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1、0目目 录录第一章 绪论.1 1.1 距离保护的基本概念.1 1.2 选题背景.1 1.3 选题意义.2 1.4 论文所做工作.2 第二章 阻抗继电器及其接线方式 .4 2.1 引言.4 2.2 构成阻抗继电器的基本原则 .4 2.3 利用复数平面分析圆或直线特性阻抗继电器 .5 2.4 对接线方式的基本要求.8 2.6 接地短路阻抗继电器的接线方式 .9 2.7 小结.10 第三章 距离保护的整定原则及优化方法 .12 3.1 引言.12 3.2 三段式相间距离保护的整定原则 .12 3.3 三段式接地线路距离保护的优化方法 .16 3.4 小结.18 第四章 距离保护的保护配置及实例计算

2、.19 4.1 引言.19 4.2 距离保护框图.19 4.3 电力系统振荡对距离保护的影响与闭锁措施 .21 4.4 实例计算.221高压输电线路距离保护的保护配置及其整定计算高压输电线路距离保护的保护配置及其整定计算专业:电气工程及其自动化 学号:7022812009 学生姓名:袁乐华 指导教师:黄灿英摘要:摘要:距离保护是利用短路时电压、电流的变化特征,通过测量故障阻抗来确定故障所处范围的一种保护,故其保护区稳定,灵敏度高,能够在高压及超高压输电线路中广泛应用,则距离保护的正确整定是保证该保护正确动作的前提。本论文就是基于这样的前提对高压输电线路三段式相间距离保护和三段式接地距离保护的整

3、定进行研究和计算。首先,通过对阻抗继电器的深入研究,了解其原理及工作特性,从而对距离保护实现保护配置,得出距离保护的逻辑框图;其次,论述了三段式相间距离保护整定原则,并针对三段式零序距离保护现有整定原则的缺陷,提出了优化方案;最后,通过江西省 220KV 的清江变电站中具有典型特性的丰江线进行距离保护的整定计算,验证文中所用整定原则的正确性。理论计算结果表明:文中所用原则能够满足继电保护的“四性”要求。关键词:关键词:距离保护,阻抗继电器,保护配置,整定计算,优化计算0The protection disposition and the installation computation of

4、the high pressure transmission line distance protectionAbstract:Distance protection is uses the short circuit the voltage, the electric current change characteristic, determines the breakdown location scope through the survey breakdown impedance one kind of protection, therefore its protectorate is

5、stable, the sensitivity is high, can in the high pressure and in the ultrahigh voltage transmission line the widespread application, is guarantees this protection correct movement from the protection correct installation the premise. the present paper is conducts the research and the computation bas

6、ed on such premise to the high pressure transmission line triad interaction from the protection and the triad touchdown distance protection installation. First, through to impedance relays deep research, understands its principle and the operational factor, thus to realizes the protection dispositio

7、n from the protection, obtains is away from the protection the functional block diagram; Next, elaborated the triadic interaction to be away from the protection installation principle, Finally, has the typical characteristic abundant river line through in the JiangXi Province 200KV QingJiang transformer substation to carry on is away from the protection the installation computation, confirms in the article to use the installation principle the accuracy. The theoretical calculation result indicated: In the article uses the principle to be able to satisfy



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