计算机专业英语Unit 7

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1、Unit 7 The Fundamentals of Computer SoftwareText 1 Data StructureExercises 1. Multiple choices.(1)The attributes of the stack are ( A ). A. FIFO B. LIFO C. queue D. built into their circuitry (2)Queues that occur everyday life can be seen ( ABCD ). A. in an emergency room of a hospital B. in certain

2、 societies lacking equality C. as people waiting for service at a bank D. as automobiles waiting for a traffic light (3)A stack protocol can be used for ( C ). A. subroutine calls B. operation of arithmetic expressions C. removing the latest element inserted D. removing the earliest element inserted

3、 (4)The operations of a structured data type might act on ( ABCD ). A. a stack B. the values of the data type C. component elements of the data structure D. a queue 2. Decide whether the following statements are True or False.(1)The operations of a structured data type only act on the values of the

4、data type. () (2)A stack is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the rules governing the insertion and deletion of its elements. () (3)A stack is a data type whose data structure is said to have a first-in/last-out (FILO) behavior, or protocol. () (4)The series of jobs awaiting execu

5、tion is called a queue. () (5)The main feature of queues is that they follow a first-come/first-served rule. ()3. Translate and analyze the following sentences.(1)A data structure is a data type whose values are composed of component elements that Unit 7 The Fundamentals of Computer Software110are r

6、elated by some structure. 句子组成:whose 引导定语从句,composed of 由组成。 翻译:数据结构是一种数据类型,其值是由通过某种结构相互关联的组成元素所构成的。 (2)In addition, there may be operations that act on its component elements. 句子组成:that 引导定语从句,修饰 operations。 翻译:并且也可以作用于数据结构的组成元素。 (3)Such a structure is said to have a last-in/first-out (LIFO) behavi

7、or. 句子组成:be said to,被动语态。 翻译:这就是所谓具有后进先出(LIFO)性质或协议的结构。 (4)There are many applications of the first-in/first-out (FIFO) protocol of queues in computing. 句子组成:application 应用 翻译:队列的先进先出(FIFO)协议在计算中有很多应用。 (5)The line of computing jobs waiting to be run on a computer system might also be a queue. 句子组成:w

8、aiting to be run on a computer 做 jobs 的定语, 翻译:在计算机中等待运行的计算作业也同样是一个队列。Text 2 Operating SystemsExercises 1. Fill in the blanks.(1)The most important program on any computer is the Operating System. (2)In other words, operating systems make computers user friendly. (3)ROM contains the most essential pr

9、ograms that the computer needs in order to run correctly. (4)Part of the operating system that contains these programs is stored on a computers hard drive and is booted to RAM whenever the computer is turned on. (5)Different computer manufacturers use different operating systems. (6)There are differ

10、ent operating systems available for PCs, but the most common is Windows. (7)Upgrading an operating system can have several advantages, such as simplifying tasks and navigation.2. Decide whether the following statements are True or False.(1)Operating systems are not unique to their manufacturers. ()

11、(2)When you purchase a new computer, an operating software suitable to the hardware must be bought. () (3)A program can use a device if that hardware is unavailable. () (4)Operating system sets up a directory of programs undergoing execution and the devices. Windows 2000 Overview111() (5)Error recov

12、ery does not belong to operating system. () (6)One of the five functions of an operating system is memory management. ()3. Translate and analyze the following sentences.(1)The most important program on any computer is the Operating System or OS. 句子组成:The most +形容词,最的。 翻译:计算机中最重要的程序就是操作系统。 (2)It cont

13、rols how the CPU communicates with other hardware components. 句子组成: how 引导一个宾语从句。 翻译:它控制 CPU 和其他硬件设备之间的通信。 (3)Part of a computers operating system is built into ROM. 句子组成:built into 建立在 翻译:计算机操作系统中的一部分就建立在 ROM 上。 (4)It also reminds the computer of all the parts it has and what they do. 句子组成:and 连接两个

14、句子做宾语,remindof 提醒. 翻译:它还提醒计算机所有的部分,并告诉他们将做的工作。 (5)The operating system also contains other programs that are important. 句子组成:that 引导一个定语从句,来修饰 programs。 翻译:操作系统还包括其他非常重要的程序。 (6)However, there can be disadvantages, too. 句子组成:However 表示转折。 翻译:然而,也有不好的地方。Text 3 Windows 2000 OverviewExercises 1. 填空(1)Th

15、ere are four separate products that form the Windows 2000 line of operating systems. (2)Advances are detailed in the sections such as Active Directory and Security. (3)Microsoft networks that are built with Active Directory can help you when you meet these challenges. (4)The cornerstone of Windows 2000 security is Active Directory. (5)The Encrypting File System (EFS) would not be possible without


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