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1、1英语书信一、格式 (一)信头(Heading)信头即发信人的地址和发信日期,一般置于信纸右侧,在靠近信纸的中央开始写发信人的地址和日期。如:地址:20 Fairview Drive, Eastbourne,BNl 8 2BU, England 日期:April 19,2003(美国写法)19“April,2003(英国写法)但,在私人信件中不一定要写回邮地址和封内地址。(二)称呼语(Salutation) 1、写给某个团体、组织或者机构:(1 )不认识负责人: 写Dear Sir(S)Dear Madam,To whom it may concern,etc;另外一种写信人知道该团体、组织或

2、机构的负责人。2、 写给个人:(1) 知道收信人的姓名,但不是亲朋好友:Dear Mr.Mrs.Ms Green / Dear Dr.Pro.President Bush, etc2(2) 写给亲朋好友,直呼其名,省略姓氏:Dear MomJackMary,etc (三)正文(Body of the letter)正文即英文书信的主体部分。齐头式、缩头式和修正齐头式。齐头式用于商业信件,全部内容包括日期和信尾问候语,都从左侧顶格开始。段落开头不空格,各段之间空一、两行。缩头式。修正齐头式,最为广泛的一种格式,商业和私人信件都可以使用。与齐头式不同,发信人地址、日期,信尾问候语和签名都写在偏右侧

3、的地方。其余部分用齐头式。(四)落款(Signature)1、位置:齐头式-靠左;其他-靠右。2、落款词:最常用的:Yours Sincerely,它可用于各种关系的人之间; 较正式的:Yours Faithfully/Respectfully;亲人和好友间:Love from。其他: Yours trulyTruly yours,Yours faithfullyFaithfully yours,3Yours sincerelySincerely yours,Yours respectfullyYours gratefully,YoursEver yoursYours affectionate

4、lyLovingly yours二、种类 英文书信分为私人信函和社交信函。社交信函有邀请信、申请信、商务信函、祝贺信、投诉信等。1申请信(A letter of application)(1) 信的缘由。(2) 个人情况简介,例如;年龄、性别、文化程度、工作经历、工作技能、个人专长等。(3) 推荐人或证明人姓名以供录用方查询。(4) 约定面试时间。通常随求职信附上个人简历和两三封推荐信。Dear Sir,I am interested in teaching English in the Peoples Republic of China. I am qualified to teach re

5、ading, writing and literature. An acquaintance of mine, Liu Yongli of your university suggested that I should write to you.Presently, I work as a teaching assistant in X College in Los 4Angeles, California, U.S.A. My background is strong in the liberal arts, especially in the English language. I hav

6、e a Ph. D. degree in linguistics from University of MichiganEnclosed you will find a copy of my resume. Basically, I am interested in a position as a foreign language expert or as a teacherIf you have any position available, please allow me to interview with you. Thank you for your time and consider

7、ationYours faithfully,Yang Lin2祝贺信(A letter of congratulations)(1)提到具体喜事;(2)表达出写信人的喜悦心情;(3)致以衷心的祝贺。通常情况下私人的祝贺信用词要亲切,并具有真诚的喜悦感情,但是要避免言过其实; 而正式祝贺信,则用词拘谨,可使用套语,但是要防止呆板,干瘪。如:正式祝贺信: Letter of congratulation addressed by MrAdrian Nastase, Prime Minister of Romania to Mr. Richard B. Cheney, Vice President

8、of the United States5January 30,2003Dear MrVice President,I have the distinct pleasure to convey to you,on the occasion of your birthday, my most sincere wishes of good health, happiness and joy beside your family and friends, as well as of full success in fulfilling the complex responsibilities of

9、your mission(something omitted) President George WBush and the whole US Administration are undertaking to defend homeland security, fight terrorism and threat of weapons of mass destruction, especially those in hands of repressive regimes. I would like to assure you of the readiness of the Romanian

10、Government to support the United States in its actions to make sure Iraq disarms and complies with all UN requirementsPlease accept, Mr. Vice President, my warmest congratulations on your birthday and the assurance of my sincere friendship and supportSincerely yours,Adrian Nastase6私人祝贺信:Dear MrsJohn

11、,We are so glad to hear the good news of Teds success; it was a very splendid accomplishment, and we are all so proud of him and happy for you. When you see him or write to him, please give him our love and congratulations.Sincerely,Tom3道歉信件(A letter of apology)Dear Prof. Brown,I would like to expre

12、ss my apologies for not being able to keep our 10 oclock appointment for Mar. 16, for I have some urgent business to deal with out of town and wont be back until Mar. 17. I will ring you up as soon as I come back to arrange for another appointmentWith many apologies.Yours Sincerely, David Brawn4建议信件

13、(A letter of suggestion)Dear Jack, 7You have asked me for my suggestion about which subject you should major in at university, and 1 will try to make some useful advice The most important thing that you should keep in mind is thatuniversity life is a preparation for your future life and career. Thus

14、, you first consideration should be to choose a subject which will best equip you to earn a livingWithout a doubt,you should take a subject such as accountancy,computer science,law or finance,which will offer you a better prospect. Take computer science for example,we are in the age of the high tech

15、nology revolutionTo master the knowledge of computer is not only a way to keep up with the times, but also a necessary skill to earn a living.Certainly, you neednt have to spend all your time at university in studying and doing nothing elseOn the contrary, I would like to recommend that you take som

16、e elective courses,which will enrich your spare time and widen your knowledgeYours sincerely,Nick5感谢信(A letter of thanks)(1)对对方提供帮助,给予的接待或赠送的礼品等表示感谢; (2)简单说明对方提供的帮助所起的作用或所赠送的礼品可以做什么用途; (3)再次8感谢或问候对方。Dear MrSmith,I am scheduled to leave for home next MondayNow I feel I cant leave your beautiful city without writing to express my heartfelt than



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