《高级英语》同步检测 第一册 lesson 1

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1、高级英语高级英语同步检测同步检测 第一册第一册 lessonlesson 1 1高级英语同步检测 第一册 lesson 1The Middle Eastern BazaarI. Word explanation1. conceivableA. reasonable B. imaginableC. considerable D. credible2. dinA. muted noise B. loud distinct noiseC. tinkling sound D. continuous, confusing noise3. penetrate A. make a round about w

2、ay into B. force a way intoC. get into easily D. dash into4. deadenA. to die B. of, or related to deathC. to lessen D. no longer alive5. sepulchralA. overwhelmed B. pleasantC. picturesque D. grave-like6. persecutionA. cruel treatment B. bringing a case to the law courtC. violation of ones right D. u

3、nfairness7. preliminaryA. previous B. prospectiveC. would-be D. preparatory8. burnishedA. polish B. smooth and shinyC. having been burned D. something made of copper9. delicateA. complicated B. fine and fragileC. beautiful and intricate D. tiny and easily broken10. girderA. an I-shaped iron beam B.

4、closely organized associationC. ancient trade union D. a tree trunk11. particularA. partly B. generally C. special D. participant12. extendA. stretch out B. intent C. intend D. trend13. purchaseA. perch B. chase C. buy D. pay14. bargainA. negotiate B. barge C. boat D. gain15. peculiarityA. particula

5、r B. characteristic C. specific D. species16. customerA. custom B. tradition C. convention D. purchaser17. depriveA. depict B. take away C. rub D. rob18. distinctA. distinguish B. distance C. clear D. distract19. engraveA. cut B. tomb C. gloom D. grave20. humbleA. hunch B. hump C. respect D. lowly.

6、Replace each underlined part with one word learnt in the text, the first letter of which is given:1. Stepping out of the dark room, I felt the strong bright light of the sun hurting my eyes. g 2. Watching the ballet-dancer spinning on her toes, I felt everything turning around me. d 3. The sharp, bi

7、ting smell of the food makes you sneeze time and again. p 4. The pressing of the linseed pulp to get out the oil is done by a vast machine operated by one man. e 5. The Chinese people will never be forced to yield to foreign economic blockade. o by6. The busiest men have the most free time. l 7. A m

8、other will give up her life for her children. s 8. She fastened a chain to the dogs collar. a 9. The earth goes around the sun. r . Fill in each of the blanks with one of the following words or expressions in its proper form. Each word or expression is to be used only once.-order of the day, at inte

9、rvals, glimpse, tower, approach, beaten, makes a point of, credible, take a hand, deal in, fade away, attached to, deprive.of, live -1. We followed the wellpath through the forest.2. Most foreign trading companies in West Africarubber, cocoa and vegetable oils.3. The young coupledisciplining their o

10、nly son.4. The troubleshim his sleep5. After the latest affair he hardly seemsas a politician.6. They gavebroadcast while the performance was in process on the stage.7. As dusk fell, daylight.8. The huntsman caught only aof the deer before it ran into the woods.9. He is so intelligent that heabove a

11、ll the others in his class.10. Complaints about the new regulations have become theon the campus. Reading comprehension.1. The sentence “The Middle Eastern bazaar takes you back hundreds - even thousands - of years” means:A. The bazaar was built hundreds or even thousands of years ago.B. The market

12、reminds you people and their life of the middle eastern countries centuries ago.C. For hundreds or thousands of years, the middle eastern bazaar has not changedD. The Middle eastern bazaar brings you back from hundreds or even thousands of years ago.2. The striking characteristic of the middle easte

13、rn bazaar is:A. its noiseB. its brightnessC. its ancientnessD. crowdedness3.“Bargaining is the order of the day” means:A. Every customer tries to beat down the price of the item he wants to buy.B. Every customer knows that the seller cheats all the time.C. An order was issued that everyone should ba

14、rgain.D. During daytime everyone bargains.4. From the phrase “the maze of vaulted streets which honeycomb this bazaar” we can infer know that: A. the streets were vaulted so as to make the bazaar a maze.B. the streets crisscrossed the bazaar, cutting the bazaar into lots of small sections.C. the maz

15、e was full of beesD. shops, stores and houses together made the bazaar into a big honeycomb.5. From the sentence “in the background, a tiny apprentice blows a big charcoal fire with a huge leather bellows” we can well infer thatA. the bellows is larger than the charcoal fire.B. the charcoal fire is larger than the apprenticeC. Both the charcoal fire and the leather bellows are bigger than the apprenticeD. The apprentice must b



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