高中英语unit 1 文本研读课导学案新人教版必修1

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1、1高一英语 编号:YY-09-01-001UnitUnit 1 1 FriendshipFriendship 导学案导学案PeriodPeriod 1 1 文本研读课文本研读课 编写人:许编写人:许 英英 审核人:高一英语组审核人:高一英语组 定稿时间:定稿时间: 2009-8-112009-8-11 班级:班级:_ 组别:组别:_ 组名:组名:_ 姓名:姓名:_ 【Learning【Learning aimsaims ( (学习目标学习目标)】)】1.To learn something about Anne.2.To improve the ability of reading. 【Imp

2、ortant【Important pointspoints(学习重点)(学习重点) 】 To analyze the whole text and know about the structure of the text. 【Difficult【Difficult pointspoints(学习难点)(学习难点) 】How to improve the skills of reading. 【Learning【Learning guideguide(方法导引)(方法导引) 】Read, copy and recite. 【Learning【Learning procedures:procedu

3、res:(学习过程)(学习过程) 】 Step1 Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible.(温馨提示:说一千, 道一万,记住单词是关键。 ) (A 级)1. Read and recite new words and phrases from survey to dislike three times. 2. 根据所给词的首字母及中文释义,写出各单词的完整形式。 (方法导引,先默写,然 后核对答案,错误之处用红笔标出,写出正确答案并再加以巩固。 ) (B 级) 1) u_ (心烦意乱的) 2) i_ (不理睬、忽视) 3) c_

4、 (使平静) 4) c_ (担忧) 5) l_ (松的) 6) G_(德国的) 7) s_ (连续) 8) o_ (在户外) 9) d_ (黄昏) 10) t_ (打雷)11) e_ (整个的) 12) p_ (能力) 13) c_(窗帘) 14) d_ (积满灰尘的) 15)s_ (定居,停留)16) s_ (遭受) 17) r_ (痊愈,恢复)18)e_ (确实如此) 19)g_ (感激的)20)d_ (不喜欢,厌恶)Step2 Warming up 1. Read these proverbs.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真正的朋

5、友。Friends are just the people who share your happiness and sorrow. 朋友就是与自己同甘共苦的人。A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。2. Give a brief description of one of your friends. The following phrases and structures may be helpful: His/Her name is 2He /She is years old. He /She li

6、kes doing and dislikes doing He /She is very kind/friendly/honest/brave/wise/funny/humorous/ helpful/ kind- hearted and concerned about you / responsible. I think a good friend should be (or)In my opinion, a good friend is someone who 写一篇短文介绍你的朋友:_ _ _ _ Step3 Fast reading (方法导引:略读或浏览阅读(skimming):忽略

7、不懂的句子和生词, 快速阅读原文。目的只是为了了解阅读材料的大意。针对这篇文章我们只要回答 when ,where ,who ,what ,why and how 的问题)1. Skim the first paragraph of the reading passage below and answer the questions. 1)Who is Annes best friend? _. 2) When did the story happen? _. 2. Read the diary quickly to find out the main idea of the diary.(D

8、 级)Anne expressed _ _ _ _ after hiding for a long time. _ _ _ kept Anne spellbound. Step 4 Careful reading.(方法导引:采用扫描式阅读(scanning):进行有目的的阅读, 目的是寻找某些资料或信息,对于无关部分可以忽略。 ) (B 级) 1 Read the passage and join the correct parts of the sentences.1)Anne kept a diary because A She could nt meet her friends. 2)

9、 She felt very lonely because B Jews were caught by Nazis and killed. 3) They had to hide because C She could tell everything to it. 4) Anne named her diary Kitty because D She wanted it to be her best friend. 2. What kind of life did Anne live in Amsterdam during World War?( ) A. Exciting and inter

10、esting B. Frightening but safe C. Frightening and unsafe 3 Detail reading, and answer these questions. 1) What is a true friend like in Annes opinion? _ 2) What is an ordinary diary like according to Anne? What about her diary? (D 级)3_ _ 4. Do you think her feelings changed towards nature? Why?TimeN

11、ature in her eyesFeelingBefore hidingBlue sky ,_, _,_.Never kept me _After hidingThe dark_,_, _.Grow_, Hold her_.Why? (D 级) (由于环境变化而造成的思想感情的变化,环境变化的主要原因是什么)_ _【学习反思】我的阅读完成情况呃,我还要努力!Step5 Difficult sentences (C 级)1. Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? 此句为主从复合句。本句中的_引导的是一个_修饰先行词_.whom 在定 语从句中作介词 to 的,介词 to 也可以提前,这时只能用 whom。Like为介词短语,在句 中作定语修饰 everything. 译:你想要一个_朋友吗?2. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to d


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