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1、Section II 趣味幽默篇趣味幽默篇Passage 13Henry was an office worker in a big city. He worked very hard and enjoyed traveling in his holidays.He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw an advertisement in a newspaper. “Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at West Hill Farm. Good food. Fresh air. Hors

2、e riding. Walking. Fishing. Cheap and interesting.”“This sounds a good idea,” he thought. “Ill spend a month at West Hill Farm. I think I can enjoy horse riding, walking and fishing. Theyll make a change from sitting by the seaside and swimming.”He wrote to the farmer. In the letter he said that he

3、would like to spend all of July there. Then on the first of July, he left for West Hill Farm.But four days later, he returned home.“What was wrong with West Hill Farm?” his best friend, Ed, asked him. “Didnt you enjoy country life?”“Country life was very good,” Henry said. “But there was another pro

4、blem.”“Oh. What?”“Well,” he said, “the first day I was there a sheep died, and we had roast mutton for dinner.”“Whats wrong with that?” Ed asked. “Fresh meat is the best.”“I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.”“Lucky you!”“You dont understand,” Henry said. “On t

5、he third day a pig died and we had roast pork for dinner.”“A different meat every day,” Ed said loudly, “ and you are complaining!”“Let me finish,” Henry said. “On the fourth day the farmer died, and I didnt dare (敢)stay for dinner!”1.How did Henry find out about the farm?A. He saw it in a newspaper

6、 advertisement. B. His best friend told him.C. He wrote to the farmer. D. Maybe he learned it from the radio.2. Henry came back home several days later because _.A. he didnt like the country life at all B. the farmer wasnt friendly to himC. his holiday was over D. he thought he might have to eat the

7、 farmer3. “and you are complaining!”, the word “complain” means _.A.夸奖 B.说三道四 C.抱怨 D.故弄玄虚4.Which of the following sentences is true?A. Ed could eat a different kind of meat every day.B. Henry thought he could enjoy a change.C. Henry couldnt think of anything else to do, so he went to the farm.D. The

8、 farmer died because of the bad meat he ate.5.Which is the best title for the passage?A. What a beautiful farm! B. Have a good time. C.A short holiday D. Henry and the farmer.Passage 14After returning from her round trip, the angry woman stood outside the ticket office of the station. “The railway o

9、wes me 12 pounds,” she said to Harry Jenks, the young man working at the office.” You sold me a ticket for May 22nd, but there was no ship from Jersey that night. So my daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me 12 pounds.”Harry was worried. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “C

10、ome into the office, Madam,” he said politely. “Ill just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd.”The woman and her little girl followed him inside. She was quite right, as Harry soon discovered. There was no sailing on May 22nd. How could he have made such a careless mistake? He shouldnt have sold

11、her a ticket for that day. Wondering what to do, he smiled at the child. “You look sun burnt,” he said to her. “Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?”“Yes,” she answered, shyly. “The beach was lovely. And I can swim too!”“Thats fine,” said Harry. “My little girl cant swim a bit yet. Of course, shes

12、 only three”“Im four,” the child said proudly. “Ill be four and a half.”Harry turned to the mother. “I remember your ticket, Madam,” he said. “But you didnt get one for your daughter, did you?”“Er, well” the woman looked at the child. “I meanshe hasnt started school yet, shes only four.”“A four-year

13、-old child must have a ticket, Madam. A childs return ticket to Jersey costs let me see 13.50 pounds. The law is the law, but since the mistake is mine.”The woman stood up, took the childs hand and left the office.1. The woman was angry because _.A. she couldnt use the ticket for her round tripB. sh

14、e had to return home a day earlier than she had plannedC. she spent more money than she had expectedD. Harry had sold her a ticket to Jersey where there was no sailing2. Harry was worried _.A.the woman was angry with himB.he had not done his work carefullyC.the Jersey timetable was wrongD.the little

15、 girl didnt have a return ticket3. Harry started talking to the little girl _.A.because he was in trouble and did not know what to doB.because he had a little girl about the same age as this girlC.because he wanted to be friendly to the little girl who looked so niceD.when he suddenly realized that

16、he could find a way out from the little girl4. When Harry said, “The law is the law, but since the mistake was mine” he meant that _.A.they must follow it without other choice, even though the mistake was hisB.he had to be strict with the woman because of the law, although he didnt want toC.the woman had to pay him 1.50 pounds and the railway would pay her for the hotelD.she should pay 1.50 pounds, but he had ma


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