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1、flat rack container板架集装箱 open top container开顶式集装箱 high cube container高箱 reefer container冷箱 tank container罐箱 40-feet40 英尺 less than container load(LCL)拼箱 full container load(FCL)整箱 bulk cargo散装货 special cargo特殊货 optional cargo选港货 transit cargo过境货 embassy cargo使馆货 active carbon活性碳 explosives爆炸性 danger

2、ous危险的 inflammable易燃的, 易怒的 corrosives腐蚀的 fragile易碎的 AFH:away from heat远离热源 CHA:charcoal木炭 SUF:super freezer深冷 UND:under deck stowage preferred要求装甲板下 gauge-OOG超标out of gauge超限location位置, 场所, 特定区域 position 位置 slot位置,空格 starboard side右舷 portside左舷 row列 tier/layer层 deck-on deck甲板/在甲板上(在船上) hold-in hold在

3、舱里 import进口 export出口 fore draft前吃水 after draft后吃水 mid draft中吃水 high tide高潮 low tide低潮 ballast water压舱水 rise上升, 增加, 上涨ebb潮退, 衰退vessel船舶统称 ship舰船 boat小船 terminal终点站 终端 接线端 末期 码头 harbor海港 wharf码头 port港口 dock码头、船坞(美语) berth泊位 yard堆场 portainer装卸桥 crane门吊 spreader吊具 truck/ trailer拖车 safety shoes/hat/net劳保

4、鞋/安全帽/安全网 accommodation / saloon大台 bilge 舱底 bulkhead舱壁 bow船首 stern船尾 manila rope/ hawser马尼拉绳, 粗麻绳/大缆, 曳船索, 系船索 mooring post系缆柱, 岸柱;mooring rope-系船缆, 系泊索, 系船索 hatchway舱口 slideway滑道 post柱,梁 hatch cover舱盖 socket窝、穴、插座 cut off切断电源 unplug拔去(塞子、电源等)stowage plan积载计划 floppy disk 软盘 on board在船上 check up核对 Ba

5、lance平衡 temperature温度 Swing-moving摇摆/移动 calculate计算 count数,计算 stow 装载 load装discharge卸 shift 切换(调箱) change 改变 adjustment调整 lashing 加固 start开始 finish完成,结束 beforehand预先 copy副本,拷贝,摹仿,一册 accurateexact精确的,准确地 specific特效药, 细节;详细而精确的, 明确的,特效的 error错误,过失,误差 sequence顺序,序列;loading sequence rotation旋转,港序 separa

6、te分开,隔离 original最初的、原始的、独创的 attention注意,关心,关注,注意力 properly适当地, 完全地 Condition条件,情形,环境,社会地位 Situation情形,境遇,位置 Attitude姿势,态度,看法,意见 delay耽搁, 延迟, 迟滞 compensate偿还, 补偿, 付报酬 affirm断言, 确认, 肯定 apply申请 require需要 request请求, 要求, 邀请 declaration宣言、声明 stackweight负荷 signature/sign 签字 find寻找 weight/weighty重 heavy重 li

7、ght轻 width宽 wide height高 high length长 long depth深 deep Equal水平的 vertical垂直的 maxmaximum 最大量,最多的 minminimum最小值,最小的 sail 离港 departure 开船part (partly)部分(部分地) whole(wholly)全部(全部地)dock receipt场站收据 mate receipt大副收据 certificate 证明书 correction list更正单supply补给, 供给, agent代理 tallyman外理 stevedore搬运工,装卸工 dispatch

8、er调度员foreman作业长 captain船长 sailor海员,水手 pilot飞行员,引水 frontier officer边防官员 customs officer海关官员 inspector检查员 cargo surveyor商检员 quarantinequanrantine officer 检疫 inspection检查 jointjoint inspection officers 接头,联合 technician技术员, 技师 on duty值班 colleague同事, 同僚;seal封铅,封条 broken down故障的 electricity电流,电,电学 slight

9、damage轻微残损 serious damage严重残损 original damage原残 stevedores damage工残 mixed stowge混装 misland弄错(起卸港),卸错 overland溢箱 shortlan短箱 dentn.凹, 凹痕, 齿, v.使凹下, 凹进protrudev.突出 protruding n.凸 deformed不成形的, 丑陋的, 残废的deformation变形 railing栏杆, 扶手 turnbuckle螺丝扣, 套筒螺母,摆锁 Repair修理 device装置, 设计, 设备 equipment装备, 设备, 器材, 装置 b

10、ent歪曲,倾向 bump碰(伤), 撞(破), 颠簸How many containers will be loaded?要装多少箱?Are there any special cargoes such as dangerous cargo or inflammable cargo on board?船上有危险品或者易燃品之类的特殊货吗?According to the manifest,there are five containers of corrosive goods on board.根据舱单,船上有五箱腐蚀品。Apart from these full containers,th

11、ere are 25 empty reefers for North Ameirica.除了这些重箱之外,还有 25 个空冷藏箱运往北美.Please tell me the slot numbers of these containers?请告诉我这些箱子的相位号?Would you like to show me the specific position?指给我具体的位置好吗? Is there any special request for dangerous goods?对于危险品,有什么特殊要求吗? Is it necessary to separate them?有必要隔离他们吗

12、?Where to stack these reefer containers?这些冷藏箱堆放在哪儿?The reefer containers should be stacked where there are power sockets.冷藏箱应当堆码在有电源插座的部位。Could you tell me the rotation of the discharging ports on this voyage?请告诉我这个航次卸货港的港序好吗?All the cargoes were mixed at the loading port.所有货物在装货港混装了.The shortlanded

13、 containers are offset by the overlanded containers all right.溢箱和短箱的数量相抵了How to change?如何调整?Can you write down the position of your adjustment?您能写下调整后的位置吗?Can you shift MAEU1234567 for TTNU1234567 in the same bay?您能将 MAEU1234567 和 TTNU1234567 在同贝互换吗?There is only one tier of high cube container can

14、be loaded in every hold.每一个舱只能装一层高箱Can you tell me the max weight of each row?您能告诉我每列的最大负荷吗?This code HSK stands for TianJin.代码 HSK 代表天津I will replan it.我会重新配载的Well start loading as soon as you affirm the stowage plan.一旦您确认配载图我们就开始作业。Im not responsible for it.这件事不是我负责。My colleague will give you the

15、final EDI on next shift我的同事将会在下一个班给您最终数据.安全: The safety net must be fastened and fit for rising or ebb tide.安全网要栓牢,并能适应潮水涨落please adjust the gangway and safety net properly.请把船梯和安全网调整好。作业 Can you give us a copy of container list to be discharged?请给我们一份待卸的集装箱清单好吗?Chief, can we start to load cargo now

16、?大副,现在可以装货了吗?If there is any request,please tell me before operation.如果有什么要求请在作业前告诉我。Well start to discharge the containers on deck at 8 oclock.八点钟我们要开始卸甲板上的箱子。How many gangs are you going to work?你们将有几个头作业?We can supply three gangs to work at the same time.我们可以同时开三个头作业。Sorry,as the operation speed at the aft is too fast,the ship is down by the stern.抱歉,由于船尾作业速度太快,船头有点翘。please pump the fresh water into the fore



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