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1、安徽大学硕士学位论文白牙中的杂合性:战后移民在英国的社会和文化困境及可 能的解决途径姓名:张青申请学位级别:硕士专业:英语语言文学指导教师:陈兵2010-04iv摘摘 要要 本文主要运用后殖民主义理论,对査蒂史密斯的小说白牙中英国战后及当代新老非白裔移民在文化多元化和全球化的趋势下所面临的社会困境和文化困惑进行研究。在分析这些困境的基础上,本文认为査蒂史密斯的小说白牙提出民族杂糅理论和文化多元论可作为帮助战后移民解决困境,找回自我身份和归属感的正确途径。 为了解决劳动力紧缺问题,英国政府在二战后曾一度采取宽松的移民政策,以吸引来自英联邦国家的移民。但是,新来的非白人移民和原有的英国白人在文化和

2、社会生活方面产生了种种冲突。査蒂史密斯正是战后第一代移民的后裔,她的小说白牙反应了英国战后至今新老两代移民的种种困境。 二战之后,第一代非白人移民大量涌入英国,但是并没有被英国主流社会完全接受,这样就导致他们陷入了边缘化的社会困境。小说中的第一代移民生活在社会夹缝中,以不同方式对待这种困境。本文较深入地分析了战后第一代非白人移民面对的社会困境和其原因,以及他们所做出的反应及其带来的后果。 第二代非白人移民在英国主流文化的熏陶中成长,但是他们仍然遭到西方主流文化的排斥和边缘化,从而导致他们陷入文化困境,并在找寻自我文化身份的抗争中逐渐地迷失了自我。 本文运用霍米巴巴的杂糅理论较系统地分析了小说中

3、第二代非白人移民的代表人物,并探讨了新一代非白人移民处理文化困境的方式:一种是追寻全盘西化以期能够融合到主流的西方白人文化社会中;一种是回归本真期望追寻自身的传统文化能够带领自己解决这种文化困境。但事实和结果证明这样是徒劳的,不论是完全西化还是回归本真,他们既不会被完全接受也不会引起太大的重视,他们对西方的主流社会来说仍然是异类,被排除在主流的话语之外。 在探讨新老两代非白人移民的社会和文化困境基础上,本文揭示了当代英国社会中越来越明显的民族杂糅与文化多元化趋势。进入二十一世纪的新时代,民族杂糅与文化多元化趋势在新移民潮和全球化的大环境下愈发不可避免。文中将对小说中代表这一趋势的典型人物进行深

4、入分析,并探讨在当今社会中民族杂合的趋势。最后提出民族杂糅和文化多元化作为解决战后移民各种社会和文化困境的途径。 v论文的结论是,在当今社会,随着移民的不断增加及经济文化的全球化,文化及民族的杂合性及文化的多元化发展越来越不可避免,这逐渐成为了一种趋势,而这种杂合很可能会发展成一种解决民族争端的方式。 关键词:关键词:杂合性;战后移民;社会困境;文化困境;多元文化;全球化 iiAbstract The thesis, with the help of post-colonial theory, makes a study of the social and cultural dilemmas,

5、 with which the old and new generations of non-white British immigrants are faced, after the Second World War as well as in the contemporary time of multiculturalism and globalization, as is fully reflected in Zadie Smiths novel White Teeth. Based on analysis of immigrants social and cultural dilemm

6、as, this thesis further argues that White Teeth proposes racial hybridism and multiculturalism as the solution for such dilemmas, as well as the means for the immigrants to regain their self-identity and sense of belonging. In order to solve labor shortage after World War Two, British government ado

7、pted an easy immigration policy to attract immigrants from Commonwealth countries, but colored immigrants conflicted with original white British citizens, and met various social and cultural dilemmas in the mainstream of British culture. Zadie Smith is just a descendent of the first generation of po

8、st-war immigrants and her White Teeth reflects immigrants dilemmas in British society. After WWII, the first generation of non-white immigrants rushed into Britain. They were not completely accepted into the mainstream of British society, but put into marginalized social dilemmas. In the novel, they

9、 survive in social cracks, and cope with it in different ways. They have various causes for these social dilemmas, and react differently to them. Their varied reactions also cause respective consequences. The second generation of non-white immigrants grows up in the mainstream culture of Great Brita

10、in, but they are still caught up in the cultural dilemma between traditional culture of their own races and the modern western culture, undergoing a sense of cultural marginalization and exclusion, losing themselves in pursuit and struggle for their own cultural identity. The new generation of non-w

11、hite immigrants handles such cultural dilemma in different ways. With Homi Bhabhas theory of hybridity, their various reactions are analyzed in details: one is the pursuit of total westernization in hope of melting into the white cultural society of the West; the other is the return to reality and p

12、ursuit of their own iiitraditional culture in hope of settling this cultural dilemma. However, both ways prove to be fruitless. They are neither accepted wholly nor noticed greatly, as they are still different to the mainstream society of the West and excluded from the mainstream discourse. However,

13、 in contemporary British society, the tendency of interracial hybridism and multiculturalism has become increasingly influential. In the new era of 21st century, this trend will become inevitable with todays new immigration wave and the movement of globalization. The typical characters representing

14、this trend in White Teeth are deeply analyzed and the tendency of racial hybrid is carefully discussed. Then, it is argued that hybridity and multiculturalism are the solution for the immigrants dilemmas. The conclusion of the thesis is that in modern society, with the increase of immigration and gl

15、obalization of economy and culture, the cultural and racial hybridity is even more inevitable with the development of multiculturalism, which gradually becomes a tendency and will probably develop into a way of settling the ethnic disputes. Key words: hybridity; post-war immigrants; social dilemma;

16、cultural dilemma; multi-culture; globalization Chapter One Introduction 1Chapter One Introduction 1.1 A Brief Introduction to Zadie Smith and White Teeth Zadie Smith, a young Jamaican British novelist, was born in the northwestern London borough of Bent a largely working-class area in 1975 to an English father and a Jamaican mother. She attended the local state schools, Malorees Junior School and



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