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1、词组词组1、封内地址:Inside Name and Address 2、注册商标:Registered Trademark3、经营范围:Business line/scope 4、注册编号:Reference No.5、增值税 :VAT 6、商务参战处:the Commercial Consellors Office7 同业商会: Trade Associations 8、本国商会:the Chamber of Commerce of their country、9、行名录:Trade Directories 10、同业商行:Business Associations11、行业杂志:Trad

2、e Journals 12、展览会:Fairs and Exhibitions13、贸易条件:Trade terms 14、财务状况:financial status15、开始从事:enter into 16、向某人经常或长期订购:place regular orders with sb.17、经营:deal in 18、建立业务关系:enter into trade relations19、经济商务参赞处:economic and commercial counsellors office20、欧盟国家:European Union countries 21、畅销:enjoy a ready

3、 sale22、带有插图的目录:illustrative catalogue 22、家用纺织品:home textiles23 手工编织品:hand plaited articles 24、国际惯例:international practice25、达成交易:conclude a transaction 26、另邮、另寄:under separate cover/by separate mail27 贸易交易圈:trade circles 28、往来银行:correspondent bank29 交易条件:terms of delivery 30、装运期:shipment time31 包装方

4、式 means of packing 32 具体询盘:specific enquiry33 潜在顾客:prospective buyer 34 市场调研:market research35 佳音:favorable reply 36 大额订购:transact a significant volume of business37 出售货物:disposal of the goods 38 交易磋商:business negotiation39 质量上乘、工艺精良:good quality and fine workmanship40 货物供应状况:availability 41 交货期:del

5、ivery time42 支付条件:terms of payment 43、可供数量:quantity available44 报价单:quotation sheet 45 促销资料:sales literature46 供你方参考:for your reference 47 商业折扣:trade discount48 剪样:sample cutting 49 可供现货的:available from stock50 即期汇票:draft at sight 51 上升趋势:upward tendency52 电器:electric appliance 52 把产品销入某一市场:introduc

6、einto a market53 以。 。 。为准:subject to 54 远期信用证:L/C after sight 55 销售网点:sales outlets 56 全套促销资料:a complete range of sales literature57 商务部:ministry of commerce 58 资信调查表:credit enquiry forms59 银行资信证明书:bank reference 60 双方协定条件:on open terms61 状态良好:in sound condition 62 放心:rest assured63 亏损:run at a loss

7、 64 欠债:in debt of65 给某人信贷:extend credit to sb. 66 鉴于,考虑到:in view of67 所涉及的:in question 68 绝对保密:treat as strictly confidential69 私下的:in confidence 70 良好信誉:good reputation71 使某人向某人请教:refer sb. to sb. els 72 和某人维持关系:maintain relation with sb.73 按照某人要求:at ones request 74 资金储备:financial reserves75 注入资金:c

8、apital injection 76 保险单:Insurance policy77 保险凭证:insurance certificate 78 一切险:All Risks79 平安险:Free From Particular Average 80 水渍险:With Particular Average81 战争险:War Risk 82 破碎险:Breakage Risk83 渗漏险:Leakage Risk 84 偷窃提货不着险:Theft Pliferage &Non-delivery 85 钩损险:Hook Damage Risk 86 污损险:Soilage Risk87 出口部主任

9、:chief exporter 88 预约保险协议:open cover agreement89 船代理:shipping compannys agent 90 为。 。办理保险:effect insurance on sth.91 就。 。而言:as far as。 。concerned 92 当着。 。的面:in the presence of93 保险费率:premium rate 94 预计做成:due to95 中国保险条款:China Insurance Clauses 96 保险代理人:insurance agents97 发票金额:invoice value 98 索款通知单:

10、debit note99 由某人支付:for ones account 100 货物条款协会:Institute Cargo Clauses101 因为。 。向某人赔偿:compensate sb. for 102 向某人开立汇票:draw on sb.103 条件是:on condition that 104 额外保费:extra premium105 实际全损:Actual Total loss 106 推定全损:constructive total loss107 部分损失:partial loss 108 共同海损:general average109 单独海损:particular

11、average 110 保险范围:insurance coverage111 淡水雨淋险:Fresh and Rain Water Damage Risks112 混杂玷污险:Intermixture & contamination Risks113 受潮受热险:Sweating & Heating Risks 114 锈损险:Rust Risks115 罢工险:Strike Risk 116 罢工暴动民变险:SRCC:strike,riots,civil commotions117 仓至仓条款:warehouse to warehouse clause118 免赔率:franchise119

12、 中国商检局:China Inspection Bureau120 检验证:inspection certificate121 索赔:file a claim 122 稳定的船只:approved vessel123 纸板箱:cardboard box 124 大包装:large packing125 木板箱:wooden case 126 运输包装:packing for transportation127 铁桶:iron drum 128 内包装:inner packing129 运输标志:shipping marks 130 销售包装:sales packing131 金属条:metal

13、 band 132 直接包装:immediate packing133 原条款:original clause 134 适合海运的包装:seaworthy packing135 目的港:port of destination 136 指定包装:designated packing137 装运港:port of loading 138 适合空运的包装:airworthy packing139 卸货港:port of discharge 140 中性包装:neutral packing141 发动机部件:engine parts 142 卖方习惯包装:sellers usual packing143 拎钩:lifting hook 144 习惯包装:customary packing145 激光打印机:laser printer 146 劣质包装:faulty packing147 出口包装:export packing 148 包装须知:packing instructions149 外包装:outer packing 150 包装安排:packing arrangement151 包装材料:packing material



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