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1、登陆网站登陆网站 免费免费下载海量英语资料下载海量英语资料 (申请网站)洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务善待他人是否需要一个良好的环境善待他人是否需要一个良好的环境 Is a sound social environment necessary forFor thousands of years in China, helping others has been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture.But nowadays, the virtue seems no longer exist, for many people dare not offer

2、help to those in need, for fear of getting into trouble. This issue has been a hot topic in the news, and the public is in a high fever to discuss this moral problem. Some people think that helping others is a virtue in China, we should proud of it and carry forward this culture, or it will lead to

3、a moray degeneration. While the rest of them think helping others many get lots of unnecessary troubles which is wasting their time and money, in some situation, they may go into jail. In my point of view, people should be good to others. 千百年来,帮助他人一直都是中华的传统美德。但是今天,这种美德似乎不复存在了,因为害怕卷入麻烦之中,很多人都不敢帮助那些需要

4、帮助的人。这已经成为当今的热点,公众也正热情高涨地讨论着这个道德问题。有些人认为帮助他人是中华的传统美德,我们应该引以为傲,并且继续发扬光大,否者道德就会没落;有些人认为帮助他人会惹来很多不必要的麻烦,费时费钱,有时候还会因此坐牢。在我看来,人们应该善待他人。 登陆网站登陆网站 免费免费下载海量英语资料下载海量英语资料 (申请网站)洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务There is no doubt that some tragic event was a trap by some bad people for blackmail money. The most common case is tha

5、t an old lady or man was lying on the ground and claiming someone was knocked them down, then their children will ask the warm-hearted “evil man” for a pretty penny. I heard a case that a young man helps an old lady who was hit by a car, but the old lady insisted that the young man was the one who h

6、it her. The innocent man has not proved that he is not the criminal so he lost the lawsuit, he has no choice but accept the verdict. Then the poor guy commits a suicide because he has no money for compensation. This famous case has aroused public debate over the climate of morality and credibility,

7、and many people sigh over the moral degeneration. This case like an alarm to that kind, warm-hearted and helpful people, they wanted to give a hand but fare of getting into trouble. 毫无疑问地有些悲剧事件是一些坏人为了敲诈钱财弄出来的全套.最常见的套路就是一老妇人或者老头躺在地上,声称某人撞到他们,然后他们的孩子就会问那个好心的 “坏人”要一大笔钱财.我听说过一个案子,就是一个年轻人帮助了一个被车撞倒的老妇人,但是

8、那个老妇人坚称是那个年轻人把她给撞倒了。那个年轻人没有证据去证明他不是那个肇事者,所以他输了官司,他别无选择,只能接受审判。然后这个可怜的年轻人因为没有钱支付赔偿金而自杀了。这登陆网站登陆网站 免费免费下载海量英语资料下载海量英语资料 (申请网站)洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务个著名的案子激起了公众对道德与信任的讨论,许多人都认为这是道德衰败的表现。这个案子给那些好心,热心爱帮助人的人们敲响了警钟,他们想帮助人,但是又怕卷进麻烦。 As the saying goes: one good turn deserves another. Helping other is a positive ene

9、rgy which deserved to be carrying forward. Since every one of us is a component of the society, it is each individuals conducts that form social morality. I believe positive emotions can be infected, once people see the others are offering help, they might get a big chance of willing to help others.

10、 Just put yourself in others position, if it is you who need help, what would you feel if everyone watches indifferently or suspiciously, some even just standing and taking pictures then upload? Be good to others, no only one day you might need help, but also helping others will make you feel happy

11、and feel better about life. 俗话说得好:好人有好报。帮助他人是一种值得发扬光大的正能量。社会是有人类组成的,而社会道德是由人们的行为组成的。我相信正能量能感染他人,一旦人们看到别人伸出援手,他们有更大的可能会愿意帮助他人。把自己放到其他人的立场去想想,如果你是那个需要帮助的人,如果你看到人家用怀疑和冷淡的眼光看着自己,你怎么想?有些人甚至只是站在在那里然后还拍照传上网。善待他人,不仅仅是因为有一天你需要帮助,还因为你帮助他人会让你觉得生活更美好。 登陆网站登陆网站 免费免费下载海量英语资料下载海量英语资料 (申请网站)洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务In sum, I

12、contend the idea that social environment is necessary for people to be good to others, and people should take the responsibility to offer help to those in need, then we build up a more harmonious society. 总而言之,我认为健全的社会是需要人们善待他人的,人们也应该自觉担当帮助有需要的人的这个责任,这样我们才能建设一个和谐的社会。 “成千上万人疯狂下载。 。 。 。 。 。更多价值连城的绝密英语学习资料,洛基内部秘密英语,技巧,策略请在 网上 申请报名”


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