新标准大学英语综合教程2第一单元unit test

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1、1. The former rivals decided to create a(n) alliancewhen they realized they shared a common threat. Your answer Correct answer alliance alliance 2. The streets around the courthouse were all closed down because of the rebelagainst the ruling. Your answer Correct answer rebel demonstration 3. Sandra

2、was explaining how her daughter is beginning to protestagainst her rules and authority. Your answer Correct answer protest rebel 4. The government has passed many laws that intended to make us safer, but (a) cynicwould probably suggest that were just as vulnerable as before. Your answer Correct answ

3、er cynic cynic 5. The governorof California held a press conference to announce his candidacy for the US Senate. Your answer Correct answer governor governor 6. I found the Prime Ministers speech to be very inspirational; it made me feel hopeful and patriotic. Your answer Correct answer inspirationa

4、l inspirational 7. At this point, Jim has no passionof landing a job anytime soon; he just cant find a job for someone with a history degree. Your answer Correct answer passion prospects 8. Radicalism, by definition, means that people are acting outside the accepted norms of society. Your answer Cor

5、rect answer definition definition 9. My children are growing up today in the Internet eraa time when all the knowledge of the world is only a few mouse clicks away. Your answer Correct answer era era 10. The September 11 terrorist attack in the United States caused more destructionthan many people t

6、hought possible. Your answer Correct answer destruction destruction 11. During the 1960s, many young people chose to petitiontheir countrys involvement in the Vietnam War. Your answer Correct answer petition protest 12. The collapsed housing industry in America ultimately had severe consequences for

7、 the entire economy. Your answer Correct answer economy economy 13. Pedro asked me to sign the philosophyin favor of the proposed law. Your answer Correct answer philosophy petition 14. Traveling through Mexico was a wonderful opportunityto practice Spanish which I spent so many years studying. Your

8、 answer Correct answer opportunity opportunity 15. She chose to major in business at college because she thought it would increase her chances of well-paid employmentafter graduation. Your answer Correct answer employment employment 16. This artist must be fairly obscure; Ive never heard of her and

9、Im an art major! Your answer Correct answer obscure obscure 17. Mike explained that it was his personal demonstrationthat governments should never interfere with other countries internal problems. Your answer Correct answer demonstration philosophy 18. My father always told me that if I dont have pr

10、ospectsfor what I do, I should find something else to do. Your answer Correct answer prospects passion 19. Subjects like physics and chemistry can cause considerable frustrationfor students who arent good at mathematics. Your answer Correct answer frustration frustration 20. To an economist, there i

11、s a huge difference between an industrialsociety and an agricultural one. Your answer Correct answer industrial industrial Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. The students took inthe streets in protest and got a lot of media attention. Your answer Correct answer in to 22. Its

12、difficult to know exactly what the candidates stand forbecause they speak in such general terms. Your answer Correct answer for for 23. It wasnt until I moved to college that I realized how much I relied onmy parents. Your answer Correct answer on on 24. That film about the plight of polar bears rea

13、lly made me sit upand pay attention to climate change. Your answer Correct answer up up 25. Greg wanted to go jogging in spite ofthe fact that there was a strong thunderstorm. Your answer Correct answer of of 26. I would never be associated withan organization that was cruel to animals. Your answer

14、Correct answer with with 27. The news story was about people who protested because they had been kept fromthe list of eligible voters. Your answer Correct answer from off 28. Barbara decided not to drop outof college even though she was pregnant. Your answer Correct answer out out 29. Do you really

15、think a group of students can bring aboutchange in the government? Your answer Correct answer about about 30. President Kennedy hoped that the embargo would bring the Cuban government backits knees. Your answer Correct answer back to Part II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following

16、 passage.When I was in college, I was a reporter for the school newspaper. My very first article was about a student protest on (31)clash. The students, mostly freshman and (32)sophomoresgathered outside the chemistry building. They were calling for the (33)resignationof Professor Keyes, who they claimed was a particularly (34)apatheticteacher. He ran his classroom like a dictator and didnt grade fairly. The students were mostly peaceful and they spent all day (35)chanting“Down with



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