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1、“food is the heaven to the people Since the human being cook with fire for the first time and come to a civilian age the food we eat has begun to be of cultural property .It is not a history of sub-human eating and drinking but a history in which the human being conquers the nature change the nature

2、 and get adapted to nature to exist and develop .And in this historic process the human gradually formed its food culture .Food as a category of culture helps us to understand every area of the oriental and occidental world . 1.Greeting and Parting In China When people meet acquaintances or friends

3、we always say “Have you eaten yet” What are you going to do” In western people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good morning/evening/afternoon. “Fine day isnt it ”How is everything going”etc.Western and Chinese cultures have diverseways to deal with leave-takings. Western

4、people always try to make their leaving sound reluctant byfinding somereasons and apologize for it to make the leaving acceptable for bothparties. Theyoften signal several times before leaving. 2.Addressing Chinese use “title In west Although they are surname” to address their different in age and s

5、tatus superior or elders rather they can call the other than call them surnames directly namely their while the superior or elders names even first call the addressers their names .They demonstrate names. otherwise the the sense of intimacy and addresser may be the conception of” considered as ill m

6、annered Everyone is created equal” ill educated or rude.3. The differences of cooking skill The so-called Chinese meditation of five flavors refers to the original taste of the food after heated and cooked and the flavors of ingredients and condiments mix together and melt into each other and comple

7、ment each other. Chinese people more often than not add two or more condiments into the food and by this realize the perfect harmony of the taste of the arterial and condiments. The ultimate end of meditation is to cook delicious food. Therefore Chinese people will surely add two or more kinds of in

8、gredients and condiments to almost every dish they cook even some common home-made dishes such as sliced meat stir-fried with garlic bolts. while the same material and ingredients are cooked in western way the chef would probably slice the beef and tomatoes separately and put them in a plate with tw

9、o potatoes and four vegetable leaves without mixing with each other and thus affecting the taste of each other. The westerners emphasize nutrition and balanced in their diet so they prepare their food according to scientific instructions strictly without any exception. The taste of the steak doesnt

10、differ from New York to LosAngelsand its other ingredients without any doubt are tomatoes potatoes and vegetable leaves .Moreover normalized cooking requires that the condiments should be added precisely by gram and the length of time needs to be calculated by seconds .4.Compliments and Response A C

11、hinese hostess will apologize for giving you “Nothing”. She will say“I just made some dishes casually and they are not very tasty.” An western hostess is likely to say” Oh I am so glad that you liked it. I cook it especially for you.”5. Thanks and Responses In China“Thank you” is not“Thank you” is w

12、idely used in Englishto show gratitude in such cases as frequently used betweenbeing intimate friends and familyinvited helped given a gift etc. members because it may imply a certain distance between the addresser and the addressee. 6.the difference of drink Tea Wherever Chinese go the custom of dr

13、inking tea follows. Tea was first discovered by the Chinese. Tea is an indispensable part of the life of a Chinese. A Chinese saying identifies the seven basic daily necessities as fuel rice oil salt soy sauce vinegar and tea. The custom of drinking tea has been ingrained in the Chinese for over a t

14、housand years. During the mid-Tang Dynasty 618-907 A.D. a man named Lu Yu created the first compendium in the world on tea the Tea Classic. This work helped to popularize the art of tea drinking all across China.This is the western diet culture ofwine7.The difference of tableware Chopsticks and kniv

15、es are the two most typical table wares of the East and the West representing two kinds of different wisdom. Chinese table wares are quite simple and are often used for several purposes. Chinese people use fewer types of table wares which is also perhaps influenced by their idea of harmony and unifi

16、cation. Chopsticks are usually made from bamboo .hold a pair of chopsticks on hand and enjoy the dishes its not only economical but also convenient. Chopsticks can do almost what our hands can do so chopsticks are often considered as stretched part of hands . In the west people often use several typed of table wares for one purpose which may also probably result from the influence of the idea of individualism. Among the tableware knives


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