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2、殊性和火灾发生发展的特殊规律,借鉴国内外高层建筑地下车库的成功设计经验,结合国家颁布的各项相关消防法律法规,对地下车库进行比较全面的消防设计。此次消防设计涉及到四个方面:结构防火设计、消火栓及自动喷水灭火系统的设计、配电室灭火设计。本设计的目的是通过全面的防火设计,来提高扑救地下车库初期火灾的成功率,减少该地下车库的火灾隐患和火灾发生时造成的损失,确保人生和财产安全。关键词:地下车库 消火栓系统 自动喷水灭火系统 配电室河南理工大学本科毕业设计河南理工大学本科毕业设计The fire-extinguishing design for an underground garageand distr

3、ibution roomAbstract:Abstract: In recent years, the number of car in China grows rapidly as peoples living standards improves.However, due to the shortage of land, the existing parking garage can not meet the requirement, the underground garage become the main way to solve this problem. Underground

4、construction is generally semi-enclosed or fully enclosed structure, the garage will generate a lot of heat and smoke if it fires, and is difficult to discharge, more serious thing is that these toxic fumes is very difficult to evacuate person,the heat and smoke can easily result in casualties and p

5、roperty losses, causing serious harm to society. Therefore, it is significant to design reasonable fire safety design. The distribution room and the garage are in the same layer, and the distribution room has the particularity of electrical fire, so it is necessary to design a separate fire design.T

6、he design is aimed at doing a relatively overall fire protection design for an underground garage, according to the unique structure of the underground garage, the special development laws of fire, and the successfully designed experiences of the underground garage in home and abroad and all the rel

7、evant fire control laws and regulations. This design involves four aspects: design for fire protection of construction, hydrant system, sprinkler system and design for fire protection of distribution room. The designs purpose is through a comprehensive fire protection design, to improve the success

8、rate of rescuing early fire of the underground garage, decrease fire hazard and the damage caused by fire in the underground garage for ensuring the security of life and property.Keywords:Keywords: underground garage hydrant system sprinkler system distribution room河南理工大学本科毕业设计河南理工大学本科毕业设计I目录目录1 绪论.

9、11.1 地下车库发展简介 .11.2 工程概况 .11.3 设计内容 .22 结构防火设计.32.1 地下车库的火灾特点 .32.2 地下车库火灾危险源分析 .32.3 地下车库防火要求 .42.4 地下车库防火分类 .52.5 地下车库各建筑构件性能 .62.6 地下车库防火措施 .72.7 防火分区的划分 .83 消火栓系统设计.93.1 消火栓系统的分类 .93.2 室外消火栓系统概述 .93.2.1 室外消防给水系统的任务.93.2.2 室外消防给水系统的组成.93.2.3 室外消火栓的类型选择.93.2.4 室外消火栓保护半径与最大布置间距的设计.113.2.5 室外消火栓的数量.

10、113.2.6 室外消火栓的布置.123.3 室内消火栓系统设计 .123.3.1 室内消火栓给水系统的主要设施. 室内消火栓箱 . 水泵接合器 . 消防管道 .143.3.2 室内消火栓设计原则 .143.3.3 室内消火栓的给水方式.15河南理工大学本科毕业设计河南理工大学本科毕业设计II3.3.4 室内管网布置的要求.163.4 消火栓水力计算.164 自动喷水灭火系统设计 .244.1 系统简介 .244.2 自动喷水灭火系统的分类 .244.2.1 湿式自动喷水灭火系统. 系统组成及工作原理. 系统主要特点、适用范围及设计要求 .274.2.2 干式自动喷水灭火系统.274.2.3 预作用自动喷水灭火系统.284.2.4 雨淋灭火系统.284.2.5 水幕灭火系统.284.3 系统主要部件及设计要求 .294.3.1 喷头.


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