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1、亿折网一折网一、单项填空1Its _ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them _ pleasure.A/;a Ba;/Cthe;a Da;the解析:考查冠词的用法。句意:观赏上海世博会对人们来说是一种不错的感受,它能给他们快乐。feeling 是可数名词,因此前面用 a 表示“一种好的感受” ;pleasure 常用作不可数名词,故第二个空不用冠词。答案:B2I think it should be I myself not my wife who_for the bad habit

2、of my child in the study before going to school.Aam to be blamed Bis going to blameCam to blame Dshould blame解析:在强调句中考查固定搭配。该句对 I myself 进行了强调,myself 是 I 的同位语,因此谓语动词应与 I 保持一致;sb.is to blame for sth.是固定搭配“因某事责备或抱怨某人” ,用主动形式表示被动意义,故选 A 项。句意:我认为应该是我本人而不是我的妻子该为孩子去学校之前的学习的不良习惯受到责备。答案:C3The computer centr

3、e,_last year,is very popular among the students in this school.Aopen BopeningChaving opened Dopened解析:句意:去年开业的计算机中心很受这所学校学生的欢迎。题中 last year 表明 the computer centre 是去年开业的,它与 open 是被动关系。故 D 项正确。答案:D4Mrs.Lee will move into the new house next Monday,_ it will be completely finished.Aby which time Bby th

4、at timeCby this time Dby the time亿折网一折网解析:考查定语从句。by which time 引导的是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Monday。答案:A5If you _ Beijing Duck,Id like to treat you to a meal at a famous duck restaurant.Adidnt try Bdont tryChadnt tried Dhavent tried解析:考查时态。由句意“我要带你去吃烤鸭”可知,前提是“你到现在还没有吃过北京烤鸭” ,故此处用现在完成时表示。答案:D6Old people are advi

5、sed to consider such pleasant things _ necessary for their health.Aas Bas they areCas are Dthat are解析:考查 such.as 引导的限制性定语从句,as 作定语从句的主语。句意:建议老年人多考虑对他们的身体健康有好处的事情。答案:C7I know the man by _,but I have never spoken to him.Achance BheartCsight Dexperience解析:考查固定搭配。know sb.by sight 是固定搭配,意为“面熟” 。句意:我和那个人面

6、熟,但我从来没有和他说过话。答案:C亿折网一折网10_to nuclear radiation,even for a short time,may cause serious diseases.ABeing exposed BHaving exposedCExposed DAfter being exposed解析:考查非谓语动词。being exposed to nuclear radiation 在句中作主语,故选 A 项。用作补语、定语或状语时选用过去分词,故不选 C 项。句意:暴露在核辐射中,即使时间很短也可能引起严重的疾病。答案:A11_what importance is the

7、meeting you will attend tomorrow?AFor BOfCAt DTo解析:考查介词辨析。此处是在特殊疑问句中考查固定搭配“be of名词be very形容词” 。句意:你明天参加的那个会议是怎样的重要啊?答案:B12What made her nearly mad?_ she failed in the national college entrance exams.AWhat BBecauseCWhether DThat解析:考查名词性从句。答语是 that 引导的主语从句,后面省略了 made her nearly mad。句意:她在高考中考试失败的这件事情使得

8、她快要发疯了。亿折网一折网答案:D13Mrs.Black took the police back to _ place _ she witnessed the robbery.Athe same;that Bthe same;asCthe same;where Das the same;as解析:where she witnessed the robbery 是定语从句修饰先行词 place,因为定语从句中不缺少主语或宾语,因此用 where 而不用 as。答案:C14If she spent five years in Paris,_ she cant speak a word of Fr

9、ench?Awhat about Bhow aboutCwhat if Dhow come解析:考查交际用语。how come.?“为什么?怎么会?” 。句意:她如果在巴黎待了五年,怎么一个法语单词都不会说呢?答案:D15I dont think _ of Georges performance in the English speech contest,and Janes is_.Awell;worse Bbetter;wellChighly;more Dbadly;better解析:考查形容词辨析。从连词 and 看,前后之间是顺承关系,语境表示 George 的表现不好,Jane 的表现

10、更糟糕,因此 A 项正确。答案:A二、阅读理解AA new study published recently in the American Heart Associations journal Circulation:Heart Failure reveals that according to a new large study,women who consumed five or more servings of baked fish had a thirty percent lower risk of heart failure in comparison to women who c

11、onsumed less than one serving a month.Researchers examined the diets of 84,493 women from 50 to 79 years old.The women who consumed a lot of baked fish like salmon received stronger benefits than those who consumed mostly tuna,grouper or white fish.The consumption of baked fish also appeared to prov

12、ide protection against high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease(心血管疾病)It also found that those women who consumed more baked fish tended to have a lower body mass index(身体质量指数),exercise more and consume more fruits and vegetables in comparison to those who consumed fried fish.亿折网一折网Researchers

13、 note that past research has discovered that the fatty acids in fish probably decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease by decreasing inflammation(炎症)and improving blood pressure along with heart and blood vessel functioning.This study does show the link between fish consumption and heart failure

14、risk but it was not designed to show cause and effect.This study also showed that just by consuming one serving of fried fish a week was linked to a 49% greater risk of heart failure.It also found that the consumption of fried fish was linked to a lower fiber intake and a higher calorie intake.Dr Ll

15、oydjones,associate professor with Northwesterns Feinberg School of Medicine,states frequent consumption of baked fish appears to be part of a suitable pattern that is greatly beneficial for numerous things.This advocates that fish is a very good source of lean protein that we should be increasing as

16、 a part of our diet.Recommendations from the American Heart Association suggest consuming a minimum of two 3.5 ounce servings of fish especially fatty fish each week.研究表明,一个月吃五次或五次以上的烤鱼对防止心力衰竭有好处。研究还表明,鱼肉中含有脂肪酸,有利于改善血压,提高心血管功能。1Compared to women who consumed fried fish,those who consumed baked fish_.Ahave a better f


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