高中高二作文1000字:learning to play the piano(我学弹钢琴)

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《高中高二作文1000字:learning to play the piano(我学弹钢琴)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中高二作文1000字:learning to play the piano(我学弹钢琴)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 4高中高二作文高中高二作文 10001000 字:字:LearningLearning toto PlayPlay thethe PianoPiano(我学弹钢琴)(我学弹钢琴)作文标题:作文标题: LearningLearning toto PlayPlay thethe PianoPiano(我学弹钢琴)(我学弹钢琴)关键词:关键词: 钢琴钢琴 高中高二高中高二 10001000 字字字数:字数: 10001000 字作文字作文本文适合:本文适合: 高中高二高中高二作文来源:作文来源: https:/zw.htt

2、ps:/zw.作文大全有话说作文大全有话说: :忙活了忙活了, ,很长时间很长时间, ,为了就是让您满意为了就是让您满意, ,你你要是不满意跟我说声要是不满意跟我说声, ,我们会更加玩命的干我们会更加玩命的干! !谢谢大家哈谢谢大家哈! !本作文是关于高中高二本作文是关于高中高二 10001000 字的作文,题目为:字的作文,题目为:LearningLearning toto PlayPlay thethe PianoPiano(我学弹钢琴)(我学弹钢琴) ,欢迎大,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。家踊跃投稿。WhenWhen I I waswas a a child,child, I I waswas f

3、ascinatedfascinated byby thethe melodymelody ofof pianopiano onon thethe screenscreen AtAt thatthat time,time, I I dreameddreamed ofof beingbeing a a pianistpianist andand havinghaving mymy ownown pianopiano AtAt thethe ageage ofof five,five, mymy fatherfather boughtbought meme a a beautifulbeautifu

4、l pianopiano asas mymy birthdaybirthday presentpresent withwith thethe moneymoney theythey hadhad savedsaved forfor a a longlong timetime AtAt thethe samesame time,time, mymy fatherfather foundfound a a pianopiano teacherteacher forfor meme andand everyevery dayday I I wouldwould practisepractise it

5、it againagain andand againagain asas mymy fatherfather demandeddemanded BeforeBefore long,long, mymy interestinterest inin pianopiano waswas transferredtransferred toto otherother thingsthings I I beganbegan toto escapeescape thethe 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 4practicepractice asas muchm

6、uch asas I I couldcould MyMy fatherfather foundfound outout mymy impatienceimpatience HeHe encouragedencouraged meme andand waswas stricterstricter withwith meme thanthan everever beforebefore WithWith hishis help,help, I I undertundert thethe hardesthardest timetime andand devoteddevoted myselfmyse

7、lf toto thethe pianopiano Now,Now, inin mymy sparespare timetime afterafter a a longlong timetime ofof studystudy andand hardhard work,work, I I alwaysalways playplay thethe pianopiano andand enjoyenjoy thethe beautifulbeautiful musicmusic 孩提时代,我总被电视上钢琴的优美孩提时代,我总被电视上钢琴的优美旋律所吸引。那时,我就梦想有一架自己的钢琴,成为一旋律所

8、吸引。那时,我就梦想有一架自己的钢琴,成为一名钢琴师。名钢琴师。6 6 岁的时候,爸爸用他积攒了很久的钱为我买了岁的时候,爸爸用他积攒了很久的钱为我买了一架很漂亮的钢琴,作为我的生日礼物。为此,爸爸还为一架很漂亮的钢琴,作为我的生日礼物。为此,爸爸还为我请了钢琴老师。每天,我都按爸爸的要求不停地练习。我请了钢琴老师。每天,我都按爸爸的要求不停地练习。没过多久,我对钢琴的兴趣就越来越淡了,我开始尽可能没过多久,我对钢琴的兴趣就越来越淡了,我开始尽可能逃避练琴。爸爸发现了我的厌琴情绪,鼓励我坚持下去,逃避练琴。爸爸发现了我的厌琴情绪,鼓励我坚持下去,对我的要求也比以前更严了。在爸爸的帮助下,我度过

9、了对我的要求也比以前更严了。在爸爸的帮助下,我度过了最难熬的一段日子,并全身心投入到练琴中。最难熬的一段日子,并全身心投入到练琴中。 今天,学习今天,学习和工作之余,我就弹起钢琴来,享受那美妙的音乐。和工作之余,我就弹起钢琴来,享受那美妙的音乐。WhenWhen I I waswas a a child,child, I I waswas fascinatedfascinated byby thethe melodymelody ofof pianopiano onon thethe screenscreen AtAt thatthat timetime I I hadhad a a drea

10、mdream thatthat I I couldcould ownown a a pianopiano andand playplay itit everyevery dayday MyMy dreamdream camecame truetrue MyMy fatherfather boughtbought meme a a beautifulbeautiful pianopiano asas mymy presentpresent onon mymy fifthfifth birthdaybirthday ItIt costcost themthem allall thethe mone

11、ymoney theythey hadhad savedsaved forfor a a longlong timetime MyMy fatherfather 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 4foundfound a a pianopiano teacherteacher forfor meme andand everyevery dayday I I wouldwould practisepractise itit againagain andand againagain asas mymy fatherfather demandeddema

12、nded BeforeBefore long,long, mymy interestinterest inin pianopiano waswas transferredtransferred toto otherother thingsthings I I beganbegan toto escapeescape thethe practicepractice asas muchmuch asas I I couldcould ItIt waswas mymy fatherfather thatthat encouragedencouraged meme andand acpaniedacp

13、anied meme atat thatthat timetime WithWith hishis help,help, I I undertundert thethe hardesthardest timetime andand devoteddevoted myselfmyself toto thethe pianopiano atat lastlast AtAt presentpresent inin mymy sparespare timetime whenwhen I I finishfinish mymy workwork oror whenwhen I I havehave a

14、a breakbreak inin mymy work,work, I I alwaysalways playplay thethe pianopiano andand enjoyenjoy thethe beautifulbeautiful melodymelody 孩提时代,我总是被电视上钢琴的优美旋律所孩提时代,我总是被电视上钢琴的优美旋律所吸引。那时,我就梦想着有一架自己的钢琴,每天都弹它。吸引。那时,我就梦想着有一架自己的钢琴,每天都弹它。我的梦想变成了事实。五岁生日那天,父亲用他积攒了很我的梦想变成了事实。五岁生日那天,父亲用他积攒了很久的钱为我买了一架很漂亮的钢琴,作为我的生日礼物。久的钱为我买了一架很漂亮的钢琴,作为我的生日礼物。为此,爸爸还为我请了钢琴老师。每天,我都按爸爸的要为此,爸爸还为我请了钢琴老师。每天,我都按爸爸的要求不停地练习。没过多久,我对钢琴的兴趣就越来越淡了,求不停地练习。没过多久,我对钢琴的兴趣就越来越淡了,我开始尽可能逃避练琴。是父亲及时鼓励我,陪伴我。最我开始尽可能逃避练琴。是父亲及时鼓励我,陪伴我。最后我度过了最难熬的一段时间,全身心投入到练琴中。如后我度过了最难熬的一段时间,全身心投入到练琴中。如今,学习之余,工作间歇,我总爱弹琴,享受那美妙的旋今,学习之余,工作间歇,我总爱弹琴,享受那美妙


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