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1、20092010 第二学期八年级英语期末考试卷第二学期八年级英语期末考试卷 (译林版 unit1unit6 考试时间:100 分钟 共 100 分) 听力部分(20 分)一.听句子,选出你所听到的单词(听两遍,共5分) 1.A.picture B. computer C.future 2.A.January B. February C.March 3.A.crying B. flying C. playing 4.A.thirteen B.sixteen C.fifteen 5.A.basketball B.football C.volleyball二.听句子选出正确的答语( 听两遍共5分)

2、6. A.sure B.Thats right. C.You are welcome. 7. A.They are happy. B.They are ten yuan. C.There are ten. 8. A.Blue B.Big C.Fifty yuan 9. A.Thank you. B.Id like some fruit. C.Would you like some milk? 10. A.He does hishomework. B.He is in the classroom C.He is fishing三听短文填表格(听两遍共10分) 1. A.Bill Smith B.

3、Jim Green C.Jone 2. A. Eighteen B.sixteen C.fifteen 3. A.China B.America C.Canada 4. A. a teacher B. a worker C.a doctor 5. A.798-4565 B.794-5208 C.895-5208name(1)Age(2)Appearance(外貌)Tall with black hairJobStudentNationality(国籍)(3)Ambition(目标)To be (4)LikesTravelling,talking to people and writing st

4、oriesPhone number(5)第二部分 笔试部分(80 分) .用括号内所给单词的恰当形式填空。 (本题 5 小题,共记 5 分) 1. It takes me three hours _(do) my homework every day. 2. Why not _(play) basketball. 3. Its important for you _(learn) English well.4. Tom said he was _(interest) in playing basketball.5. He enjoys _(watch) TV.根据汉语及首字母提示完成所缺单词。

5、 (本题 5 小题,共记 5 分)1. Ive learned English _(自来)ten years ago. 2. If you work hard, you will be _(成功的) 3. We should help the _ (盲的)people. 4. This is a u_ book. 5. Im on d_ today. .单项选择(本题 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共记 20 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 1. Tom is seven years old. He is _ to go to school. A. enough old B

6、. old enough C. enough young D. young enough2. Do you play _basketball? A.a B.the C.an D./3.-Where is Tom?- He _ Sydney for holiday. A.has been to B. has gone to C. went D. will go 4. I have already _ my homework.A. do B. did C. doing D. done 5. My mother asked me _ play computer games .A. not to B.

7、 to not C. not D. / 6. _people went out to see what happened. A. Hundreds of B. Three hundred of C. Hundred of D. Three hundreds 7. Daniel lived in this village _ , but he never felt _.A. lonely, alone B. alone, alone C. lonely, lonely D. alone, lonely 8. He _ this motorcycle for over two years.A. h

8、as bought B. has buy C. has had D. buys 9. Kitty _ this book since two weeks ago.A. borrowed B. has borrowed C. has kept D. have kept 10. Thank you for _ me with my homework. A. help B. helped C. helping D. helps 11. It is _ to learn English well.A. polite B. impolite C. important D. badly 12. These

9、 books _ in the bookshop.A. sell B. sold C. are sold D. is sold13. The teaching building_ in 2005.A. build B. was built C. built D. will be built14. Most of rice in China _ in the south.A. are grown B. is grown C. grow D. grows15. Sandy bought some presents _ her mother. A. for B. to C. in D. on16.

10、-How clean your classroom is!-Thank you. It _ every day.A. is cleaned B. was cleaned C. was cleaning D. is cleaning17. My little sister is _ go to school. A. too young to B. too young too C. to young to D. to young too 18. Shanghai is one of _ in China.A. the biggest city B. the biggest cities C. bi

11、ggest city D. biggest cities 19. They are busy _ ready for the exam. A. getting B. to get C. get D. will get 20. Tom spent three hours _ his homework.A. to finish B. finish C. finishing D. finished IV.情景交际:从(情景交际:从()栏中找出与()栏中找出与()栏相应的答语。)栏相应的答语。 (共计(共计 5 分)分) ( )1. Thank you very much. A. Im 14 year

12、s old ( )2. How old are you? B. No, thanks. ( )3. What color is your new car? C. Youre welcome. ( )4. How often do you watch TV? D. Its blue. ( )5. Would you like some tea? E. Once a week. V. 句型转换。句型转换。(每空每空 1 分,共计分,共计 10 分分) Tom has finished his homework.(改为一般疑问句)_ Tom_ his homework?2. Have you bee

13、n to Beijing?(作肯定回答)_ , I _.3. We clean our classroom every day.(改为被动语态)Our classroom_ _ by us every day.4. They planted many trees last year. (改为被动语态)Many trees _ _ by them last year. 5. We speak English every day. (改为被动语态)English _ _ by us every day.VI. 完形填空。完形填空。 (10 分)分) Tom is 1 student of No. 2 Middle School. He has classes from Monday to Friday. He has 2 things to do after school. First he 3 his homework at home. At 6:30, he watches TV 4 the evening. On Friday afternoon he plays 5 basketb


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