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1、Is this your pencil?I Teaching contents:Unit 2 SectionA 1a 1b1c II Ability Objects:1.To train Ss speaking skills2.To train Ss reading ability. III key points:1 New words2 How to use “-Is this /that-?“ -Yes, it is./ No,it isnt“3 To enable Ss to understand identify ownership.4 How to use “his / her“ I

2、V Difficult points:Is this /that her/his-?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.Its-. V Moral aim:Let Ss love their study. VI Teaching procedures. Step1 Revision and Leading-in Show a photo of mine to revise.Whats your name?My names John. Revise the following sentences.Whats his name?His names Tony.Whats her name?He

3、r names Gina. Show several something, like pen, pencil, backpack- Step2 Presentation (1a)Present new words by asking .start by locoting actual items in the classroom. Hold up eachone and say its name. Ask to repeat. Relp Ss find it in their books , After they say each word. Ask Ss to match the words

4、 and objects in the picture by writing the letter of the object on theblank line after the word. Check the answers. Step3 Introduce the target language(1b)Is this your_?Yes, it is./No,it isnt.Its my_. Its her_. Its his _. Focus attention on each of the three conversations. Ask Ss to identify the obj

5、ct the person ineach conversation is holding or pointing to: A boy is holding a pencil A girl is holding a ruler The teacher is pointing to a backpack. Play the recording. the first time.Point out the boxes where Ss will write a number for each conversation. Play the recording again, Ss listen and w

6、rite a number in the box next to each conversation. Step4 Practice using the target language(1c) Say the sample conversations. Have Ss repeat.Point to the book in the main illustration and substitute book into one of the conversations. Ask Ss to practice the conversation in pairs. Re mind them to us

7、e various objects from themain illustration. As Ss practice, move around the classroom to check progress and pronunciation. Step5 classwork Divide the Ss in half ask and answer. Girl: Is this your-? Boy: Yes, it is ./No,it isnt. Its-. Step6 Groupwork Ss ask and answer in threes. SA:Is that your -? SB: Yes, it is . SC:No,it isnt . Its her/his-. Step7 Homework Read aloud each word on page 7 Use“ Is this/that- Yes/No. It,s-“ make two vacations.


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