人教版八年级入学测试.wps 2

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1、 西点教育西点教育让让成成绩绩更更优优秀秀学员入学测试题学员入学测试题姓名:张红伟张红伟_ _学校:黄金中学_ _年级:年级:_八年级八年级_ _性别:_ _女女_ 一、选择填空(一、选择填空(20 分)分) ( )1.There is _ unusually thing in the old room.A. a B. an C. the D. ( )2.when my grandmother was _, she was very _.A. alive, alive B. loving, loving C. alive, loving D. loving, alive ( )3.The fa

2、mous tennis _met many _there.A. player, visitors B. player, visit C. play, visitors D. play, visit ( )4.What are you doing for vacation? I_. A. am go bike riding B. going bike riding C. going to bike riding D. am going bike riding ( )5._are you going with? Im going with my parents.A. What B. How C.

3、Who D. Whose ( )6._is he staying? Hes staying for a week.A. How often B. How about C. How long D. How ( )7.He thought about_ America, but _Spain.A. go decided on B. going depended onC. goingdecided on D. to godeciding on ( )8.I have _ to eat at school every day.A. anything different B. different som

4、ething C. something different D. different anything ( )9.I cant join you because I_ help my mom on weekdays.A. mustnt B. have to C. needs D. can ( )10.He _the long jump, so he was the _.A. won, winner B. won, loser C. got, winner D. got, first ( )11There are many trees on _side of the street.A. each

5、 B. both C. all D. every ( )12.Many trees are on _ side of the lake.A. each B. both C. all D. every ( )13.there are some cars on _ sides of the roads.A. . each B. both C. all D. every ( ).14.It _ me two hours _ my homework on Sundays.A. spendsdoing B. takes to do C. takes on D. spend to do ( )15.Thi

6、s is the place _ he lives. A. who B. whom C. where D. What ( )16._ he was first in the _exam. A. Final, final B. Finally, finally C. Final, finally D. Finally, final ( )17.He didnt go to bed _ 11:00 pm.西点教育西点教育让让成成绩绩更更优优秀秀A. when B. while C. until D. because ( )18.pour some milk and eggs into the bo

7、wl. Then _ A. mix them all up B mix it all up C. mix all them up D. mix all it up ( )19.There is _ snow. It is _ cold. A. much tootoo much B. too muchmuch too C. many tootoo much D. too many much too ( )20.Thank for your _. Im sorry I cant visit you this week. A. invite B. to invite C. invited D. in

8、vitation 二、完形填空(二、完形填空(15 分)分)Sam lived in a small village. His mother was often ill and he had to spend much money on _1 _ .And when he was twenty-eight, he borrowed(借)some _2 _ from his friends and married (结婚) .His wife was beautiful but came from a poor _3 _. So she couldnt (cant 的过去 式)help him.

9、 She had to tell her husband to find work in the town. She hoped he would get _4 _ money to pay off (还清) his debt (债). The young man thought she was right and had to say _5 _ to he and started. The young man could not read or write. Of course _6_ would employ (雇) such a man like him in the town. He

10、had to go an island (岛) and _7 _ trees for a farmer there. The island was small and there were only three men on it. They lived a _8 _ life and Sam missed (想念) his mother and wife very much. He wanted to _9 _ them, but he couldnt. Luckily Charlie, who _10 _ for five years, helped him. He asked the f

11、armer (农民) to post the letter for him. From then on (从那时 起)he _11_ the answer every day. About two months later the farmer brought (bring 的过去式) his wifes letter to the island. He was very_12 _ but he didnt read it. He had to ask Charlie to help him again. The farmer came out of the house and found S

12、am was stopping (捂着) Charlies while he was listening to the young man reading. It _14 _ him and he said, “What are you doing it for, Sam?” “I cant let him _15_ my wifes letter. ( )1.A. drinks B. fruit C. medicine D. newspapers ( )2.A. clothes B. money C. houses D. cotton ( )3.A. office B. school C.

13、hill D. family ( )4.A. enough B. little C. few D. Several ( )5.A. Sorry B. goodbye C. hello D. good morning ( )6.A . nobody B. somebody C. everyone D. anyone ( )7.A. burn (燃烧) B. buy C. break D. plant (种) ( )8.A. light B. sad C. hard D. safe (安全的) ( )9.A. look after B. write to C. call D. played wit

14、h ( )10.A. at home B. in hospital C. at work D. in school ( )11.A. waited for B. heard from (收到) C. looked for D. looked up ( )12.A. afraid B. careful C. happy D. unhappy ( )13.A. ears B. nose C. mouth D. eyes ( )14.A. worried B. troubled (麻烦) C. interested D. surprised西点教育西点教育让让成成绩绩更更优优秀秀( )15.A. see B. hear C. write D. touch (摸)三、阅读理解(三、阅读理解


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