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1、 学号郑州成功财经学院毕业论文(设计)基于 JAVA 的网上商城设计与实现系 部 名 称:信息工程系专 业 名 称:计算机科学与技术学 生 姓 名:指 导 教 师: 讲师II摘要随着互联网技术的发展,全世界几乎所有的行业都在互联网的影响下得到了好的变化,互联网技术的逐渐成熟和发展,使生产力得到了巨大的发展,可以说互联网是第四次工业革命也毫不为过。互联网的发展催生了电子商务,电子商务的到来预示着网络营销潮流的到来。企业与客户之间的营销关系也正在逐渐由实体店面销售转变为网络电子商务营销,越来越多的企业开设自己的网上购物平台来吸引更多互联网客户,同时也大大降低了实体地点面营销的成本,在保证质量的前提

2、下,增加了企业的收益。本课题就是在这种环境下应运而生的,课题主要是利用 SSM 技术实现网上购物商城的前台与后台系统。采用分布式与集群相配合的模式来开发和部署该系统,采用这种方法开发的商城系统不仅开发速度快,开发效率高,开发层次明确而且还能能够承载大数据量的访问,而且这套系统对当下想要进军商城网站的商家来说具有非常重要的参考价值。关键词:购物商城;SSM 技术;设计与实现IIIAbstractWith the development of Internet technology, almost all industries all over the world in the Internet

3、has been a good change, Internet technology is gradually mature and development, so that productivity has got enormous development, can be said that the Internet is the fourth industrial revolution is also not too much. The development of the Internet gave birth to e-commerce. The arrival of e-comme

4、rce indicates the arrival of network marketing. Between the enterprise and the customer relationship marketing is also gradually by the entity store sales into e-commerce network marketing, more and more enterprises set up their own online shopping platform to attract more customers to the Internet,

5、 but also greatly reduces the cost of marketing entity location, under the premise of guaranteeing quality, increase the income of the enterprise.This topic is in this environment came into being, the main task is to use SSM technology to achieve online shopping mall front and back office system. Us

6、ing distributed and cluster matching model to develop and deploy the system, using this method not only the development of shopping mall development speed, high development efficiency, but also a clear development level capable of carrying a large amount of data access, and this system has very impo

7、rtant reference value for the current Army wanted to enter the mall site businesses.Key word: Shopping mall; SSM technology; Design and ImplementationIVIV目录1. 绪论 .11.1. 研究的背景和意义.11.1.1. 研究的背景 .11.1.2. 研究的意义 .11.2. 研究内容.11.3. 论文组织结构.22. 商城系统开发技术及工具介绍.32.1. 商城开发的核心技术.32.1.1. Jsonp 简介.32.1.2. HttpClien

8、t 简介.42.1.3. Cookie 简介.52.1.4. Session 简介.62.1.5. Solr 简介.72.2. SSM 框架技术 .82.2.1. 框架技术概述 .82.2.2. SpringMVC 框架.92.2.3. Mybatis 框架.102.2.4. Spring 框架.112.3. 商城开发工具.112.3.1. Ecplipse 及其插件.112.3.2. Tomcat 服务器.12V2.3.3. MySQL 数据库.122.3.4. Redis 数据库.123. 商城系统项目需求分析.143.1. 目标.143.2. 商城业务流程图.143.2.1. 商城后台业

9、务流程图 .143.2.2. 商城前台务流程图 .154. 商城系统设计及实现.174.1. 商城总体开发架构.174.2. 商城框架实现.184.2.1. Spring 整合 SpringMVC .184.2.2. Spring 整合 Mybatis .194.2.3. Spring 整合 Jedis .204.3. 商城主要功能模块实现.214.3.1. 商城后台商品管理实现 .214.3.2. 商城后台内容管理实现 .244.3.3. 商城前台单点登录的实现 .264.3.4. 商城前台 solr 全文搜索的实现 .295. 商城系统运行结果.325.1. 商城后台运行结果.325.1.1. 商城前台新增产品 .325.1.2. 商城前台商品内容管理 .335.2. 商城前台运行结果.34VI5.2.1. 商城前台用户搜索 .345.2.2. 商城前台用户注册 .355.2.3. 商城用户购物车 .366. 总结以及展望.


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