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1、灵山灵山 索道合同索道合同 Contract for LINGSHAN Project编号:201209-01 : 201209-01 合同签字日期: 2013 年 月 Date: Sep, 2013买方:买方:四川省攀西灵山旅游投资开发有限公司四川省攀西灵山旅游投资开发有限公司 Buyer: Sichuan Panxi Lingshan Tourism Investment And Development Co., Ltd. 地址 Address:电话 Tel: 传真 Fax:卖方:卖方: POMAGALSKI 公司公司Seller: POMAGALSKI 地址 Address: 109,

2、rue Aristide Berges- CentrAlp- 38340 Voreppe- France 电话 Tel:+33 4 76 28 71 00 传真 Fax:+33 4 76 28 71 91 波马嘉仕其(北京)索道有限责任公司波马嘉仕其(北京)索道有限责任公司 Poma (Beijing) Ropeway Co., Ltd. 地址地址 Address: 电话电话 Tel: 传真传真 Fax:合同目录合同目录 Contents of the Contract第一项定义 Clause 1Definitions 第二项 合同范围 Clause2 Scope of Contract 第三

3、项原产地 Clause 3Country of Origin 第四项标准 Clause 4Standards 第五项 使用合同文件和资料 Clause 5Use of Contract Documents and Information 第六项知识产权 Clause 6Intelligence Property 第七项 设计及设计联络 Clause 7Design and Design Liaison 第八项 合同价格 Clause 8TheContract Price 第九项生产商国别和制造厂商 Clause 9Country of Origin and Manufacturers 第十项

4、保险及在途风险 Clause 10Insurance and Risks on the Way of Transportation灵山 索道项目第 2 页 共 31 页第十一项包装 Clause 11Packing 第十二项装运标记 Clause 12Marking for Shipment 第十三项装运条件 Clause 13Terms of Delivery 第十四项装运通知 Clause 14Shipping Advice 第十五项 伴随服务 Clause 15Incidental Services 第十六项备件和设计内吊厢 Clause 16Spare Parts and Gondol

5、as in Design 第十七项检验和测试 Clause 17Inspections and Test 第十八项 质量保证及履约保证 Clause 18Warranty and Performance Guarantee 第十九项 付款条件及付款单据 Clause 19Terms of Payment and Documents 第二十项 技术描述及文件 Clause 20Technical Description 2.5.3 The Seller shall furnish at no cost to the Buyer, the blueprints, drawings, specifi

6、cations, type of materials of the spare parts, if requested, following the termination of the spare parts and gondolas. 2.6 The Seller shall conduct detailed technical disclosure with the installation company designated by the Buyer and dispatch technical personnel at site to do the technical superv

7、ision of the equipment installation.灵山 索道项目第 7 页 共 31 页3 原产地 3.1 本合同项下所提供的货物及服务均应来自于中华人民共和国或与中华人民共和国有正常贸易 往来的国家和地区(以下简称“合格来源国”)。 3.2 本条款所述的“原产地”是指货物生产或提供有关服务的来源地。所述的“货物”是指制造、加工 或实质上装配了主要部件而形成的货物。商业上公认的产品是指在基本特征、性能或功能上 与部件有着实质性区别的产品。 3.3 货物和服务的原产地有别于卖方的国籍。 3 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN 3.1 All Goods and Servic

8、es supplied under the Contract shall have their origin in the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “the PRC”) or in the countries/areas, which have regular trade relations with the PRC (hereinafter called “eligible source countries/areas”). 3.2 For purposes of this Clause, “origin“

9、means the place where the Goods were produced, or from which the Services are supplied. Goods are produced when, through manufacturing, processing, or substantial and major assembly of components. A commercially recognised product results that is substantially different in basic characteristics or i

10、n purpose or utility from its components. 3.3The origin of Goods and Services is distinct from the nationality of The Seller.4 标准 4.1 本合同下交付的货物应符合中华人民共和国有关客运索道相关要求和标准。如果中华人民共 和国内没有适用标准的,则应符合货物来源国适用的官方标准。这些标准必须是有关机构发 布的最新版本的标准。 4.2 除非合同中另有规定,计量单位均采用中华人民共和国法定计量单位。 4STANDARDS 4.1 The Goods supplied und

11、er this Contract shall conform to the requirements and standards relating to passenger ropeway of the P.R.C. , and, when no applicable standard is mentioned in P.R.C., to the authoritative standards appropriate to the Goods country of origin. Such standards shall be the latest issued by the concerne

12、d institution. 4.2 All measurements shall be the measuring unit officially published by PRC, unless otherwise specified in the Technical Specifications.5使用合同文件和资料 5.1 没有其他方事先书面同意,合同任何一方不得将由另一方提供的有关合同或任何合同条文、 规格、计划、图纸、模型、样品或资料提供给与履行本合同无关的任何其他人。即使向与履 行本合同有关的人员提供,也应注意保密并限于履行合同必须的范围。 5.2 没有其他方事先书面同意,除了履

13、行本合同之外,合同任何一方不应使用合同条款第 5.1 条 所列举的任何文件和资料。 5.3 合同各方应保护对方对所有违反本合同第五条规定使用技术文件和资料的索赔并在向其提交 此类索赔后三十天内赔偿相当于不当使用文件和/或资料当时市值五倍的金额。 5USE OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION 5.1 Any party shall not, without prior written consent of the other parties, disclose the Contract, or any provision thereof, or any s

14、pecification, plan, drawing, pattern, sample, or information furnished by or on behalf of the party in connection therewith, to any person other than a person employed by them in the performance of the Contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only

15、 so far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance. 5.2 Any party shall not, without prior written consent of the other parties, make use of any 灵山 索道项目第 8 页 共 31 页document or information enumerated in Contract Clause 5.1 except for purposes of performing the Contract. 5.3 All parties shal

16、l indemnify the other parties against all claims of infringement arising from the use of documents or information in violation to Clause 5 of the Contract and shall pay a compensation within thirty (30) days after such claims handed over to the other parties in the amount of equal to five (5) times the market value of the goods re



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