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1、 谋学网 福师高级英语(三)在线作业一一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。 )1. Thr r mny things whos misus is ngrous, ur it is hr to think of nything tht n ompr _ too prouts. . in . with . mong . y 正确答案:2. Whn mking morn mrs , popl gn to ( ) plstis for mtl . surroun . sustn . strth . sustitut 正确答案:3. n you fin_t th hotl for th nig

2、ht? . loging . ommotions . pls . houss 正确答案:4. To som ( ), Mry still os not unrstn this unit. ut sh hrslf os not liv so. . xtn . prt . xtnt . ontnt 正确答案:5. urning igrtt h thrw into th wstppr skt_fir to th hotl. . m . st . us . ught 正确答案:6. Wht thy prou hs no ny _ vlu. ut it is vry usful to thir rsrh

3、. . filtr . fol谋学网 . prtil . ommril 正确答案:7. W n not trust him ny mor us h oftn _his uty. . ows . spoils . srts . nglts 正确答案:8. Th prson ( ) I omplin is th mngr. . who . to whom . whom . to who 正确答案:9. I rmmr ( ) th rtil th y for ystry. . to r . to hv r . ring . to ring 正确答案:10. _ y int _ y sign, h r

4、riv too lt to hlp us. . Not only.ut lso . Nithr.nor . Whthr.or . oth.n 正确答案:11. I m ting s ( ) whil th mngr is wy on usinss. . gny . poliy . puty . ollgu 正确答案:12. This rivr is so ig tht it is impossil to uil _unr it without morn thnology. . nl . tunnl . hnnl . l 正确答案:13. Hll lwys _ to you for wht yo

5、uv on. . pful . sur谋学网 . grtful . ompnion 正确答案:14. Without th ( ) mtrils import from ro, Jpn n hrly prou nything. . story . vlul . spr . rw 正确答案:15. Th prson _ I omplin is th mngr. . who . to whom . whom . to who 正确答案:16. Sh know lot of young mn, ut it is not sy to hoos /n_on who is oth rih n ttrtiv

6、. . ilignt . qulifi . ligil . lgnt 正确答案:17. Wht sh hiv in hr rsrh might ( ) wht sh h n xpting. . x . xlim . xss . xtn 正确答案:18. Whn mking morn mrs , popl gn to _plstis for mtl . surroun . sustn . strth . sustitut 正确答案:19. Th littl oy wor vry thin ot. sun gust of ol win m him ( ). . shk . swt . shivr

7、. swing 正确答案:20. I sk th tilor to mk smll _ to my trousrs us thy wr too long. . hng . vrition谋学网 . rvision . ltrtion 正确答案:21. His ( ) prsonlity provis goo mtril for ritis. . mtur . onsir . litrt . ul 正确答案:22. Wht sh hiv in hr rsrh might _ wht sh h n xpting. . x . xlim . xss . xtn 正确答案:23. Ptr, John

8、n Tom h ( ). . sy thy m first . sys thy m first . sys h m first . sy m first 正确答案:24. Th _ twn hins n Jpns is not so ovious so tht it is not sy to istinguish twn popl from th two ountris. . istintion . quivlnt . inx . murr 正确答案:25. Sh is fint. Hving n thrown ol wtr on hr f ,sh_. . m out . m through

9、. m roun . m tru 正确答案:26. Jimmy is only son rt tnnis plyr ,ut h is lwys ( ) how wll h plys . . lowing . frshning . osting . itting 正确答案:27. Th Prim Ministr rfus to ( ) on th rumour tht h h plnn to rsign. . xplin . ommnt谋学网 . rmrk . tlk 正确答案:28. Whn sprft trvls, on of th mjor prolms is rntry into th

10、rths _. . surf . tmosphr . ttitu . nt 正确答案:29. _from th ppl tr. . It own fll . thr it is n . own fll it . Fll it own 正确答案:30. Th wtr skir ( ) ovr th wtr . . skimm . flot . rift . swm 正确答案:31. Th ol mn ws kin n ( ) nough to hlp th hilrn ross th strt. . grious . grful . timi . livly 正确答案:32. Wv m som

11、hivmnts, ut thr is still long wy ( ). . going . to go . gon . to gon 正确答案:33. I hv hr out Mr. Smith ut I m not quint_. . of . y . with . ovr 正确答案:34. Thy lft th oor opn _ to hr th y. . so s for m . so tht m . in orr for m谋学网 . n for m 正确答案:35. It ws ourgous nough for Glilo to ( ) th flling ojt thory

12、 vlop y ristotl, th uthorittiv Grk sintist. . vn . fy . justify . trnslt 正确答案:36. It ws los oxing gm, ut th oxr in lu ws ( ) to th winnr y thr of th four rfrs. . stin . m . oom . pt 正确答案:37. Work pi oring to th mount on puts prmium_sp n not_qulity. . in,in . of , of . on , on . from , from 正确答案:38.

13、lthough th trffi is not usy, h liks to riv t ( ) sp. . spr . fst . mort . morl 正确答案:39. Sh know lot of young mn, ut it is not sy to hoos /n ( ) on who is oth rih n ttrtiv. . ilignt . qulifi . ligil . lgnt 正确答案:40. Th noisy ws so( ) tht only thos with xllnt hring wr wr of it. . im . gntl . fint . fin

14、it 正确答案:41. Th Olympi ommitt hs rwn up strit ruls for th thlt to_. . go on谋学网 . go with . go without . go y 正确答案:42. Sh is fint. Hving n thrown ol wtr on hr f ,sh ( ). . m out . m through . m roun . m tru 正确答案:43. Its _ in th rgultions tht you n tk 20 kilos of luggg with you. . li upon . li out . li

15、 up . li own 正确答案:44. H tri to ( ) with th mngr for his slry. . vlut . ojt . rgin . pus 正确答案:45. Why o you wnt nw jo_youv got suh goo on lry? . tht . whr . whih . whn 正确答案:46. Thos two fmilis hv n qurrlling _ h othr for mny yrs. . to . twn . ginst . with 正确答案:47. W o not hv _shool in our institut. Th highst gr w provi for th stunts is . . n . S. . . ontinu . y . ssistn . grut 正确答案:48. It is ( ) in th rgultions tht you n t


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