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1、西方诗歌鉴赏之诗歌西方诗歌鉴赏之诗歌I strove with none, for none was worth my strife.Nature I loved, and next to Nature, Art:I warmd both hands before the fire of Life;It sinks; and I am ready to depart.它是如何构建的?或者说,它是如何写成的,是自由诗,还是格律严谨的格律诗歌?它是由哪些要素,或者说哪些零部件组成的?我们怎么来对它进行分析?这里我首先问大家一个小问题:西方诗歌的最小单位是什么?汉诗的最小单位:字,四言、五言、七言有

2、人可能由此推理,西方诗歌的最小单位是 word?其实不然,西方诗歌的最小单位是 syllable。从诗律学的角度,一首诗大致是这样构成的:音节 音步 诗行 诗节 诗一、 音节音节,syllable,通常是由一个元音加上它前面或后面的辅音构成。音节是西方诗歌的最小(基础)单位(而不是 word) 。 (这和汉诗不同,汉诗的最小单位是字:四言、五言、七言)一行诗的长度是以 syllable 或 foot 来计算的,而非 word。下面这行诗含几个音节?I strove with none, for none was worth my strife.二、音步音步,foot,是西方诗歌音律的基础单位,

3、指由某种音节组合格式构成的诗歌节奏单位。类似于汉诗的音组、顿:五言三顿、七言四顿白日|依山|尽,黄河|入海|流。具体说来,由构成音步的音节数量和重读的不同,音步可划分为以下几种:抑扬格:指由一个非重读音节后跟一个重读音节构成的音步。(非重读+重读)以单词为例:Compare 、destroy、 prevent、 possess (New York)抑扬格是英诗中最常见的一种音步。扬抑格:由重读非重读(重读+非重读)这也是较常见的一种音步:London memo major manner抑抑扬格:指由两个非重读音节后跟一个重读音节构成的音步。(非+非+重)Intervene interrupt

4、contradict Singapore抑扬抑格:非+重+非Arrangement invention mechanic扬抑抑格:重+非+非Merrily melody interval三、诗行诗行,line,由一定数量的符合一定规则的音步构成诗行。一个诗行一般是由一至八个音步构成:只有一个音步构成的诗行称为“单音步诗行” ;由两个音步“双音步诗行” ;英语中最常见的诗行是抑扬格五音步诗行。问题:I strove with none, for none was worth my strife.To meet, to know, to love, and then to part可以说是爱情四部

5、曲I wanderd lonely as a cloud有了诗行,就有了韵的问题。韵,rhyme,欧美诗歌中的韵,按押韵词在诗行中的位置一般分三类:尾韵,end rhyme,诗行中最后一个重音元音及其相随辅音押韵。Spring, the sweet spring, is the years pleasant king.Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring.A little black thing among the snowCrying “ weep, weep, ” in notes of woe!“Where are thy

6、father and mother, say?”“They are both gone up to the church to pray.这是最常见的韵。中间韵(腹韵),internal rhyme,诗行中顿挫处的最后一个音节与本行末的音节押韵。Spring, the sweet spring, is the years pleasant king.Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring.头韵,head rhyme,诗行中若干词的第一音押韵,既可押元音,也可押辅音。From leaf to flower and flower to

7、fruit.头韵是古英诗中常见的韵。其中辅音头韵类似汉语中的双声:潇湘、英勇、乒乓、澎湃元音头韵类似汉语中的叠韵:蜿蜒、混沌、窈窕、辗转视韵, eye rhyme,两行诗的行末音节在拼写上相同,但发音不同。Many times man lives and diesBetween his two eternities.blood lovestood prove全韵,full/perfect rhyme,押韵词的重音元音和相随辅音均相同。 (尾韵、腹韵)part |a:t| brightheart |a:t| light准韵,near rhyme,和全韵相对,是一种不完全的押韵形式,分两种:元音准

8、韵:押韵词的元音相同,辅音不同。neck nodmet dot辅音准韵:辅音相同,元音不同。flush budflash food(头韵及视韵一般为准韵。 )四、诗节诗节,stanza,由若干个具有一定规则的诗行组成诗节。 (一节诗)A little black thing among the snowCrying “ weep, weep, ” in notes of woe!“Where are thy father and mother, say?”“They are both gone up to the church to pray.“Because I was happy upon

9、 the heath ,And smild among the winters snow ;They clothed me in the clothes of death,And taught me to sing the notes of woe.“And because I am happy, and dance and sing ,They think they have done me no injury,And are gone to praise God and his priest and king ,Who make up a heaven of our misery .”有了

10、诗节,就有了韵式的问题。韵式,rhyme scheme,即押韵的方式,指一个诗节或一首诗中韵脚的排列格式。西方诗歌中常见的韵式有这样几种:对韵(随韵) ,couplet rhyme,相邻的两行押相同的韵:aabbA little black thing among the snowCrying “ weep, weep, ” in notes of woe!“Where are thy father and mother, say?”“They are both gone up to the church to pray.To meet, to know, to love, and then

11、to part,Is the sad tale of many a human heart. 交韵, cross rhyme: ababThy mornings showed, thy nights concealedThe bowers where Lucy played;And thine too is the last green fieldThat Lucys eyes surveyed.Bower:凉亭,凉棚; survey:观察,检查Full many a gem of purest ray serene,The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bea

12、r: Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air.serene:平静的,宁静的;bear:have,produce; blush:脸红,引申为绽放。世界上多少晶莹皎洁的珠宝,埋在幽暗而深不可测的海底;世界上多少花儿吐艳而无人知晓,把芳香白白地,散发给荒凉的空气。抱韵, arch rhyme: abbaThe poetry of earth is never dead:When all the birds are faint with the hot sun,And h

13、ide in cooling trees, a voice will run From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead;mow:刈,割;mead:meadow,草地,牧场大地的诗歌永远不会消亡;尽管烈日下小鸟们晒得昏晕躲进了清凉的树荫,却有个声音翻越重重篱笆,沿新割的草场飞扬;Methought I saw my late espoused saintBrought to me like Alcestis from the grave,Whom Joves great son to her glad husband gave,Rescud from

14、 Death by force, though pale and faint.Methought :It seemed that诗、诗体诗,poem,由一个或数个诗节组成一首诗。A little black thing among the snowCrying “ weep, weep, ” in notes of woe!“Where are thy father and mother, say?”“They are both gone up to the church to pray.“Because I was happy upon the heath ,And smild among

15、the winters snow ;They clothed me in the clothes of death,And taught me to sing the notes of woe.“And because I am happy, and dance and sing ,They think they have done me no injury,And are gone to praise God and his priest and king ,Who make up a heaven of our misery .”扫烟囱的孩子白雪里有个小小的黑东西,“扫烟,扫烟!”他叫得惨惨凄凄!“告诉我,你的爸爸妈妈在哪里?”“他们都上了教堂,在祷告上帝。 ”“因为在家乡我总是欢欢喜喜,就是在冬天雪地里我也爱笑;他们便给我穿上这倒霉的丧衣,还教我唱起这支凄凉的歌调。“因为我总是高兴,又唱歌又跳舞,他们自以为对我没给过损伤,就跑去赞美上帝、教士和君主夸他们拿我们苦难造成了天堂。 ”根据组成诗节的行数和格律的不同,可分为以下几种重要的诗体:双行体(couplet)两行组成一个诗节,押韵;韵式为 aa bb cc。双行体有多种,英诗中最常见的是英雄双行体(heroic couplet)


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