高中英语学案 高二必修七7 unit 5 travelling abroad 导学案

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1、1选修七选修七 unit 5 Travelling Abroad (新课时学案导学新课时学案导学) Period 2 Reading One (文本研读文本研读我的课文我的课我的课文我的课!) 高二英语高二英语 设计人:贾卫宽设计人:贾卫宽 东明一中东明一中说明:难易程度分级:说明:难易程度分级:A 级:识记(容易)级:识记(容易) ;B 级:理解级:理解 (中等)(中等) ;C 级:应用级:应用 (较难)(较难) ;D 级:拓展(难)级:拓展(难) 一Learning aims (学习目标学习目标): 1.To memorize more useful words and phrases.

2、2. To improve the ability of self-learning. 二.Important learning point(重点): Master the usage of more words and phrases in this unit 三.Difficult learning point(难点):Use the words and phrases correctly 四:Learning guide(方法指导):reading, writing. 五:Learning procedures(学习过程) Step 1. Try to mermorize the new

3、 words as quickly as possible, as well as possible and as many as possible.(友情提示:用好零星时间记单词;记单词是每日必做的功课) 英语记单词方法英语记单词方法(连载) 第二招:利用零散的时间背单词。第二招:利用零散的时间背单词。相信很多朋友都有过每天专门划一块时间出来背单词的经历。说实话,这样背一阵子自己会觉得生活特充实,但是收效如何就不一定了。而且现在的生活节奏都很快, 对一些已经工作或者课业繁重的朋友来说这种方法不太经济实惠。据说牛人们都有一个背单词的方法,就是小卡片,随身携带,没事就翻出来看看。你在早晨升国旗时

4、,起床时和睡觉前特别是刚入睡的几分钟(可听单词) ;排队做操时,等车时,等人时,这些零散的时间都可以用来背单词。只要坚持不懈,效果一定好。 Task 1 找找看找找看:请写出下列(课文中的课文中的)单词和短语(A 级) (方法指导:读课文并写出相 关词或短语) (汉译英汉译英)1.祖国祖国_2.学生餐厅学生餐厅_3.资格证书资格证书_ 4.店主店主_5.成语成语_6 安慰_ 7.草稿草稿_8.论文论文_9.导师导师_ 10 答谢答谢_ (英译汉英译汉)1.adjust to sth _ 2. keep up_ 3.apply for_ 4.get used to _ 5.take up _ 6

5、.on the Internet _ 7as far as one is /was concerned_ 8.be occupied with(写同义短语写同义短语) _ 9.be numb with shock_10 get the idea_ Step 2 :文本(课文 1)理解(B 级)(方法指导:阅读课文,理解细节,归纳主旨) Task 1: Read the passage again and choose the best anwser. 1.When I met Xie Lei in the student cafterial she told me that she felt_

6、A. excited B. nervous C. homesick D. both excited and nervous 2.Xie Lei like a child just because she had to learn how to_ .Which one is not true?A.use a phone B. pay on the bus C. buy things in the shop D. speak perfect English 3.Foreign students usually live either _ or _ when they study abroad.A.

7、at home; with a host family B. with a host family; in student apartmentC.in student accommodation; in student apartment D. with a host family; with friends 4.In order to keep a balance between study and social life, Xie Lei is going to_.A. join a few clubs B. go to the cinema every day C. talk with

8、the teachers and students all the time. D. take part in all kinds of activities 5.The advantage of boarding with host families is _.2A. to live a comfort life B. to save money C. to learn more about new culture D. to make more friends 6. Why did Xie Leis tutor seem dissatisfied with her first essay?

9、 Because_ A. she didnt give her own opinions at all. B. there were too many mistakes in it. C. what she wrote made no sense. D. her opinions were different from her tutors. Task2: 夯实双基词汇短语(B 级) ,破解难句结构(C 级) ,拓展造句能力(D) 。 Read the revelant words,phrases or sentences and try to understand them.。 1. 夯实双

10、基词汇短语(B 级) adjust 课文原句:How difficult do you think it is to _ _(适应)the customs of another country? 译文:_ 经典例句:The reasonable man adjust himself to the world, the unreasonable one persists in trying to adjust the world to himself.(萧伯纳)(你能翻译吗?) _ 常用结构:adjust to sth/doing sth _ adjust oneself to sth _ 派生

11、词:adj.可调节的,可调整的_ n.调整,调节_ 知识链接知识链接:我们在 Book 7 unit 1 living well 中学的与 adjust to 词义相近的短语是 _ _。我来造句:_. (2). board 课文原句:Six months ago Xie Lei said goodbye to her family and friends in China and _ (登上) a plane for London.译文:_ 经典例句经典例句(找出 board 在各句的意思): He boarded the bus. _ He wrote a few more notes on

12、 the board. _ Her father pays for her board but she keeps herself in comfort _ Mary is a workers representative on the Board. (3).recommend 课文原句:Xie Lei highly _(重视) it. 译文:_ 经典例句:My teacher recommended I surf that English website, that I could learn a lot from it. 此句中 recommend 意为_ 后接从句时,从句中的谓语动词用_

13、. 常用结构: recommend sth/ doing sth_recommend that sb (should) do_recommend sb to do_ 派生词:_ n.推荐;劝告;介绍信 知识链接:你能写出几个与知识链接:你能写出几个与 recommend 后接从句时用法相同的词吗后接从句时用法相同的词吗 _,_ ,_,_ (4). keep it up 课文原句:_, Xie Lei! 译文:_ 知识点拨:it 在此短语中无实在意义,只帮助构成短语。 知识链接:你知道下面短语的意思吗?知识链接:你知道下面短语的意思吗? take it easy_, so it seems_, stick it out_, stick to it_ (5).fit in 课文原句:课文原句:Chinese students _ _ well.译文:译文:_ 借题发挥:I dont think this dress_ me.A. fits for B. is fit C. fits D. fit to 答案:_ 常用结构: be fit for something:适合某事 例句:These shoes are not fit for me. 这些鞋不适合我3fit somebody to do something. 使某人适合做某事 be fit to do



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