 4A: _are pandas from? B:They are from China. They live only in China. 四、完形填空四、完形填空 I think the best place to go to on Sundays is the zoo. When you are 1 , you can go there with your family. 2 the zoo, there are many 3 , like elephants, pandas, monkeys, tigers and 4 animals. Elephants are t

5、he 5 animals on land. I 6 there is a baby elephant in our zoo. So I want to have a look at 7 . Linda wants to go with me. She says, “ 8 wego there together?“ “Sure!“ I say, “We can have a good time there. But lets make 9 half past four. I have 10 homework to do.“ 1AbusyBfree CyoungDclean 2AInBOn CFo

6、rDNear 3ApeopleBchildren CwomanDanimals 4AotherBothers CanotherDthe other 5AyoungestBoldest CbiggestDtallest 6AlistenBlisten to Chear ofDhear 7AitBone CthemDones 8AMustBWill CShallDWould 9AusBit CthemDyou 10Aa fewBa little CmuchDmany 五、阅读短文,在空白处填入一个怡当的词,使短文完整 Many people may think that 1 in the zoo

7、are happy and lucky, but most of them are 2 . Do you know why? Animals 3 tigers, lions and bears usually 4 in forests or mountains. They run, jump, play 5 their children and 6 small animals for 7 . But now they have to stay in cages or small rooms in the 8 .They do not have to find food by 9 . Becau

8、se the too keepers 10 them. Theydo 11 but eat, walk and sleep every day. Their 12 in the zoo is quite 13 from 14 in the forest 15 they are not free. 六、写作六、写作 Lin Tao 和 David 星期天经常去动物园。Lin Tao 喜欢看猴子,有 时候小猴子趴在妈妈的背上,猴子妈妈在吃香蕉。David 想喂猴子一些 吃的,Lin Tao 说不能随意投喂动物,看完猴子后,他们又去看大象。 请根据以上提示写一篇短文,字数 6070。参考答案参考答案

9、一、1koalas 2zoo 3animals 4Pandas 5lions 6terrible 7penguin 8giraffes 9Africa10kind of二、1in water 2in hospital 3in bed 4at home, at work 5at school 6by train 7on land 8onfoot 三、1see animals, Why 2them, Why 3from 4Where 四、1B 2A 3D 4A 5C 6D 7A 8C 9B 10C 五、1animals 2sad 3like 4live 5with 6catch 7food 8,z

10、oo 9themselves 10feed11nothing 12life 13different 14that 15because 六、Lin Tao and David are friends. They often go to the zoo on Sundays. lin Tao likes watching the monkeys. Sometimes a baby monkey is on the back of its mother and the mother monkey eats a banana. its very interesting. David wants to give some food to the monkeys, but Lin Tao says “Dont feed the animals!“ to him. After that they go to see the elephants and a dolphin show. They usually have a good time there.


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