人教版Book3 Unit4单元练习题

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1、一一. 单词拼写单词拼写 (10 分分)1. There is too much (暴力) on TV.2. With the d of economy, peoples living standards are higher now.3. Every night he observes the space through at . .4. The illness is s through the village.5. One cannot e without air.6. You will (逐渐地) get used to the weather here.7. By the time t

2、hey reached the top of the mountain, they were (精疲力尽).8. There is a big underground railway (系统) in London, which is good for travelers.9. Zhang Heng was one of the most famous Chinese a in the world.10. The mammals (繁殖) when the animals, harmful to them, disappeared.二二. 翻译下面短语翻译下面短语 (15 分分)1太阳系 2及时

3、,总有一天3阻止,制止 4依靠,信赖5感到高兴 6既然,由于 7一般而言 8熟悉,掌握 9突发,爆发 10与不同11冷却 12全球变暖 13二氧化碳 14. 在表面上15. 好象三. 用以上短语的正确形式填空用以上短语的正确形式填空 (10 分分)1. It was almost midnight that a fire in the neighborhood.2. you are here, why not have a drink? 3. -Did you catch your plane?-Yes, we got there just .4. The dish tastes good a

4、fter it .5. -Will you go fishing this afternoon?-Well, it all the weather.6. After a while I it and we began to enjoy ourselves.7. The fans when they saw the famous film stars arrive. 8. Country life is quite _ city life.9. We should find some ways to _ the harmful gas _ spreading. 10. women cry mor

5、e easily than men.1.The_(气氛)changed as she walked in. 2. The professor has brought in a good s_ of teaching languages from abroad. 3.The Palestinian teenagers were involved in(卷入) v_ clashes(冲突)with the Israeli soldiers. 4.With the d_ of modern agriculture and industry, our everyday life has improve

6、d a lot. 5. G_ speaking, girls are better at learning to speak languages than boys. 6.The Chinese government did very well in p_ SARS from spreading. 7.She asked them not to discuss the matter in her _(在场). 8.Im d_ in you; I expected you to win. 9.The days are g_ getting longer and longer. 10.Try to

7、 c_ up a bit; life isnt that bad! 三)完成句子: 1. _ for the space trip is careful preparations. (what) 太空旅行所需的是认真的准备。 2. It will soon be announced who _. (come) 谁获得第一名很快就会宣布。 3. That Yang Liwei _ made all Chinese exited and cheerful. (land) 杨利伟从太空中安然着陆地球使所有中国人为之振奋和欢呼。 4. It is still unknown_. (join) 他什么时

8、候入党的仍然是未知的。 5. _, sleep and walk in space is very strange and interesting. (how) 宇航员如何吃,睡,在太空行走是非常奇怪和有趣的。 6. _ other planets is what are most interested in. (where) 大家最感兴趣的是地球与其它行星在哪方面不同。 7. It remains a secret why he suddenly _. (change) 他为什么突然变卦仍然是一个秘密. 8. When war _ the world is hard to say. (dis

9、appear) 何时战争才会从世上消失很难说。 9. _ was that they finished the work in time. (satisfy) 最令人满意的是他们提前完成了工作。10. How we can improve our studies is what we _. (concern) 怎样提高我们的学习成绩是我们最为关注的。 11. Brain usually gets home_ the children. (time)布莱恩通常会及时赶回家里给孩子们洗澡。 12. We_ behind the trees and the evening fell. (watch)

10、 我们看着太阳一点一点地落在树后,夜幕降临了。 13. Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come _ whether this problem can be solved. (depend)在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。14. Now that youve got a chance, you might as well _ it. (make)既然你已得到一个机会,你最好充分利用它。 15. The news of the arrival of a new h

11、eadmaster _ soon. (spread)关于新校长要来的消息很快传遍了全班。 16. After ten days training the workers gradually _the skills in the production process. (hang) 经过十天的培训,工人们逐渐掌握了生产流程中的技能。(hang) 17. Our neighbor has _ ours. (as) 我们邻居有一座跟我们家一样大的房子。 18. Nothing can prevent their plans from _. (carry) 什么也不能阻止他们的计划得以实施。 19.

12、Now that _, we can begin the meeting. (be) 大家既已到齐,我们就开会吧。 20. All of us cheered up immediately when the spaceship Shenzhou VI _. (sent) 当神州六号飞船往太空发射时,我们马上欢呼起来。二二. 完型填空完型填空(共(共 20 小题小题;每小题每小题 1.5 分分,共共 30 分)分)People often say that the Englishmans home is his castle. They mean that the home is very important and _16_. Most people in Britain live in houses _17_ flats, and many people own their homes. This means that they can make them individual; they can _18_ them and change them in any wa


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