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1、青青 岛岛 滨滨 海海 学学 院院 教教 师师 教教 案案课 题Unit8 Section A Theres a Lot More to Life than a Job (2)需 2 课时教 学 目 的 要 求After studying this part, the students are expected to get familiar with the useful sentence structures and master the important phrases and expressions relevant to the text.教学重点The useful senten

2、ce structures and the important language points of this text.教案编写日期教学难点The useful sentence structures and phrases and expressions relevant to the text11 年 月 日教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程提示与补充I. Revision 1. Check the new words of Text A orally in class2. Ask students to read the text aloud paragraph by paragrap

3、h.II. Analyses of the Important phrases and expressions of Text A 1according to用法 (1)按照,根据所说:Ill do it according to your instruction我会照你的指示做。Pan Gu,according to Chinese mythology,was the Creator of the world根据中国神话所说,盘古是 开天辟地的人。(2)视而定:He will be punished according to the seriousness of his crime他应受的惩

4、罚视其犯罪程度而定。辨析 according to,accordinga5两个短语都有“按照,依照”的意思,只是 according as 之后跟从 句,如:You will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad你将依照你工作成绩的好坏受到奖惩。 2be well off用法 生活宽裕的,境遇好的:Although she is well off,she lives quite simply虽然家境富裕,她生活仍相当简朴。 3. be fond of 用法 很喜欢,很喜爱:Im very fond of ice c

5、ream我很喜欢冰淇淋。 She likes all her grandchildren,but shes especially fond of Peter她 喜欢所有的孙子孙女,但特别 宠爱彼得。 4. be proud of 用法 为感到自豪:Tom is very proud of his new car汤姆为自 己拥有一辆新汽车而感到自豪。辨析 be proud of , be proud to do sth.青青 岛岛 滨滨 海海 学学 院院 教教 师师 教教 案案be proud of 为感到自豪;be proud to do sth自豪地做某 事,如:Hes too proud

6、to be seen in public with his poorly-dressed mother他太高傲了,甚至不愿意在公共场所让人看见自己跟穿着破 烂的母亲在一起。 5.arrive at 用法 (1)到达:She was always the first to arrive at workshop她总是 第一个来到车间。(2)达成,得出:After many hours of talk,the committee arrived at a decision委员会经过几个小时的商谈作出了决定。考点 arrive at a conclusion 得出结论:The scientist ar

7、rived at a conclusion after careful experimentation这位科学家经过仔细实验后 得出了一个结论。辨析 arrive at , arrive in 指到达某一较小的地点时用 arrive at,指到达某一较大的地点时用 arrive in. 6.be meant to do用法 必须,不得不,应该是:Youre meant to take your shoes off when you enter an lndian temple当你要进入印度的寺庙时,必须先 脱掉鞋子。扩展 mean doing 意味着,意思是,如:The sign means

8、being not permitted to enter这个标志的意思是不得人内。mean to do 打算,意 欲,如:I didnt mean you to read the letter我本来打算不让你读这封 信。 7in the long run用法从长远观点来看,终究,最后:He will lose money in the long run他最终会输钱。 III. Typical sentence patterns 1If only用法 要是就;但愿:I said something that made matters much worseIf only l had kept my

9、 mouth shut! 我说了一些使事情变得更糟的话,要是我当时闭嘴就好了。If only l could be there and talk with the pop singer! 要是我能在那儿和那位流行歌手交谈就好了!说明 if only 通常接虚拟语气。表示与过去所发生的事相反的愿望 时,用过去完成时;表示无法实现的愿望时,用 could 或 would 加动 词原形。如:If only she would marry me! 她要是愿意嫁给我就好了!2 on the one hand, On the other hand用法 On the one hand 一方面;On the

10、other hand 另一方面:On the one hand this job doesnt pay very much,but on the other hand l cant get 青青 岛岛 滨滨 海海 学学 院院 教教 师师 教教 案案another one从这方面来说这个工作工资不高,但从另一方面来说我 也找不到另外的工作。 3as well as用法 既也;不仅而且:Im learning French as well as English,我在学法语,也在学英语。 扩展 as well 也,又,同样的,通常用在句尾,如:Im going to Mexico, and John

11、s going as well我要去墨西哥,约翰也去。 IV. Difficult sentences 1if in (whatever it may be)wont compute and you cant drink it , smoke it or spend it ,then“it”holds little value(Para3) 译文 学生们认为如果某种东西(不管它是何物)没有实际的经济意义, 你不能把它当酒喝、当烟抽、当钱花,那么“它”就简直毫无价值。说明 (1)compute 意为“计算” ,在本句中意思是“以钱计算” 。这 类词通常采取主动形式,但意思是被动的,如:The b

12、ook translates well 这本书很好翻译(这本书被翻译得很好)。The material washes easily.这种衣料容易洗涤。(2)little 意为“几乎没有”(表示否定),如:I have very little money left我几乎没剩多少钱。A little 意为“一点点,少许”(表示 肯定),如:I have a little money left我只剩一点点钱了。 2Interest in teaching,social service and the humanities is at a low along with ethnic and women

13、s studies(Para6)译文 如今人们对当教师、社会服务和人文学科以及种族和妇女研 究的兴趣都处于低潮。说明 (1)humanities 人文学科(如文学、语言、历史等)(2)at a low 处于低水平,如:The price of gold on the London market is at a low now伦敦市场上的黄金现正处于最低价。试比较: at lowest 至少,最低。It will cost a hundred pounds at very lowest这 至少要花 100 英镑。(3)along with 与一起;加上,如:He may come along w

14、ith the other guests他也许和其他客人一道来。This along with the other income,will see him though这笔钱,加上其他收入,可以使他渡过 难关。3. If we cannot, then that is a conviction against our educational system kindergarten, elementary, secondary and higher (Para10) 译文 如果我们做不到这一点,那就是不相信我们从幼儿园、小学、 中学直到大学的整个教育制度。说明 conviction n信念,深信

15、,如:It was his firm conviction that every effort should be made to preserve world peace他坚信应尽一 切努力维护 世界和平。可信性:Shed made such promises 青青 岛岛 滨滨 海海 学学 院院 教教 师师 教教 案案before,and they lacked conviction她以前也作过这样的许诺,但都 不足为信。定罪,判罪,如:He was sent to prison on conviction of writing bad checks他因开假支票被判监禁。 4. Most of us finally have the insight that quality of life is not entirely determined by a balance sheet. (Para12) 译文 我们大多数人最终会大彻大悟,生活质量并不完全是由资产 负债表来决定的。 说明 balance sheet(会计用语)资产负债表,决算表 5.If it is a fact that the meaning of life does not dawn until


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