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1、摘摘 要要随着当代中国经济的增长,我国互联网技术的不断完善,尤其是在电子商务领域,网上购物热潮再一此掀起! 在社会的经济发展越来越快的环境下,网上购物,这个逐渐流行于二十一世纪的购物方式已经为越来越多的人所接受。人们对信息的更新速度和完整性要求越来越高。因此对网站的要求也越来越高。 本文论述到的网上购物系统是由 ASP.NET 和 Microsoft 公司的 SQL Server2005 数据库开发而成的,通过运用 SQL Server2005 来储存和处理各种网上购物信息,实现了登陆功能、注册功能、找回密码、购物车功能、订单功能;发表评论。后台,主要是对用户的资源管理、订单管理、商品管理、投

2、票管理。由客户在客户端操作完成,服务器端程序会按用户的要求来完成对系统数据的操作,并将结果传给 Web 服务器,再由 Web 服务器处理成 HTML 文件后发送到客户端浏览器,在实现过程中并通过运用 Rational Rose 和 Visio 工具进行建模。网上购物系统是一个为了适应社会发展,为广大网民提供服务的网站。而本论文所提到得系统正是符合大众需求的一个购物系统,只要是本网站的正式用户,即可在本网站购买到比市场价优惠的服装、化妆品,家用等商品。关键词:网上购物 购物车 ASP.NET SQL Server2005 拍拍时尚购物网AbstractAbstractWith the conte

3、mporary Chinas economic growth, Our countrys Internet technology continues to improve, especially in the area of electronic commerce, online shopping boom and then this one off! In the social and economic development in fast growing environment, online shopping, this emerging popular the twenty-firs

4、t century way to shop for more and more people have been acceptable. It updates the information speed and integrity requirements are increasing. Therefore, the site demands increasingly high.This paper discusses the on-line shopping system is made of ASP.NET and Microsofts SQL Server2005 database de

5、velopment , through the use of SQL Server2005 to store and handle a variety of online shopping information, to achieve the landing capabilities, registration functions, retrieve your password, shopping cart functionality, order functions; comment. Background, mainly for the users resource management

6、, order management, merchandise management, and voting management. By the client on the client operation is complete, server-side program according to the users requirements to complete the operation of the system data, and the results to a Web server, and then handled by the Web server into the HTM

7、L document sent to the client browser, in the realization of during the process through the use of Rational Rose and Visio modeling tools.Internet shopping system is an order to adapt to social development, to provide services for the majority of Internet users site. Of this paper was referred to th

8、e system is in line with the public demand for a shopping system, as long as the official users of this site, you can purchase on this site offer more than market price of clothing, cosmetics, household and other commodities.拍拍时尚购物网KeywordsKeywords: online shopping shopping cart ASP.NET SQL Server2005 目目 录录第一章第一章系统概述系统概述.31.1 系统发展现状和背景.31.2 系统开发环境.31.2.1 Asp.NetAsp.Net 技术介绍.31.2.2 SQLSQL ServerServer 20052005 介绍.31.2.3 三层架构设计模式介绍.4第二章第二章系统分析系统分析.62.1 系统需求分析.62.1.1 系统功能要求.62.1.2 系统性能要求.72.2 系统用例模型.72.2.1 系统用例图.72.2.2 系统用例描述.92.2.3 系统主要流程图.9第三章第三章系统设计系统设计.113.1 功能模块设计.113.2 系统类图.



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