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1、Unit 1-3 单项选择 1. -What did she say? -Oh, nothing _. She only wanted me to give a hand.A. in shortB. in funC. in specialD. in particular 2. My friend David was not used _ by air, so he felt unwell(不舒服).A. to travelingB. to travelC. travelingD. travel 3. _ the workers working conditions, the boss will

2、 allow them to have a coffee break.A. ImprovingB. To improveC. Having improvedD. Improved 4. -Did the little boy manage _ the suitcase upstairs?-No, he didnt. he isnt strong enough even _ it.A. to carry, movingB. carrying, to moveC. to carry, to moveD. carrying, moving 5. After some time in the dark

3、 cave, out eyes slowly _ the dark.A. used toB. adapted toC. accustomed toD. helped to 6. His physical disability makes _ rather difficult for him to find a good job.A. him B. thatC. thisD. it 7. His mother suggested he _ to see the doctor, because his pale face suggested he _ ill.A. would go, had be

4、en B. go, wasC. went, had been D. must go, was 8. His wife, to whom he _ for 20 years, died of cancer last Thursday.A. had marriedB. has been marriedC. has marriedD. had been married 9. What a pity! I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was _ in the traffic jam.A. broken upB. kept a

5、wayC. held upD. kept up 10. While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ into buying something they dont really need.A. to persuadeB. persuadingC. being persuadedD. be persuaded 11. We stopped on our way to London for _.A. an or two hoursB. an and two hoursC. one hour or twoD. one or two hours 12. -

6、Sorry, I made a mistake again. -_. Practice more and youll succeed.A. Never mindB. Certainly notC. Not at allD. Dont mention it 13. _ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.A. Having lostB. LostC. Being lostD. Losing 14. They climbed to the top of the to

7、wer, _ they could see _ was happening in the distance.A. where, all whatB. from where, whatC. which, allD. from which, that 15. Many people stood near the bus stop, nervously waiting _.A. to pick upB. picking upC. to be picked upD. being picked up 一、完形填空 Not long ago, the only time you could see a r

8、obot was when you were reading a novel or watching a movie such as Star Wars. Today, _1_, a lot of things in science stories have been science facts. Robots are starting to _2_ in our everyday lives. These robots have different sizes, shapes and colors. But they all have the same _3_ of man-made “_4

9、_”. Leading the robot revolution(革命) are industrial robots that work in factories. Industrial robots can do different kinds of jobs that are often _5_ and sometimes dangerous. Robots are also coming to American homes, though not as quickly as they are entering _6_. These robots arent as friendly and

10、 _7_ as those you saw in Star Wars. But, their makers say, todays home robots “walk” and sense objects in their own way. They even _8_ objects though they may sometimes drop. Well, nobody is _9_. We may _10_ home robots today, but some day they may see and hear _11_ than humans do. We _12_ can only

11、see certain wave lengths of light and hear certain _13_. Thats because the _14_ of our eyes and ears are _15_. Robots, however, need not have the same limits _16_ we have. Robots may also be _17_ with devices(装置) that _18_ information humans cant. However, to understand _19_ their sensing devices pi

12、ck up is a hard job. Remember, man-made brains _20_ information, including all kinds of data, as zeroes and ones. Imagine the difficulty in trying to explain to a robot what a football looks like-using only zeroes and ones. 1. A. howeverB. wheneverC. on the other handD. in other words 2. A. comeB. a

13、ppearC. enterD. raise 3. A. varietyB. dozenC. scoreD. type 4. A. muscleB. bodyC. brainD. appearance 5. A. surprisingB. boringC. pleasantD. exciting 6. A. homesB. factoriesC. schoolsD. offices 7. A. certainB. pleasingC. brightD. foolish8. A. carryB. forgetC. rememberD. choose 9. A. wonderfulB. excell

14、entC. happyD. perfect 10. A. play jokes onB. make fun ofC. laugh atD. have fun with 11. A. worseB. fasterC. betterD. sooner 12. A. fellowsB. humansC. beingsD. friends 13. A. noiseB. voiceC. soundsD. speeches 14. A. sightB. lengthC. distanceD. ability 15. A. enoughB. endlessC. limitedD. hopeful 16. A

15、. asB. sinceC. forD. while 17. A. givenB. equippedC. sentD. applied 18. A. pick outB. pick upC. send upD. send out 19. A. howB. whereC. whatD. which 20. A. dealB. handleC. seek D. provide 二、阅读理解 A During an exhibition show the skills of disabled people, an armless man used his mouth and feet to repa

16、ir a watch. He completed the task in just a few minutes at the show, which was held in Beijing last Saturday. Just imagine the tiny parts that make up a watch. You have to wonder how the disabled man developed such a skill. It was reported that 28-year-old Wang Jianghai lost his arms in an accident when he was five and began learning to repair watches at the age o


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