影视美联英语 韩国造星产业化 一条龙生产线

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1、小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/ 韩国造星产业化 一条龙“生产线“At a rented theatre on a Saturday night in Seoul, 20 self-conscious young talents stand awkwardly, some of them in tears, in front of hundreds of cheering friends and relatives.周六晚上,在首尔的一个租来的剧院里,20 个年轻选手有些局促地站在台上,一些人眼里还有泪水,台下是数百名为他们加油的朋友和家人。All have been

2、working towards this moment for years, before passing through preliminary auditions staged by JYP Entertainment, one of South Koreas biggest music production companies. Then came six weeks of intensive training for this climactic performance, after which only three are handed the bouquets that signi

3、fy the offer of a training contract.所有人都为这一刻努力了多年,他们先是通过 JYP Entertainment 公司的初选,之后接受了 6 个星期的密集培训,而这次表演就是培训后最终的高潮部分。在表演结束后,只有 3 人能拿到花束,代表签订培训合同的邀约。JYP 是韩国最大的音乐制作公司之一。“Ive been working so hard for five years, and now Ive finally made it,” Kim Byung-kwan tells the audience, clutching the flowers and v

4、isibly overwhelmed after being named champion of the evening.“我已经辛苦努力了 5 年,现在我终于做到了,”Kim Byung-kwan 向观众们说,手里紧握着花束,显然已被成为当晚冠军带来的巨大喜悦压倒。The stakes are high for these young hopefuls, who have the opportunity to become superstars not only in South Korea but across Asia, and increasingly beyond. Psys 201

5、2 rap hit Gangnam Style so popular that it recently forced YouTube to recalibrate its counting system for video views is only one example of the growing clout of South Korean popular music, which hauled in revenues of Won4.4tn ($4.1bn) in 2013, according to the Korea Creative Content Agency.对这些渴望成功的

6、年轻人来说,奖赏是丰厚的。他们将有机会成为韩国、乃至整个亚洲的超级明星,甚至越来越有可能在更多地方扬名。朴载相(Psy)2012 年的热门 Rap 单曲江南 Style(Gangnam Style)太过流行,以至于 YouTube 最近不得不为其重新校准视频播放次数计数系统。这只是韩国流行音乐日益增长的影响力的一个例子而已。根据韩国文化产业振兴院(Korea Creative Content Agency)统计,2013 年韩国流行音乐产业共实现 4.4 万亿韩元(合 41 亿美元)的收入。With its slickly choreographed videos and addictivel

7、y energetic sound, K-pop commands obsessive followings across Southeast Asia, China and Japan, and has established firm beachheads in Europe, the US and Latin America. Its international success, along with that of the countrys melodramatic soap operas, reflects the glamorous image of a country that

8、has gone from one of Asias poorest states to one of its richest in two generations.韩国流行音乐(K-pop)以舞蹈动作精美的视频和令人着迷的动感音乐赢得了来自东南亚、中国和日本的大批痴迷的追随者,并在欧洲、美国和拉美建立了坚固的滩头阵地。在两代人的时间里,韩国从亚洲最贫穷国家之一一跃成为亚洲最富裕的国家之一。韩国的流行音乐以及情节夸张的肥皂剧在国际上的成功,正展现了这个国家富于魅力的一面。Most of the music profits from what has come to be known as th

9、e “Korean wave” are taken by a handful of huge production companies, often named after the initials of their former pop star founders. JYP, for example, was founded by Park Jin-young, a popular singer in 1990s South Korea.在所谓的“韩流”文化中,大部分音乐方面的盈利都流入了少数大制作公司的囊中。这些公司通常以它们曾经身为流行歌星的创始人的名字缩写命名,比如,JYP 的创始人朴

10、轸泳(Park Jin-young)就是韩国上世纪 90 年代的流行歌手。The companies manage every step of the music-making process recruiting singers as young as their early teens, and grooming and training them before forming groups from the most talented and marketing them around the world.这些公司控制了音乐制作流程的每一个步骤在歌手们还在青少年初期的时候就招募他们,对他

11、们进行栽培和训练,然后挑选最有才能的人成立组合,并推向全世界。A browse through a JYP investor presentation shows how the industry has taken the concept of the manufactured band to a new level. One slide breaks down planned releases for the year ahead: one quarter will bring a single from the as yet unannounced “boy band I”, while

12、 the next will herald releases from “girl band” and “boy band II”.浏览一下 JYP 的一份投资者介绍,就会发现这个行业已经把“打造乐队”的理念提升到了一个新高度。一张幻灯片分条说明了下一年的发布计划:一个季度将推出一个尚未宣布的“男孩乐队一”的一首单曲,下一个季度将预告“女孩乐队”和“男孩乐队二”的新唱片发布。The largest production company, SM Entertainment, alone made overseas revenues of about $100m last year, up fro

13、m $8m in 2008, according to analyst estimates at KDB Daewoo Securities.根据 KDB 大宇证券(KDB Daewoo Securities)的分析师估计,仅最大的制作公司 SM Entertainment 一家,去年就创下了约 1 亿美元的海外收入,而 2008 年这个数字仅为800 万美元。It has produced two iterations of one of its most popular boy bands: the six members of EXO-K sing in Korean, while th

14、eir counterparts in EXO-M perform the same songs in Mandarin for the huge Chinese market.SM 公司为旗下最火的男孩乐队之一打造了两个版本:成员共 6 人的 EXO-K 以韩语演唱,而对应的 EXO-M 的 6 名成员则瞄准巨大的中国市场,用中文演唱同样的歌曲。The aspiring performers can be subject to tough training regimes and strict labour contracts, says Stella Kim, an early membe

15、r of what has become South Koreas most popular pop group, Girls Generation. In the days before a performance, dance and singing training would run from 10am till well after midnight.金贤京(Stella Kim)说,这些雄心勃勃的艺人可能必须服从严格的训练制度和苛刻的劳动合同。在表演前的日子里,舞蹈和歌唱训练会从上午 10 点持续到午夜以后。金贤京曾是少女时代(Girls Generation)的早期成员,这个组合

16、后来成为韩国最当红的流行乐团。When the time came for Ms Kim to turn professional at SM, her parents baulked at the 13-year contract she was offered in her teens, which would have banned her from working for any other entertainment company during that time and given SM all rights to her name and image, while placing swingeing limits on her share of the bands earnings. “They said, We cant sign our daughter up to slavery,” she recalls



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