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1、1新视野大学英语第三册第一单元课后练习新视野大学英语第三册第一单元课后练习Exercises for Unit One1. Consequently, this young woman would have _ curiosity because she was well dressed and, though no longer a girl, she was not wearing black.A arisen B aroused C awaken D arose2. Any principle, if carried to an extreme, may often _unexpecte

2、d results, either good or bad.A turn out B turn off C turn in D turn around3. She has been selfish all the time, but she has promised to turn over a new leaf and become more _ of others. A considered B considerable C considering D considerate4. I would not want to _ anyone into thinking that researc

3、h is easy: it is hard and very time- consuming work.A misunderstand B mistaken C mislead D misuse5. The government is trying to_ public confidence in its management of the economy.A recover B restore C resume D return6. Dont _ all your money into stocks,. Its too risky.A invest B lay C sink D throw7

4、. As you were the only person at present, you were naturally_ suspicion.A under B beyond C in D out of8. The travel company has _ us with all the details of our journey.A rectified B furnished C prolonged D enlarged9. How can you _ your rude behaviour? A rectify B testify C verify D justify10. Ill _

5、 my lawyer to write out the agreement.A notify B inform C announce D report211. Extensive reading broadens ones _.A eyesight B horizon C brain D heart12. The boss would blow his top when he finds the company is in a _.A confusion B order C mess D untidy13. To tell you the truth, it was an _ difficul

6、t decision to make.A extensively B exclusively C unutterly D exceedingly14. The husband and wife have decided to _25% of their income to buy a new house in five years.A put out B put through C put up D put aside15. Why is it hard to make him form the good habit of _ the lights when he leaves the cla

7、ssroom?A switching on B switching off C switching round D switching to新视野大学英语第三册第二单元课后练习新视野大学英语第三册第二单元课后练习Exercises For Unit Two1. During the conference the speaker tried to _ his feelings concerning the urgency of a favorable decision.A comply B impose C imply D convey2. The fact that they reacted

8、so differently was a reflection of their different _ .A performances B personalities C qualities D appearances3. Your excuse that an elephant fell on you and made you late is just _ .A inevitable B indispensable C incredible D incurable4. Another big issue _ the new republic is the problem of the ed

9、ucation of its citizens.A confining B confirming C conforming D confronting5. I tried to relax because I knew I would use up my oxygen sooner _ .A the more excited I got B I got excited more3C and more I got excited D and I got more excited6. Scientists first _ the idea of the atom bomb in the 1930s

10、.A imagined B conceived C considered D acknowledged7. Cotton production has been _ the decline these years.A down B on C at D under8. The day before my history exam, I still had not _ reading the first book on the list.A seen about B caught up with C got round to D sat for9. He has pointed out the d

11、angers_ in this type of nuclear power station.A interior B inherent C inside D inner10. Whenever I have an appointment, I like to arrive _ .A ahead of time a little B a little time aheadC a little ahead of time D ahead of a little time11. Radar is used to extend the _ of mans senses for observing hi

12、s environment, especially the sense of vision.A validity B liability C capability D intensity12. The boy cycling in the street was knocked down by a minibus and received_ injures.A fatal B excessive C disastrous D exaggerated13. If the ocean were free of ice, storm paths would move further north, _

13、the plains of North America of rainfall.A to deprive B deprived C depriving D has deprived14. A window in the kitchen was _ ; there was rubbish every where, and the curtains and carpets had been stolen.A scattered B scraped C scratched D smashed15. This is an ideal site for a university _ it is far from the downtown areaA provided that B now that C so


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