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1、 笔试部分(100 分) 五、词汇(to 分) (A)根据句子意思及所给的首字母用正确的词填空。(5 分)1Beijing is the cof China.2. They found a sto the problem.3. Your answer is very p4. He made a s dinner for the guests.5. The barber gave her a thaircut. She was angry with the barber. (B)词语释义。选出与画线部分意义相同或相近的选项。(5 分)6. How often do you visit your

2、grandparents?A. go to see B. ask for C. look after D. invite7. The Weekend Talk will 丛 ginn at eight tomorrow.A. open B. end C. start D. finish8. Perhaps the girl is a new student in our school.A. Possible B. Impossible C. Really D. Maybe9. Ill do it in a minute.A. once again B: right away C. quickl

3、y D. fast10. He didnt g 丝 e the book 丛 ck to Kate.A. return B. pay. for C. pass. onto D. take away 六、选择填空(12 分)1 Mike his clothes and went out.A. wore B. put on C. wearing D. to put on一 1 eel 1 刁 11 刀 111 忿卫卫 一 ljee,we!we weweleeesrell!斗1 孟 Iwelleellee!,lwe 江 月, 月 卫, J ,es, es 1lrellllweesl 月 l 一一 2

4、- Nick, would you -OK. Ill put onmind not wearing those old jeans?A. another oneBa new deansC. another pairD. another jeans3-Would you mind making a poster? A. Sure,thats no problem B. OK. Ill do it in a minuteC. Yes, Ill do it soon D. Sorry ,thats no problem . When you it?A. did; do B. have; been d

5、oing C. are; doing D. have;done5. The skating marathon startedhour ago and it willfor three hours.A. a; go B. a; take C. an;spend D. an; go6-May I use your pen?-Sure.A. Give you B. Here is it C. Here you are D. You are here7. There are books on the desk. You can borrow any of them.A. a little B. few

6、 C. no D. several8. Of all the fruit, I like apples.A. common B. particularly C. luckily D. right away9一 have you been to Beijing?-Only once. I went there in 2001A. How often B. How far C. How long D. How many rimes10. Li PingNew York for three years. Now she speaks English well.A. have been in B. h

7、ave been to C. have gone to D. went to11-How long have you had the car?一 2003.A. For B. Before C. Since D. In12. Theyabout the results of the experiment.A. excited B. were excited C. were exciting D. have exciting 七、口语应用(10 分) (A)重新排列下面句子使其成为一组对话。(5 分)A. No,I dont. I keep them myself.B. Sure,you are

8、 welcome.C. I have collected over one hundred kinds of them.D. Collecting stamps.E. How long have you been collecting them?F. What is your hobby?G. Since I was ten.H. Can you show me your stamps,then?I. How many kinds of stamps have you collected?J. Do you want to sell some of them? (B)选用方框内句子填空完成对话

9、。 (其中有两项为多余的选项)(5 分)A. Where are you staying?. How did you come here?. When did you arrive?. Did you arrive today?. Did you go on a holiday this morning?F. Did you enjoy your journey?. Are you tired after the long journey? A:11B:Yes ,this morning. At about 9 oclock.A:12B:By plane first and then by t

10、rain. It took me over 20 hours altogether.A:13B:Yes, very much. Its pleasant, especially the part on the train.A:14B ; Yes, a little, but not very much. And now Im feeling much better after a nap(小睡) A:15B:At the Hot Spring Hotel, in the centre of the city.A:Oh, thats a five-star hotel. Have a good

11、sleep tonight. Ill come and see you tomorrow.八、根据汉语意思完 成下面句子(10 分)1你想写些什么建议和评论呢?What and do you want to write?2他们正在谈论养宠物的长处(优点)和短处(缺点) 。They are talking about the and of keeping pets.3仓鼠也在储存过冬的食物。The are food for winter,too.4现在最流行的宠物是大肚子的猪。The kind of pet these days is the5.谁在制海报?几个女服务生。-Who is maki

12、ng?-Several 九、用方框内的单词的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺(12 分)style,surprise, be able:。 ,live,teach color, like, hard, however, start, build, work!My name is Leo,from Australia,and I 1 in Harbin since 2003.is an interesting city with a very2 history. There is some European influence in thecity,and some of the old 3 th

13、ere are in Russian 4Since I came to China, Ivefamily is Jewish.many years ago.So it was verybeen learninginteresting forlot about my family. Although Im Australian,myto learn that a lot of Jews came to live in HarbinMy parents were quite 5 when I told them about it. When I lived in Australia, I stud

14、ied history at school,but usually Australian or western history.互一,when I heard that I was going to 一 7 in China, I 8 studying Chinese history. My friendsin Australia said Chinese history was very 一 9 一 to understand, but I dont really agree.study hard, youll 卫旦一 understand any culture. For a foreigner I I me, the moreI think if y


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