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1、学校、班级宣传标语大全学校、班级宣传标语大全学校、班级宣传标语大全| 网站首页 | 新闻 | 校长主页 | 学校管理 | 教师频道 | 学生天地 | 学习园地 | 萸江文学 | 校友之窗 | 教研 | 招生 | 下载 | 留言 | 最新公告: 安化二中教研网正在建设中,请老师们积极参与,也欢迎有识之士加盟。 热诚为您服务,搭建交流平台! ljx 2007 年 3 月 25 日 您现在的位置: 安化二中 教研 历史 二中教研正文专题栏目最新推荐相关文章听听那冷雨/余光中一篇印度人关于中印边界教师上课时急需的 142 篇最原来国家的名字可以如此湖南人凭什么纵横中国让你收益匪浅的 50 个哲理人生必

2、读十大启迪故事“文革”时代的经典宣传口改变人生的 32 句励志名言经典感悟,能改变你一生推荐学校、班级宣传标语大全 热 学校、班级宣传标语大全作者:安化二中 文章来源:转载 点击数:2424 更新时间:2009-4-19 8:32:15 装饰教室或校园时,说不定可以借鉴一下成功,我们共同创造!Success , we all create together! I hear, I forget; I see, I remember;I do , I understand.热爱生活,学会生活,创造生活。Learn how to love life;Learn how to live a meani

3、ngful life;Learn how to create your life.学校的目标应当是培养有独立行动和独立思考的个人,不过他们要把为社会服务看作是自己人生的最高目标。爱因斯坦 The goal of the school is to develop the human beings of independent thinking and action, however they should view serving the society as their ullimate goal in life.-Einstein 教育是帮助被教育的人,给他发展自己的能力,完成他的人格,于人

4、类文化上能尽一分子的责任。 蔡元培 Education is supposed to help those being educated, to enhance their ability to develop themselves, to perfect their personalities, so as to fulfil the duty as a member of the human race. by Cai Yuanpei健康是最大的财富 知识是永恒的追求Health is the greatest fortune, and knowledge is our permanent

5、pursuit.接受生活挑战 培养全面素质Brave the challenge of life, and cultivate your comprehensive quality.播种生活,收获习惯播种习惯,收获性格播种性格,收获命运Habits are framed in daily life;Personalities are accumulations of ones habits;Destiny is partly determined by ones personality.健康是最大的财富知识是永恒的追求Health is the greatest fortune, and kn

6、owledge is our permanent pursuit.教师最佳的教育方法是做出榜样。The best way of the teacher to teach students is to set up a good example.学生的健康成长和未来发展高于一切。The first priority we should bear in mind is to ensure the healthy growth and promising future of our students.热爱学生,尊敬家长,团结同事 Love your students, respect their p

7、arents, and get along well with your peers.每位学生的潜能远远超过已经实现的一切 Every student can achieve much more than what he has done.创造愉快而又充实的人生 Create a merry and full life.插上理想的翅膀,扬起青春的风帆 With my wings I fly to my ideal goal,With my sails I head for my safe harbor. 人只不过是一根芦苇,是自然界最脆弱的东西;但他是一根能思想的芦苇,思想成就了人的伟大。 帕

8、斯卡尔 Man is as tender as a reed, but a read that thinks; It is the ability of thinking that makes man great.这个世界惟有两种东西能让我们的心灵感到深深的震憾:一是我们头顶上灿烂的星空,二是我们内心崇高的道德法则。康德 Only two things in the world can make us deeply shocked in our innermost being: one is the overhead starshining sky, the other the noble m

9、oral standard in mind.用语言走向世界,让世界走近我们!With the help of foreign languages, we can embrace the outside world, and bring it closer to us.责任高于一切! 成就源于付出!Responsibility is absolutely above all. Achievement comes from hard work.智慧的火花让激情点燃,美好的未来由劳动创造!Kindle the sparks of wisdom with our enthusiasm; create

10、the bright future with our hands.如果我所见的比笛卡儿远一点,那是因为我站在巨人的肩上的缘故。If I have seen farther than Descartes, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.提出一个问题往往比解决一个问题更重要。Raising problems is more important than settling them.开拓者的足迹是历史前进的起点。奋斗者的肩头是科学登高的阶梯The footmarks of pioneers are the starting poin

11、t of historical progress, and the shoulders of explorers are the ladder in scaling new heights in science.办公室标语校长办公室(配汉语拼音):以人为本 以德治校校办公室: 以诚待人 以情感人 以理服人 以公信人教务处:勤细实树形象 教研改铸师魂政教处:没有无德育的教育,没有无情感的管理总务处:1、当好学校的主人 做好师生的仆人2、做好各项常规工作 全面提升服务质量团委: 发展是兴团之基 服务是立团之本语文组1、生活就是语文2、厚积薄发 深入浅出3、诗书养性 文章育人4、取至高之境 开独造之

12、域5、纳百川之流成大海 通千古之典显文才6、博览群书何其好也 共育英才不亦乐乎数学组:1、聚精会神抓质量 一心一意谋发展2、点线面体 勾勒大千世界 加减乘除 演绎无限苍穹3、学而不厌 诲人不倦 生命有限 学问无限4、一丝不苟 论是非曲直 孜孜不倦 画大小方圆5、领悟数学天地 超越平凡课堂英语组: 1、Offering is life 奉献就是人生2、Discard the old ways of life in favor of the newBe promising and diligent in ones work革故鼎新 奋发图强3、English is the bridge to th

13、e world英语是走向世界的桥梁4、Time is life 时间就是生命5、Knowledgeable about the past and present Conversant with the Chinese and west 博古通今 学贯中西6、Learning English well having bright future学好英语 前程灿烂7、Teach students in allowance with their opportunitiesTake advantage of their specialties因材施教 发展特长8、Master English you c

14、an roam the world精通英语 走遍天下9、Develop create and improve together with the time与时俱进 开拓创新10、The motherland in heart and the world in eyes胸怀祖国 放眼世界11、Solidify your base and richen your knowledgeto improve your ability 厚基础 宽知识 强能力12、Learn different languages to master the worldCulture 学中外语言 通五洲文化物理组: 1、格

15、物致理 穷究自然奥妙 教书育人 培养世纪英才2、苦攻中外古今万卷书 巧绘人情物理千张画化学组: 1、化学人类进步的关键2、促进人 发展人 塑造人3、勤教善研 一丝不苟 深思熟虑 百折不挠生物组: 立足基础 注重观察 细心观察 科学总结政治组: 因材施教丹心一片 为人师表满腔热血地理组: 思接千载 视通万里 尽百家之美 成一人之奇历史组: 1、历史是一面镜子2、知书以达理 读史以明智3、昭人类社会之兴衰 究古今往事之踪迹体育组: 振奋中华英雄气概 攀登世界体育高峰阅览室: 1、书籍进步的阶梯 知识力量的源泉2、它山之石可以攻玉 金诚所至金石为开3、一代园丁乐 四时桃李荣4、学以知道 教以成德5、

16、开卷有益晓百年大事6、明兴替规律 察今是昨非部室标语物理实验室: 1、权然后知轻重,度然后知长短。Having weighted it we know is importance.Having considered it we know is drawback.2、除了实验之外,没有别的办法可以识别错误。Nothing but experiment can distinguish mistakes.3、科学是指挥官,实践是战士。Science is a commander while practice is a soldier.4、善学者尽其理,善行者究其难。Find out how to learn to learn well, Find out how to go to go farther.5、传闻不如亲见,视影不如察形。Seeing is better than hearing and in vesting is better than seeing


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