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1、1Unit 1 Part I: Short Conversations 1. A) Go hiking with her friend.B) Stay at home and do her exercise.C) Rest and take care of herself.D) Catch up with her reading. 2. A) He and his wife enjoyed the play.B) He enjoyed the play but his wife didnt.C) Neither of them enjoyed the play.D) His wife enjo

2、yed the play, but he didnt. 3. A) She can only use the dictionary in the library.B) She can use the dictionary as long as she likes.C) She gets one for herself.D) She can take one out. 4. A) That her teaching assistant would correct the examination papers.B) That she would collect the examination pa

3、pers.C) That she would not give her students a final exam.D) That she would correct the examination papers. 5. A) They both liked it.B) The mother didnt like it, but the father did.C) Neither liked it.D) The mother didnt like it because it wasnt English. 6. A) He doesnt have the right tools.B) He ca

4、nt afford it.C) He wants to wait until the next day.D) He doesnt need one. 7. A) At the bank.B) At the market.C) At the nursery.D) At the hardware store. 8. A) To go early.B) To leave the stadium early.C) To buy his tickets early.D) To listen to the radio. 9. A) Hell get angry.B) Hes looking for a p

5、arking space.C) He has to buy a parking ticket.D) He will discover it himself. 10.A) In an electrical shop.B) At a college.C) In an airportD) At a voting booth. (Key: CBCDB BBAAB) Part Two: Long Conversation:21. A) He regards friends as particularly importantB) He regards friends as important as his

6、 family membersC) He doesnt think of friends as particularly importantD) He thinks friends can help him when he is in trouble.2. A) His familyB) His friends.C) His colleaguesD) His classmates.3. A) It is more important than life.B) It is more important than love.C) It is more important than anything

7、 else.D) Friendship is unnecessary in her life.4. (A) Love may lead to a lot of bitterness.(B) Love may lead to great happiness.C) Love may lead to unimaginable success in a career.D) Love may lead to many quarrels.5. A) People who are active and talk all the time.B) People who remain silent all the

8、 time.C) People who will help him when he needs help.D) People who can just stay together and not say very much sometimes.(Key: CABAD )Part Three: Passages:Passage 11. A) Two years.B) Three years.C) One year.D) Two and a half years2. A) They decided to get married in April.B) They decided to make ne

9、w friends separately.C) They decided to make some new friends together. D) They decided to have a baby.3. A) She decided to leave Peter forever.B) She liked this way to make friends.C) She thought it easier to make friends like this.D) She felt lonely and that her life was quite dull.4. A) They were

10、 frightened.B) They felt excited.C) They felt surprised and were at a loss for words.D) They felt angry about the experience.5. A) It is hard for them to arrange a blind date again.B) Rhoda is a good match for Peter and they will finally get married. C) They think something went wrong with the compu

11、ter.D) They will try another computer date.3Key: ABDCB Passage 2:1. A) To talk to her about his work.B) To go to bed as soon as possible.C) To talk to George. D) To get a new job in an insurance company.2. A) He felt worried.B) He felt embarrassed.C) He felt hopeless.D) He felt tired.3. A) He gradua

12、ted three months ago.B) He left school three years ago.C) He graduated three days ago.D) He will leave school in three days4. A) He wanted to work in a bank.B) He hoped to work in an insurance company.C) He intended to travel and see the world.D) He planned to stay at home.5. A) Georges mother will

13、continue to talk to her son.B) Georges mother doesnt think they can change their sons mind. C) George will listen to his parents in the future.D) Georges father does not want to talk to his son any more.Key: CDACBPart Four: Compound DictationMost Brazilians are very class-conscious, and everything f

14、rom education and jobs to behavior and communication _style1_ is affected by it. Conversation between members of different classes is frowned upon, except when specific _2_interactions_ such as between a customer and a clerk require it. Because a strangers class is usually impossible to _determine3_

15、, most Brazilians refrain from _4informal_ passing exchanges, such as hello“ and “have a nice day“. And people may _regularly_ use deferential(谦恭的) titles like “doctor“ and “senhor“ to _6imply_ that the person being _addressed7_ is someone of higher class.Secondly, Brazil is a “polychromic“ culture,

16、 which means that attitudes toward time are much more elastic(弹性的)than they are in North America or Japan. _8While bus and trains uaually run _on schedule throughout Brazil,meetings and appointments seldom do_. If the present conversation is pleasant, it is more important to appreciate and extend it than to rush off to next one. _9_Whether the appoint is professional or personal ,one is noe expected


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