最新人教新目标版七年级英语下册Unit 9同步练习

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1、 知能提升同步练习知能提升同步练习Unit 9 Section A (20 分钟分钟 50 分分). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(2 分钟,分钟,5 分)分)1. Last year, we v_ many interesting cities. 2. My brother likes climbing m_. 3. I think the math t_ is very difficult. 4. Do you often p_ English with your English teacher? Yes, I do. 5. What did you do y

2、esterday? Nothing. I s_ at home. . 用所给词的适当形式填空(用所给词的适当形式填空(2 分钟,分钟,5 分)分)1. Linda _ (do) some housework yesterday morning. 2. We _ (go) to school on foot last year. 3. Lets _ (have) a walk. 4. She practices _ (speak) Chinese every day. 5. We _ (visit) Mr. Liu last Sunday. . 单项选择(单项选择(3 分钟,分钟,5 分)分)(

3、 )1. What test are you studying _? A. about B. at C. of D. for( )2. _ was Liu Huans concert? It was very very great. A. How B. What C. Where D. When ( )3. They went to Beijing _ a rainy night. A. in B. at C. on D. of( )4. How can we get there? What about _ No. 11 bus? A. take B. takes C. to take D.

4、taking ( )5. Look, the boys are _ ping-pong. A. practice play B. practicing play C. practice playing D. practicing playing. 完成句子(完成句子(3 分钟,分钟,10 分)分)1. I played chess with my grandpa last Sunday. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ last Sunday? 2. She did some Chinese reading yesterday. (改为否定句)She _ _ _ Chinese read

5、ing yesterday. 3. 上周我和她进行了一次长谈。I _ _ long _ with her last week. 4. 这个周末去看电影怎么样?_ _ _ to a movie this weekend? 5. 因为下雨,昨晚她呆在家里。Because it _ rainy, she _ _ _ last night. . 补全对话(补全对话(3 分钟,分钟,5 分)分)A: 1 B: I watched TV at home. A: 2 B: I watched an NBA game. 3 A: What a pity(遗憾)! What about your mother?

6、 B: 4 A: Didnt she ask you to study for the test? B: Yes, she did. 5 A: Good luck to you! B: Thank you. . 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空(从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空(3 分钟,分钟,10 分)分)Now let me tell you about my last weekend. On Saturday, my parents and I 1 to the Beishan Park to play. First, we 2 the flowers. Then, we climbed t

7、he 3 . In the afternoon, we went to my grandparents family 4 them. I played 5 with my grandpa. In the evening, my parents and I 6 the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway to Shanghai to take part in an English Contest. And on Sunday morning, we 7 to Shanghai. We went to Shanghai Hotel to take part in

8、 the contest. And at noon, we 8 lunch at KFC. The 9 was very good. I ate a lot. And in the afternoon, we took the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway back home. We were 10 , but we were very happy. What do you think of my last weekend? 1. _ 2._ 3. _ 4. _5._ 6._ 7._ 8. _9. _ 10._ . 阅读理解阅读理解(4 分钟,分钟,1

9、0 分)分)A. But my favourite team lost the game. B. She did some cleaning. C. What did you watch? D. What did you do last night? E. I did some reading after the basketball game. take, go, mountain, watch, tire, food, get, have, visit, chessMr. Smith was old, so it was often difficult for him to remembe

10、r(记起) things. However(可是), he still liked travelling very much, so he and his wife(妻子) went to Spain(西班牙)every year. One summer when they were there, they went to visit their friends, the Tarners. They had two young daughters. One afternoon Mr. Smith was talking to one of the girls in the garden aft

11、er lunch. “You and your sister were ill when my wife and I were here last year, werent you? ” he said to her. “Yes, we were, ” answered the girl. “We were very ill. ” The old man said nothing for a moment, because he was thinking. Then at last he said, “Oh, I remember now! One of you died(死了). Which

12、 (哪一个)one of you was it, you or your sister? ”The girl answered, “It was me. ”“Oh? Im very sorry to hear it, ” said the old man. 阅读以上短文, 判断正(T)误(F)( )1. The old man had a good memory(记忆力). ( )2. The old man liked travelling very much. ( )3. The girl was very ill and died. ( )4. The girl didnt die la

13、st year. ( )5. The girl and her sister were both very ill last year. 答案解析答案解析. 答案:1. visited 2. mountains 3. test 4. practice5. stayed. 答案:1. did 2. went 3. have 4. speaking 5. visited . 答案:15. DACDD. 答案:1. What did; do2. didnt do any3. had a ; talk4. What/How about going5. was; stayed at home. 答案:1

14、5. DCABE. 答案:1. went 2. watched 3. mountain 4. to visit5. chess 6. took 7. got 8. had 9. food 10. tired. 答案:15. FTFTT知能提升同步练习知能提升同步练习Unit 9 Section B (20 分钟分钟 50 分分). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(3 分钟,分钟,5 分)分)1. We are m_ school students. 2. “Please s_ down, ”said the teacher. 3. Mr. Wang knows Australia well, because he is a g_ teacher. 4. Did you see the talk show “Y_, Today and Tomorrow”? 5. Alice s_ an exciting movie last Sunday. . 单项选择单项选择(


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